Information on romance scams and scammers.
by txpamela Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:55 am
This is another person who approached me on My Life. His supposed name is Mark Pavel, and his email address that he was using was [email protected]. He claimed in his original email to be a Sargeant in the US Army. I didn't speak with him for a little while after my first email from him, but he had given me his Yahoo Messenger ID. So the next time that I spoke with him was on Yahoo Messenger. We spoke for a little bit on there, and he was actually very nice and was not pushy or overly aggressive. However, during these first talks, he claimed to be a Captain, not a Sargent. Then, we kept missing each other online for while, but we would leave each other offline messages on YIM.

Finally, we started talking again on YIM, and he became a little bit more romantically agressive. Before when we spoke, he would ask me if I would ever consider relocating to another part of the world to be with a man. (He supposedly owned a home in London.) I explained to him that I would never live anywhere by the US, and probably, even then, only in Texas where my family resides. This time when we spoke, he kept saying that he would like to come see me in Texas because he wanted to make me happy. He also gave me an email address where I could write to get him a phone hooked up an unlimited phone time for $400. The email was address that he gave me was [email protected]. Then, he told me that I would need to request to have phone service for Sargeant Mark Pavel. So now, he was not a Captain...he was a Sargeant...another switch in his rank...from being commissed to non-commissioned. Things that make you go, "Hmmm." He also asked me during this conversation when my birthday was, and when I told him that it was coming up in 2 months, he said that he would like to spend it with me in Texas rather than being over in Afghanistan.

I asked him if that was possible, and he told me that I would have to request leave on his behalf because he had signed a contract to serve for a certain time period. He said he would help me with that after I took care of the phone service. This man is obviously a scammer. I am now 3 for 3 of the people that I have met through My Life that are scammers, so I have deleted my profile. DO NOT USE MY LIFE FOR A DATING SERVICE!!!

by began steele Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:04 pm
All the classic Military scams in one package here. Avoid !!!

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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