Information on romance scams and scammers.
by shenannigans99 Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:34 pm
My name is Shannon and I believe that an "attempted" scam has been tried on me, as well. He says his name is Sgt. Chris Jordan, based in Iraq as a Special Unit Squad (SUS) member. would not provide me the unit number, said it is classified, but I did received these two documents (posted below) from the email address he told me to send the request to. Thankfully, we have only been communicating through email and facebook and He has nothing more than my name. I will be changing those passwords VERY shortly now!



by shenannigans99 Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:34 pm
My name is Shannon and I believe that an "attempted" scam has been tried on me, as well. He says his name is Sgt. Chris Jordan, based in Iraq as a Special Unit Squad (SUS) member. would not provide me the unit number, said it is classified, but I did received these two documents (posted below) from the email address he told me to send the request to. Thankfully, we have only been communicating through email and facebook and He has nothing more than my name. I will be changing those passwords VERY shortly now!


Edited image to stop blowout. Defaced so can't be re-used. - CW
by Justin Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:45 pm
Hello and welcome to scamwarners!

The tags on your photos you posted are note quite right but from what you say it sounds like a typical military scam.

Would you mind also posting his email address? It will help otheres find this if they google it.

Glad to hear you got out before getting too involved. This low life would have tried to steal every penny he could from you.


by shenannigans99 Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:49 pm
Justin, his "name " is Chris Jordan His Facebook Page is Chris Jordan, he states on this page his birthday is May 5 he said he was 34, based in Basra, Iraq. He states he is originally from Defiance, Ohio. He "claims" to own a home there as well. I have placed a link on his page, and my own that shows the following:

CID warns of Internet romance scams
Special agents from the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command are warning the American public to be vigilant of internet scams and impersonation fraud -- especially those promising true love, but only end up breaking hearts and bank accounts.

His Email address is : [email protected]

I have changed my facebook and email passwords. I have a friend in the US Army, stationed in Ohio right now, who will want to hunt this idiot down and beat his ass!!! There was just too much he left out or would not answer that made me suspicious and I told him as much in an email earlier today.

The funny thing is that I have NO MONEY to STEAL!!!! :laugh-s: I am just a single mother of a 16 year old boy who happens to be in an inpatient CD treatment facility right now. So, hopefully, NO ONE ELSE will fall VICTIM to this GUY!!!! If I had any single female firends, I would warn them ALL about this!!!
by shenannigans99 Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:53 pm
Justin wrote:Hello and welcome to scamwarners!

The tags on your photos you posted are note quite right but from what you say it sounds like a typical military scam.

Would you mind also posting his email address? It will help otheres find this if they google it.

Glad to hear you got out before getting too involved. This low life would have tried to steal every penny he could from you.


(And sorry I posted the pictures too large - If I can figure out how to get his picture from my hard drive, I will post that as well! Thanks so much!! :bowdown:
by Katharina Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:13 am
Hi shenannigans,

you said
The funny thing is that I have NO MONEY to STEAL!!!!
That never stopped those criminals. They will ask their victims to get a loan or a mortgage or not to pay their rent or medication one of their relatives needs regularly, after all "they will pay it back immediately". :evil:
by shenannigans99 Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:13 am
Katharina wrote:Hi shenannigans,

you said
The funny thing is that I have NO MONEY to STEAL!!!!
That never stopped those criminals. They will ask their victims to get a loan or a mortgage or not to pay their rent or medication one of their relatives needs regularly, after all "they will pay it back immediately". :evil:

Well, on top of no money - I have HORRIBLE CREDIT !!!! I cannot get a loan at all.... I have student loans and that is it... and all that money is pretty much spent... He will not get a DIME outta me!!! But thanks for the heads up on that! :beer:
by Justin Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:47 am
Now that I can see some of those images I can say 100% for sure he is a scammer not that anyone had any doubt. The "leave" forms are obviously fake. If you hadn't been skeptical sooner and stoped communicating with him he more than likely would have introduced a "Superior Officer" who would have requested a fee to allow the fake soldier to go on leave. The military does not work this way private citizens cannot request leave for a soldier and soldiers do not have to pay to go on leave.

