by scamsniffer
Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:31 am
Poses as Wendy Mark- displays profile pic of Model Bella- see link above. This girl when questioned, claimed she is in Delaware- but when asked to provide the IP number she absolutely refused. I asked 3 or 4 times, and told her if she is in the US like she claims that this would confirm, and if she was not, that would be revealed too. So she proved she was a liar and just left the chat. Further investigation revealed photo is not of her.
Poses as Wendy Mark- displays profile pic of Model Bella- see link above. This girl when questioned, claimed she is in Delaware- but when asked to provide the IP number she absolutely refused. I asked 3 or 4 times, and told her if she is in the US like she claims that this would confirm, and if she was not, that would be revealed too. So she proved she was a liar and just left the chat. Further investigation revealed photo is not of her.