by goldikova
Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:02 am
please watch out for this guy cos he is real manipulative h eis 38 year old american working in maylasia kual lumpur he is a building surveyor rents his home there care etc come sfrom seattle usa everything with this guy seemd good to start with we had same humour etc and got along and he sent me pics which were nice and he added me on facebook but then out of blue can you lend me £100 i have to get my car back cos they took it back the car rental people so i said no i cant i hardly know you and i got please please help me he was supposed to be getiing a loan of his work mate that fell through and then i get your all i have to help me i still said no he has a mother so he said alive in seattle this guy told me he earns like £46000 a year and he is asking fo rmoney to get his car back didnt seem right anyway he somehow got his car back then he was going to come see me and last week guess what his paycheck arrives has to wait 5 days for it to clear i have no money at all can you help i said no again then the abuse started that i was a most selfish woman i didnt care everything i told him to get of his lazy backside and do something about it how can some on that type of money a year not have money to life on yesterday he told me hi missed hi rent balmed it all on me cos all he thought about was me he is so manipulative today i had an offline saying you cruel heartless woman i knew he was a scammer he has so many women on his friends list on facebook and when sometime s i spoke to him he was on chat on facebook to i message da lady on his list to see if he is trying to scam her to to warn her his grammer etc is excellent theres somrtyhing nor right about him watch for him he is a good looking guy well his pics when i saw his offline today i deleted him permenetelly no one caalls me names like that jsut cos he cant get any money from me tough luck go and earn it how dare these people treat us like crap watch cos im sure he will strike again