by goldikova
Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:51 pm
helo my friend has been talking to this soldier us army in kabul on yahoo for last month now i di tell he rto be careful and ask him questions etc he says is at camp phoenix is a sgt she asked him to give he rhis army email and army number as i told her to he said he would later tonight when he speaks to her i saw her speaking to him he has good english and knows all the american words etc also i got he rto ask him a question maybe a scammer may not know it was what happens in camp phoenix on a friday every week and straight away he said the bazzar which is correct he didnt hestitate he jsut said it i so want him to be real for her and he seens a nic eguy but and this is the but he uses his friend laptop which is fine cos i read a lot of soldier sborrow each otheres laptops if they take them with them he says he is waiting for his new laptop to arrive which his friend ordered for him drom states what i want to know is can soldiers order laptoips and can thay be sent from states to afganistan coz of security etc he told he rhe has paid half of it and she said to him isnt there computer son camp cos camp phoenix is a big base and has alot of amenities so it must hav ecomputers for soldiers to use he said they is only a few and peopl ecue up to use them who knows so this is what frightens me about him is he asked her to pay the £200 to pay for it so he got email address of guy in states who deals with it from his soldier friend who sednt the first 2 payments to them by money gram so sh emailed thi sguy and she showe dme the email i checked ip said lagos nigeria i went nuts get rid him etc scammer but she told him and she wrote back to the guy and got email back saying he was sent to nigeria on work all seems strange to me and he said he sends laptops to soldier sin iraq and afganistan all the time i told he rdo not send any money till i get advise what want to know is can soldiers get laptops from states etc the soldiers email she got ip wasnt nigeria it traced back to new york states i dont know what to say to her now any advise please