Information on romance scams and scammers.
by goldikova Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:35 am
this guy is a scammer my friend has been talking to him for a while now name is dennis dein from virginia us in lagos nigeria contract work he told her he needed money to pay his workers first of all bloody lies then he told her he needed money to eat etc he couldnt apparently use his credit or bank cards all usual rubibish she sent him about £100 altogteher in dribs and drabs but never to his name name was surname bunmi who was his hotel manage ras he couldnt use western union very crafty i told he rthen he was a scammer she wouldnt hav eit he loves me etc then he asked he for bank details so he could transfer his money from his account to hers so he can come see her he kept telling her he was having problems with his ex wife thats why bank couldnt pay it etc all lies then he asked her to get a neteller prepaid card she did so he could have his money paid onto that she sent him card details etc then he told her she needed to send the card to a man living in manchester uk as his bank gave him the address so he could verify the card thats all a conn i told her not to she didnt thank god i spoke to the scumbag on messenger and said verify who this guy is from your bank he blatantly said to me no i wont and tell her to send it now so i told him to leave her a lone and he was a scammer conning her he just dissapered thank god i deleted him for my friend and told he rif he contacts you email jsut ignore it he even uses pics of a russian man from a russian man from a russian dating site she is gutted i am mad these people are scum thay have no hearts

by Katharina Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:53 am
Hi goldikova,

I'm sorry that your friend had this ugly experience. She is lucky to have you at her side.

If I understand correctly the scammer has the details of her bank account?
She should go to her bank and close it and open a new one with a different number.

I don't know what type of prepaid card she got for him - is it a phone card? Or a money card?

Thank you for posting this warning!
by goldikova Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:26 am
it was a money card she did cancel her bank details opend new account thank god these men have no heart and are scum of the earth
by jolly_roger Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:31 pm
Well done goldikova, The individual you mention is a well known fraudulant scammer. It goes under many differing names from what I've been told. Anybody that writes saying they are in Africa on contract type employment must be viewed with suspicion. It is an old scam type story I'm afraid.
by debs_here Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:32 pm
I have had so much trouble with so many scammers that I don't know where to begin. I will be begin with Dein Dennis as I know him to be. He is known here as Dennis Dein and other names. I have been talking to Dein since February of this year so far all I lost from the deal is a phone and webcam that I wasn't using. He has warned me of a lot of scammers that were trying for more than that. I tell him what is being said to me or wanted and he warns me if scam or not. If I had of listened to him on one instance it would of saved me a lot of pain and a felony charge caused by another scam. He reminds me of this often that if I had listened to him. I do not know his face I know his voice. His voice says he is good and kind but the facts here state different and I cannot see so many being wrong. With me his story is he lived in Virginia went to work in the UK for 2 weeks was to come back. The scammer before that he warned me about and I didnt listen was supposed to have been caught in Nigeria. Dein supposedly went there to see that the other scammer was sentenced properly. While there he got malaria and couldnt leave so ran out of money but instead of being kicked out of hotel they let him stay in laundry room. One of the men would let him keep and use his phone but he has left so Dein has no phone at moment he says. He uses an old computer there in the hotel to contact me cause his laptop is in for repairs he cannot afford to get it out. He keeps contact with me even tho I send him nothing else. he said his friend gives him money with which to by food. He needs $300 to pay for room to get his passport to come home but has not gained work to do this. I have confronted him of the scam history I found he says not him but I know i it is. Hate that it is cause he may not of got financial from me but he did my heart. He is very good at what he does. I had his help to block out the first scammer cause I couldnt do it myself. But do not have help here and cannot get myself to block him. I cannot stand the idea of not being able to hear from him.[quote][/quote]
by Dotti Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:03 pm
I'm sorry to have to be blunt here, but I believe it is necessary. Keeping in contact with him is very self-destructive.

His voice says he is good and kind

He is not good and kind. He is looking out for himself. He is warning you about other scammers for 2 reasons:
1)He wants you to think that he is your friend. The more you trust and believe in him, the easier it is for him to steal money from you and/or use you for other things (reshipping stolen merchandise, forwarding other stolen money, etc.).
2)He doesn't want other scammers to take your money, because then you will have less money for him to steal.

It is even possible that some of the "other" scammers who approached you were actually him or one of his accomplices. Scammers will use multiple characters to steal from victims sometimes.

He is not your friend. He is a criminal who is using you. And as long as you stay in contact with him, he will continue to play games and to use you. As difficult as it is to hear, it really is that simple. You MUST cut off all contact with him. Drop him cold turkey. Change your email address and your phone number. You need to focus on straightening out your life right now, and it will never happen if he is in it.

There is other information for scam victims in my signature line. Please do read that information as it may be very helpful.

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by goldikova Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:54 am
omg debs this guy is a scum bafg read what he did to my friend his name is dennis dein and the pic he uses is from a russian dating site ok he told her the manager took his laptip cos he couldnt pay his hotel bill she told him to go to us embassy he made up excuses she never talked on phone to him said he dint have one he made her get a PREPAID credit card everything YES FROM VIRGINIA WAS divorced had a 9 yr old daughter and a german shepherd dog called romeo who his vet was looking after what a liar he kept on talkling to her online to he was in lagos nigeria as a road constructer this is same man he is bad news get rid of him she told him about me that i was scammed etc he used to say to her thtas so bad ill kill the guy who did it etc all made up

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