Information on romance scams and scammers.
by patB Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:50 pm
Hi everyone

I want to warn other women about this guy.
I feel like I have a target on my profile, as this is the 3rd scammer in 3 months. so annoying and a huge waste of my time.
we met on plenty of fish dating site beginning of november 2011. he said his name was Charles,
on his MSN IM his name came up as Charles Thomas. he is an architect working world wide doing building design and had lots of travel. He has a 16 year old daughter that lives with his exwife.
his 1st profile was voguedesigner48 and was from Surrey BC.
my 1st scammer alarm bells were going off, from his email where he mentions he is open to relocating, which is odd as we are both are living in the same city. So I asked where he is living now, and he never asnwered.
more bells went off when he wasn't answering other questions or responding to emails. He wanted to move to IM, where he said he was in moscow on a project, that he would be back 'in town' in 2 weeks, not sure which town that is now as he has a new profile and is from Australia

I kept our POF messages open and see that he has changed his profile to cancanny540911. and he is now from Australia, amazing move. what he didn't know I guess is that once we have connected the site keeps a permanent record until you close your profile. today I see he has closed his account or someone caught on to him and reported him. I resisted the urge to give him a piece of my mind and have sent an email saying I am closing our communicationas I don't see us as a match. so he doesn't catch on that I think he is full of it and is a scammer.
unfortunately we didn't get to the part of what he is after in his scam so I can't put that in here.

Hope this helps other ladies keep safe and avoid heart ache or worse
I am going to send his emails now as he likely writes the same thing to everyone.

Last edited by patB on Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

by patB Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:53 pm
Profile of voguedesigner48, Nov 2, and now cancanny540911, nov 12, changed his user name and photo, now from frankston, Victoria, the only one I can find is in Australia.
I am a down-to-earth guy who daily reminds himself to not take life too seriously. Way too often, it seems we get stressed out about the small stuff and fail to realize all the great things going on around us. I have recently made major life modifications and am looking forward to finding true happiness and ultimate contentment for the first time in years. While never forgetting the wisdom gained thru all sorts of life experiences, I am totally excited to open this next chapter.
If you consider yourself a confident, independent, take-charge type gal who has a burning desire to live, love, and laugh the way they do it in the movies, drop me a line. I'm looking for a friend first. Someone that shares values and an overall outlook. If that works out, the next step is to team up and attack life with passion!

he seems ok in his profile, and his 2nd one is exactly the same words.

by patB Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:54 pm
scammer wrote:Hello there, how are you doing? I am Charles; i viewed your profile and your picture and I am impressed what I read about you. I'm a father of a loving Daughter who is the most important thing in my life, an eternal optimist, content, healthy, happy, laid back and hardworking man. I like to hang out on the weekends, and listen to most any types of music, especially classic rock, country, acoustic and jazz.
I love to cook, gardening, swimming, walk on beach and cuddling. I have wonderful Job, and I'm happy with my life. There's only one thing missing...Hence this site.
I think you are beautiful, and I would like to get to know more about you. Now that I just poured to you little about me, I hope to get to know more about you.
If there are only 3 things you could tell me about yourself ... what would they be? Tell me more about you, and what you are really looking for in a man?
If you would like to chat on msn/window live messenger IM sometimes, my address is [email protected].
Last edited by Bubbles on Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added quote for clarity.
by patB Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:55 pm
Thanks for the kind e-mail, the major modification i recently made is starting out to look for a partner after three years of being alone and focused to my work (smiles). I have decided to try again and not to give up on love. However I am not strongly tied to where I currently live. I would like to meet someone who lives near or far enough that we can visit and get to know one another (i.e. on Island or lower Mainland). But, if we hit it off and things are good, I would consider relocating.

I work as a freelance Building Architect. I design and implement office and commercial buildings for clients around the globe. I do really enjoy what I do because most times it makes me travel and see different people and cultures. Also I have a 16yr old loving daughter currently living with my Ex. wife
I am an open and honest man who believes in good communication, honesty and trust is the key to a successful relationship. Easy going man with a good sense of humor, and light-hearted soul really and always prepared for a good chuckle. I enjoy many things in life and am very willing and open to try anything new.
I thought you had a friendly face. I do feel we have a lot of common ground I love music many sorts but do love jazz and blues.

You may get an intuitive response to me and I hope it is favorable. We are apparently a good match, which may mean a lot in personality terms; personally I'd rather go on the inner spark and chemistry. How about you?

I enjoy our communication; it is good we seem to be on the same wave length. I also want you to know that I don't use the site much. If you be willing to chat on msn instant messenger sometimes.
I hope you have one? Let me know. Hopefully to talk to you soon.

by patB Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:35 pm
I did a search with emails from Charles and found him on rsvp dating site from australia. his new profile name is frankstonvicgavin49. using the same profile as from plenty of fish. except now he is in construction, no mention of a daughter. he certainly gets around.
I was thinking maybe Charles had his profile jacked from POF by this other guy. or I am just being pathetic and wanting to believe that he wasn't jerking me around. :|

by Dotti Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:57 pm
I was thinking maybe Charles had his profile jacked from POF by this other guy. or I am just being pathetic and wanting to believe that he wasn't jerking me around.

