Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Speld Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:45 pm
Antwoorden op [email protected]

2009/4/1 <[email protected]>

Hi this is you write darya ([email protected]) I had problems with my address, and now Jana pochenit it can
write to my new address [email protected]. I look forward to your reply Darya

datum7 april 2009 00:01
subject (onderwerp)hello

Hello my love. I have received from you the letter, it is good that so have quickly answered me.
The lie that time treats, is impossible to forget, whom loved. Silvery light in winter evening you have come
in my covered with wounds soul. I want to learn force of your caress, my passions are completely given you.
All is stronger than me to you pulls, you have come nearer to me so safely. I want, that you have embraced
me strong and in embraces of strong yours I to color, your hands carefully slided, on my cool gentle
leather. How you already know that I will have holiday and I very much would want to lead it with you, I
want arrive to you you could to help me money that I have charged extra to do all documents and have arrived
to you, it is necessary for me on my visa the passport 310 eruo, you can help me this money?Dear mine but
what when you can help me this money that I have arrived to you?? And so generously with caress have
presented, as anybody cannot give another. So your love is necessary for me, without your love on a part my
heart is broken off. I feel as your tenderness of lips tasted my lips. I wanted to fly up again as bird,
downwind wings to dismiss and up to you to reach. I oppress the my love has opened a door, for you. With you
I have believed in love, you have come as prince in a kind fairy tale and, having believed in a miracle, you
naked soul in a silvery moonlight, my love. Daria

by Arnold Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:22 pm
"I had problems with my address" = "My email address was closed for spamming"
Babelfish translation by the look of it, and a Russian scammer (vlad)

by The Enchantress Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:57 pm
I agree with Arnold, definite Russian romance scammer.

Searched and discovered this;

Daria Zhdanova

Hello my love. I have received from you the letter, it is good that so have quickly answered me. How at you has passed day, how your mood? Has I'm fine come from work made a supper, fried a potato and did salad of vegetables. A lie that time treats, it is impossible to forget, whom loved. Silvery light in winter evening you have entered into my covered with wounds soul. I wish to learn force of your caress, my passions are completely given you. All is stronger than me to you pulls, you have come nearer to me so safely. I want, that you have embraced me strong and in embraces of strong yours I blossom, your hands carefully slided, on my cool gentle leather. And so generously with caress have presented, as anybody cannot give another. So your love is necessary to me, without your love on a part my heart is broken off. I feel as your tenderness of lips tasted my lips. I wished to fly up again as bird, downwind wings to dismiss and up to you to reach. I of the soul have opened a door, for you my love. With you I have believed in love, you have come as prince in a kind fairy tale and, having believed in a miracle, you have naked soul in a silvery moonlight, my love. Darya

Note this warning;

[email protected] Report N1 (added on January, 14, 2009)

Russian scammer. Never answers a question. Only sends prewritten letters so I got out before the love letters started.

And this search note dating sites Russian, Japanese and Chinese;

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.

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