dropped him a line
my message
[email protected] Opened 2011/12/30
Location Lagos, Nigeria (86% likelihood)
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Hello xxx,
This is more about me, and what you really need to know about me. When I look in the mirror I see an ordinary man living an ordinary life..pretty simple and maybe even boring to some, I don't really go to clubs or bars, I drink occasionally and because I'm hardworking I tend to miss out on a lot of social events and gatherings. I'm love seeing movies and I don't watch much tv to keep up on all the new trendy stuff...In worldly terms I'm "low maintenance" and yet emotionally I'm completely the opposite for I'm a lot like yourself in that I'm a "touchy feely" type who is overly affectionate and even a tiny bit possessive (but not smothering) I'm known by those I call friend as being goofy and funny for I find laughter in every corner of life. I'm pretty mellow and laid back and if I stress out it goes to my back so a woman who knows the talent and benefits romantically of being able to give a great back rub ranks highest on my "want list" ...There is noting more soothing than a woman who can massage my back and rub out the stress..I'd adore the ground she walked on!..oh heck I'd marry her in a heart beat for that matter..LOL
Always having had to share someone when dating or in a relationship I found myself longing for never having to look over my shoulder to see how many stood in line to spend time with her too. So few today take relationships seriously or they treat them casually and like a disposable diaper..toss it out if gets to serious or too much drama. So for a long while I just fell out of sink with the single and dating community and stopped all together. I'd rather be with the right woman then miserable settling for the wrong one. I like to eat anything good and nourishing but more of Mexican food Rice and Bean, Italian and Chinese food. I love local restaurant, going to museum. I love to use cologne - Georgio Amarni. I am religions, and Christian - catholic. I speak English and a little Spanish, I love to cook and soccer is my fav. sport. My fav. color is sky blue.
I could sit here for hours writing about the kind of man I am but it would just be fancy words filling an empty white box..Ultimately I am who I am and its a take it or leave it deal I don't play games, I don't cheat, I don't turn into some psycho dude. I'm a stable, understanding, compassionate and affectionate man who is seeking to find one very special woman to build a lifetime with of laughter memories and moments that take my breath away..the kind of woman that I want most is attentive, affectionate, and outgoing. A lady who thinks outside the box and doesn't need me to do a "paint by numbers" deal with our relationship..she'd think for herself, act on her desires, and stand out above the rest. But best of all she'd be someone I could be proud of and show off to family and friends..not some deadbeat troll.
She doesn't have look like she's been peeled off the cover of Muscle magazine or sport illustrated..she could look like just an ordinary lady you see waltzing through walmart on a Friday afternoon..covered in motor grease, paint, or mud..but her eyes hold you spell bound and her smile makes your knees weak..and her arms look just the right size to curl up in and never come out of...We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly..I'm a romantic by heart I see things with an open mind not clouded by ego or expectations. I want to one day find a woman that I can look at an say with profound honesty..."Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control"..
I've learned over the years that sometimes people put up walls not to keep others out, but to see who cares enough to break them down..love is a scary thing when you actually find it, love is giving someone the power to destroy you ..but trusting them not to. I guess that's a lot like me at times I'm forever wearing my heart on my shirt sleeve.
I can list the many wonderful traits I'd like to find in a woman but the reality is that there will never be that "perfect" woman out there. Instead I keep it real and look for someone I can connect with emotionally. I wont ever have the same likes, dislikes, interests or goals as she and my opinions may differ from her greatly but that's not a deal breaker. I don't want a carbon copy of myself I want someone different, challenging and playfully affectionate who will be the kind of woman whose arms can run into me with her hair a mess, makeup smearing down her face, eyes red and puffy from crying and the first thing I says to her is "your beautiful"..I don't ever want to make someone a priority in my life when I'm just an options in theirs.
So many talk of wanting to find relationships or fall in love, but fear holds us back from taking a risk. When one door closes, another door opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
I hope this gives you the idea about me.
Received: from []
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011
From: Tomas Nunez <
[email protected]>