Very common in this type of scam glad you did not loose any money and thank you very much for posting the information. It will help others.


by Magda Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:00 am

My name is Magda and a few weeks ago I've received an answer to my penpal ad from Sgt. Jordan Christopher. I've answered and he gave me his yahoo ID, because he said he wants to cancel his profile and there we could chat. I've asked him to tell me more about himself, he said he was born in Houston, Texas, on 5th July 1972, he was married and had 2 children, but his wife and his son died in a car accident 3 years ago, he has only his daughter, Kimi. It was strange because the first time we chatted, I said, I have to go, I have things to do, he asked me if I'm coming back, I said maybe, then he started to ask me if I'm coming back in 1 hour or two, and I should give him an exact time when I'll be online again. Then he sent me several offline messages and he was always nervous because I didn't reply all the time or I answered later than he wanted. I told him, I write when I can, and he should not talk like that with me.
After 2-3 emails and a few minutes on chat, he started to tell me that he has feelings for me, I asked him how is that possible, since we never met, we never talked. He said he can't give me his phone number, because of his general, and we can only meet if I request for his general's approval. Everything was strange, but I was curious, what is going to happen.
This Saturday I've received two emails from him, both very romantic and full of promises and love, I could only laugh, because I didn't believe a word of it, and when I opened the second one, I was more than 100% sure this is an another scammer. The second email was addressed to someone else, but probably he sent it to me by accident. Since he started the email with " Dear Joshua! " now I'm not even sure if we are talking about a man. Who knows? I've answered asking who is Joshua, but I was acting like it's nothing important, I told him about my financial problems, just to see what happens. As I thought, NO response ever since.
His email address was : [email protected], but he said that he has to block this one and make a new email address, because of his general. Yes, right. He has to change it, because someone has found out his secret. I'm only worried because he or she could use my pictures from the penpal site and I've also sent a few ones.
So, be careful with this person!
by vonpaso xlura Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:01 am
Thanks for posting! African scammers (if you post the headers, we can probably verify that he's in Africa) often mix up first and last names and even titles — a few days ago I got a scam email from Rihana Warlord, who thought her father was named Warlord, when he was just a warlord. And they pretend to be in love with you, when they're just in love of money.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by Honesty Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:55 pm
He tried to get me - Now I am gonna get him!! :bondage: :=)
Last edited by Dotti on Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: email addresses in posts draw spammers and scammers.
by Dotti Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:13 am
Welcome Honesty,

I have removed your email address from your post. Posting it here will only lead to you becoming an even bigger target for spammers and scammers.

I'm not sure what you are hoping to accomplish with your tracking. There may be several scammers using the same photos, or the scammer who wrote you may be working in a gang--so there is no way to know if all of the "Jordan" characters are the same person. Even if all the profiles belong to the same scammer, he is in another country, out of reach of law enforcement in victims' countries--and he is using fake information, and an IP address that either belongs to an internet cafe or is shared among a large number of users. The sad reality is that unless you lost hundreds of thousands to this scammer or he is already being investigated for something equally severe, you could hand the authorities a physical address, and it still wouldn't result in action--the costs of an international investigation are simply too high.

If this scammer fooled you, the best thing you can do is walk away. If you want some payback, visit and learn about baiting scammers safely and effectively. Then pick a new scammer and bait away.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Norman Barlleo Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:15 pm
Hi shenannigans99
Sometimes scammers recruit victims (who can't pay them directly) as money mules. That is, to receive payments from other victims and send it to them after you take a small cut. They might ask for your bank account to receive money , or address to receive items.
So. it's not always the case of a scammer asking for money directly. They can scam victims in many different ways.
As Dotti said, just stop all communication with scammer and he will go away.

Welcome to Scamwarners!!

DON'T tell the scammer that you found him in this site. Just cease all communications with him and move on.

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