Information on romance scams and scammers.
by anita42 Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:55 am
Here's his profile on OkCupid:

Here's the message he sent to me yesterday. It was his first contact :D

"in one word i would define your beauty as immaculate .. My dear i got on your page and i have been in it for minutes i couldn't step away after i set my eyes on your lovely inviting and captivating picture though we barely know each other and all but im sure we could try to be friends and learn
more about you and i from time to time.I would appreciate the time you would use on here to read this mail and i would look forward to reading from you ..
Yo are just like a tree planted by the water sides cause you got every bit of what a man would search in a lady and it glitters,
You are heavenly blessd by the Lord with beauty

Do have a wonderful week ahead of you,

I have not responded to this. It seems very "Nigerian" to me. He's claiming to be in Baltimore, Maryland.

by anita42 Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:36 pm
Here is an email I received from him today along with the headers. He claims to be in Baltimore, but it's showing he's in Germany. I'm assuming it's a proxy. I can't keep communicating with him, since he has a bit of my information (not my name):

Received: from [email protected] by ( via ( with [InBox.Com
SMTP Server] id 1112061400143.WH93 for removed; Tue, 6
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Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 12:50:40 -0800 (PST)
From: desmond nelson <[email protected]>
Reply-To: desmond nelson <[email protected]>
Subject: helo xxx this desmond fron okcupid
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Its really an overwhelming thing to read from you Once again in this short time,it brings me to an exciting time where i always want to xpress everybit of what i feel from jus the little things i see and read about you My lady, How have you been hope your day been going well ? at some point i was not sure of reading from you because i thought for a moment you wouldn't reply to my notes but i had to give it a try cos you never lose till you try and when i got your notes i was so encouraged and i appreciated the notes . I do want this to last, i mean getting to know more of each other would make a wonderful relationship as friends and an open and trustworthy one i could tell little about me but from my profile you would see and read it for your self i have been single for a while now

Hope to read from you Again
have a bless full day
Last edited by anita42 on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
by anita42 Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:38 pm
Could someone remove my email address? I see that I did not get it all.
by anita42 Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:37 am
Thanks. I see that now, but it looks like someone already did it. That was not my real name anyway, but I still did not need that on there.

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