Information on romance scams and scammers.
by losteverything Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:09 am
His name is Francis, used to live in Italy, in Turin.
He is from Kenya, and as far as I know, there is where he is right now.

It started out with emails. I have, sad to say, deleted ALL of them. I just couldnt stand having them anymore.
It started out with him OHHH so sweet. I was just separated from my ex, and guess I was in the mood for something good. And he came along, and oh my, could he talk! And he sure did.
Told me about his sons, his ex,(never married), his other ex in Italy, (also from Kenya). He told me about love, about all the stuff a woman need to hear. Oh yeah, he was good!

So, he asked to borrow some 200 euro, he would sure pay me back. I said sure, stupid as i was.

Went to Italy, met him, and he was still soooo nice. We stayed at hotels, I was paying, cuz he didnt have a job. I got my divorce-settlement, and used them to pay his ex-for his sons....(thats what I thought, anyway)...and for him.

Went to Kenya, I STILL was stupid enaugh to pay. Honestly, I havent talked much about this. I still feel so stupid, so much like an idiot. All I gave. And every day he said: I have money.....

One day he said: I cant love you when I dont have money, if I have money, I would love you to death.

That was just before he started hitting. I left, but he still have all my property. Or does he? I am sure it is all gone, sold, burned, thrown away. I left money to send it, but sure enaugh, money was gone before the week was over.

I have given up. All my things are lost,My money is gone. Along with my selfasteem, my selfrespect, and all the stuff I used to have.

Francis Waweru Kithikii

[email protected].

As I said, have no idea if he use that anymore. But praying people stay FAR away if he contact you.

by Helen Halper Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:21 am
I'm sooo sorry that this happened to you, losteverything . :( It sounds like you have gone through hell.
Having actually met and spent time with your scammer, you have had a much different experience than most romance scam victims. I'm glad that you got out of there safely and wish you the best in your process of healing and rebuilding your life.

by losteverything Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:48 am
Thank you Helen.
Yes, it was hell. But still I am here. Oh, I could tell about the hate-look in his eyes, the fear when he looked at me like that.The fear I felt when he said: "I want to kill you"... The feeling of being nothing as long as the money wasnt there, and the feeling of being "everything" when I could give him money. The bruises around my neck, the bumps in my head.
I just want everyone to stay far far away from people like that!!!!!!

When I came back, I was very sick, very depressed, had nothing left.

But now? :D I am happy! I have the best guy ever. He treat me like a queen. I am really lucky! I know women in Kenya, who are still there, who are getting hurt every day, and some have even died. So yes, I am lucky!

We need to stop these people! No matter who they are, they prey on women and men who are in a vulnerable situation....They need to be stopped!
by began steele Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:10 am
I think violence against a partner is as bad as scamming. I know it's off the remit here but remember that men also suffer violence against themselves too.
One just has to remember the rules on the internet about meeting people and sending money. I can't say it is a bad way to do it, as after all, I found and met my wife. I do have scammers to thank for that, as she is active in scambusting including here.
The outer wounds will heal and so will inner ones, although that takes a little longer. Take care.........

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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