I wouldn't call it pathetic--just a little too optimistic. Both profiles are most likely scams, and may be the work of the same scammer or two different scammers (you know the old expression "no honor among thieves?" Scammers steal/copy scripts and photos from each other too.)

I can't say for sure about the other profile, but the letters from "Charles" leave no doubt that he is a scammer, as the grammar/writing style is unmistakeable copy/paste, including the typical copy/paste errors from stringing different information together (hint: google the lines that sound good, and see how many hits you get) and mistakes in the very small amount he actually wrote.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by patB Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:05 pm
thanks Dotti
I guess I am not really good at spotting the 'grammar/writing style is unmistakeable copy/paste, including the typical copy/paste errors from stringing different information together' that you talk about. how can you tell if its copy/paste or real??????

by Dotti Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:45 pm
The profile is the only part that is actually well-written, so I searched a line there.

Everything else is disjointed and choppy. You can see missing words, things that don't flow correctly, verb tenses all over the place, misplaced capitalization (typical of an African writer), inconsistent use of capitalization when appropriate. All writers make mistakes from time to time, but the types you see in his writing suggest that he is not a native English speaker.

You also have an inconsistency right off the bat.
listen to most any types of music, especially classic rock, country, acoustic and jazz

I do feel we have a lot of common ground I love music many sorts but do love jazz and blues.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by hmmmm Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:39 pm
Hello Pat, I had also been chatting with Charles and he sent the same messages to me. I had a feeling when he disappeared on saturday and I found out the same things re: his account that he wasn't real. I contacted pof and launched an investigation and they must have deleted his account because it was fraudulent. I had been chatting with him on msn messenger and email too while he's supposedly in moscow. Early in the morning before work and before bed, again supposedly. Oh well, lesson learned I guess. lol. I'm cancelling my pof account because you just never know what's real on there and what's not. There must be real men out there somewhere! haha
Good luck on your search and thank you so much for posting this. It helped me. :)
by patB Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:59 am
Hello hmmm

you are welcome. he was sure good looking, or at least the man he stole the photos from was.
I am happy you didn't get taken in more by him. I guess I didn't meet is victim profile very well as he didn't email much with me. which at 1st I thought he just wasn't interested until he changed his profile and then I knew. not too smart of him.
he is also on rsvp site as the new profile that he had on POF. I am not giving up on finding love though and I hope you don't either. just be aware of the warning signs. for me those are not answering questions, evasive, spouting undying love in the very early emails as peter butterfield and eric richie did. I am leary on moving to IM and personal emails early but I have a generic email and don't give my last name.
now I will be more aware of how they are writing thanks to Dotti.

take care
by Malsie Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:57 pm
This guy has now popped up on RSVP (I'm assuming it's the same one). He's now under name of
FrankstonVicGavin49I have a copy of his photo on my desktop, but can't work out to copy it to here.

I emailed him on rsvp and he responded, and I asked him to email me at my real email address not through rsvp, as I'm going to hide my account. When he wrote to me I smelt a big fat juicy Nigerian rat immediately with the way he wrote and the way he didn't respond to anything I'd said in my first email. I was previously scammed by a Nigerian scammer and learnt heaps from romancescam website, so knew what to do. I checked his IP addess which is: X-Originating-IP: [] I then traced that with an online tracer to be from Ghana, Africa, not Frankston, Victoria, where he purports to be from.

Naturally I wanted to report him to this website and/or romancescam, so I googled the email he sent me and saw it crop up here under the name of Charles Thomas. The one to me is identical to the one on here in essence:

"I am Gavin; am impressed what I read about you. I'm a father of a loving Daughter who is the most important thing in my life, an eternal optimist, content, healthy, happy, laid back and hardworking man. I like to hang out on the weekends, and listen to most any types of music, especially classic rock, country, acoustic and jazz.
I love to cook, gardening, swimming, walk on beach and cuddling. I have wonderful Job, and I'm happy with my life. There's only one thing missing...Hence this site.

I think you are beautiful, and I would like to get to know more about you. Now that I just poured to you little about me, I hope to get to know more about you.

If there are only 3 things you could tell me about yourself ... what would they be? Tell me more about you, and what you are really looking for in a man?

f you would like to chat on msn/window live messenger IM sometimes, my address is

[email protected].

Gavin "

His profile on rsvp reads:

about me
Extremely romantic, kind, considerate, warm, strong of personality, mind and body

I am a down-to-earth guy who daily reminds himself to not take life too seriously. Way too often, it seems we get stressed out about the small stuff and fail to realize all the great things going on around us. I have recently made major life modifications and am looking forward to finding true happiness and ultimate contentment for the first time in years. While never forgetting the wisdom gained thru all sorts of life experiences, I am totally excited to open this next chapter.
what I'm looking for
A confident, independent, honest type of a lady who has a burning desire to live, love, and laugh the way they do it in the movies, drop me a line. Someone that shares values and an overall outlook. If that works out, the next step is to team up and attack life with Passion.

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