Information on romance scams and scammers.
by scamsniffer Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:40 pm
This person is wicked- to use a word not commonly used by people raised in the US.
She pretneds to be born and raised in the United States but has grammar like a foreigner. I told her- and she disappeared offline- so I investigated and her profile picture comes up on

It is a complete slideshow of photos of this same model now posing with a new email address.

I did not stick around long enough to have a scam attempt- but she is definitely misrepresenting herself as a US citizen.

On July 6, 2012, she/he/it messaged me AGAIN on YM, gave this UK phone number which is VOIP and could be located ANYWHERE in the world. A TRICK scammers use claiming it PROVES they are in UK- well it DOESN'T. In fact if they have to use a COMPUTER to answer it- why don't they just talk on Yahoo voice with a voice chat which is FREE? WHY pay for a call if it is VOIP anyway? That kind of proves it's phony.


If there is a 70 AFTER the 44, it is VOIP and not a legitimate phone number.

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