Information on romance scams and scammers.
by AlanJones Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:47 am
This scammer's details were passed to me by a victim, and I don't have much information at present.

The scammer is pretending to be a German soldier by the name of General Markus Kneip, based in Afghanistan.

Skype ID: markus.kenip

Here are some excerpts of a chat with the scammer:

[29.12.2011 14:43:29] Markus Kenip: Hello,i am interested in knowing you.please can you have time
to chat with me?

Best Regards

Markus Kenip.

[29.12.2011 15:43:36] xxx: xxx hat Kontaktdetails mit Markus Kneip ausgetauscht.

[29.12.2011 16:07:06] xxx: We may gladly a little chat

[29.12.2011 16:48:56] Markus Kenip: yeah

[29.12.2011 16:49:12] Markus Kenip: how are you doing?

[29.12.2011 16:49:22] xxx: im doing fine and you

[29.12.2011 16:49:37] Markus Kenip: I'm good

[29.12.2011 16:49:48] xxx: you come from germany?

[29.12.2011 16:49:49] Markus Kenip: where are you from?

[29.12.2011 16:49:56] xxx: zzz

[29.12.2011 16:50:03] Markus Kenip: yeah

[29.12.2011 16:50:30] Markus Kenip: but currently on assignment here inAfghanistan

[29.12.2011 16:50:40] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 16:50:50] xxx: tell me more about you

[29.12.2011 16:51:05] xxx: im a little bit courious

[29.12.2011 16:51:13] Markus Kenip: Please your name?

[29.12.2011 16:51:19] xxx: xxx

[29.12.2011 16:51:44] Markus Kenip: I'm Major General Kenip

[29.12.2011 16:52:02] xxx: from germany?

[29.12.2011 16:52:03] Markus Kenip: serving here Afghanistan

[29.12.2011 16:52:12] Markus Kenip: yeah

[29.12.2011 16:52:40] xxx: i dont hear from a General Kenip from Germany

[29.12.2011 16:52:56] Markus Kenip: really

[29.12.2011 16:53:14] xxx: yes - i hear only from a General Kneip

[29.12.2011 16:53:40] xxx: and Rossmanith

[29.12.2011 16:53:41] Markus Kenip: Here is my full name Markus Kenip

[29.12.2011 16:54:00] xxx: can i find you in google?

[29.12.2011 16:54:59] xxx: let my try to search your name - i think they must have a lot of information in google about you or?

[29.12.2011 16:55:42] Markus Kenip: ok

[29.12.2011 16:56:04] Markus Kenip: I'm 55 of age

[29.12.2011 16:56:14] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 16:56:21] Markus Kenip: Are you married?

[29.12.2011 16:56:28] xxx: no

[29.12.2011 16:56:35] xxx: and you?

[29.12.2011 16:57:16] Markus Kenip: Well, I'm married but i lost my lovely wife 6 years ago

[29.12.2011 16:57:24] Markus Kenip: i have 2 sons

[29.12.2011 16:57:34] xxx: oh sorry that you lost your wife

[29.12.2011 16:58:14] Markus Kenip: well, such is life

[29.12.2011 16:58:23] xxx: yes youre right

[29.12.2011 16:58:37] xxx: may i ask where are you stationed?

[29.12.2011 16:58:43] Markus Kenip: So what do you do to end your living?

[29.12.2011 16:58:58] xxx: i work

[29.12.2011 16:59:09] xxx: i cant found your name in the net

[29.12.2011 16:59:21] xxx: youre sure you write your name right?

[29.12.2011 16:59:35] xxx: i get only Markus Kneip with the picture you have here

[29.12.2011 17:00:29] Markus Kenip: I' m the Commander of, ISAF Regional Command - North

[29.12.2011 17:00:41] Markus Kenip: here in Afghanistan

[29.12.2011 17:00:49] xxx: ok - so Markus Kneip - not kenip

[29.12.2011 17:01:01] xxx: why you like to write your name wrong?

[29.12.2011 17:03:12] Markus Kenip: erro in typing

[29.12.2011 17:03:14] Markus Kenip: sorry

[29.12.2011 17:03:19] xxx: oooh ok

[29.12.2011 17:03:22] xxx: no problem

[29.12.2011 17:03:35] Markus Kneip: please I'm little busy here

[29.12.2011 17:03:44] xxx: its ok dont worry about

[29.12.2011 17:04:06] xxx: i know a little bit german

[29.12.2011 17:04:12] xxx: if you like i can try it

[29.12.2011 17:04:41] Markus Kneip: please hold on

[29.12.2011 17:04:44] Markus Kneip: okay

[29.12.2011 17:04:46] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 17:11:14] Markus Kneip: I'm back

[29.12.2011 17:11:21] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 17:11:26] Markus Kneip: are you there?

[29.12.2011 17:11:32] xxx: Ja

[29.12.2011 17:12:14] Markus Kneip: ok

[29.12.2011 17:13:10] xxx: i think you must be very busy

[29.12.2011 17:13:54] Markus Kneip: yeah

[29.12.2011 17:14:01] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 17:14:06] Markus Kneip: please bear with me okay

[29.12.2011 17:14:37] Markus Kneip: Bitte können Sie mir eine E-Mail, damit wir beginnen können,
zu kennen besser

[29.12.2011 17:14:49] xxx: gern

[29.12.2011 17:15:15] Markus Kneip: do you understand me?

[29.12.2011 17:15:36] xxx: meine E-Mail address ist xxxt

[29.12.2011 17:15:41] xxx: ich verstehe dich

[29.12.2011 17:15:47] Markus Kneip: yeah

[29.12.2011 17:16:08] xxx: i was for a year in hannover

[29.12.2011 17:16:21] xxx: do you know hannover?

[29.12.2011 23:37:48] xxx: good evening

[29.12.2011 23:38:15] Markus Kneip: how are you?

[29.12.2011 23:38:40] xxx: im fine and you

[29.12.2011 23:39:00] Markus Kneip: [email protected]

[29.12.2011 23:39:21] Markus Kneip: that is my private ID

[29.12.2011 23:39:26] xxx: ok - you have my mail adress i think or?

[29.12.2011 23:39:42] Markus Kneip: you can write me okay

[29.12.2011 23:39:50] xxx: yes sure why not

[29.12.2011 23:40:03] xxx: and i hope i will get a mail back from you

[29.12.2011 23:40:11] Markus Kneip: yeah

[29.12.2011 23:40:13] xxx: fine

[29.12.2011 23:40:59] xxx: will it not be very late for you?

[29.12.2011 23:41:11] xxx: may i ask your time?

[29.12.2011 23:42:38] Markus Kneip: oh here is 3:11AM

[29.12.2011 23:43:09] xxx: oha - and why you dont sleep at this time?

[29.12.2011 23:43:47] Markus Kneip: I have alot of files to update okay

[29.12.2011 23:44:16] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 23:44:33] Markus Kneip: because i was busy this few days

[29.12.2011 23:45:51] xxx: but you need to sleep a little bit - i use the time and have checked you in the net - i hope you have a good health now

[29.12.2011 23:45:58] xxx: and all will be ok with you

[29.12.2011 23:46:16] Markus Kneip: I just wake up

[29.12.2011 23:46:31] Markus Kneip: Thanks

[29.12.2011 23:46:31] xxx: ohhh ok

[29.12.2011 23:46:40] xxx: but try to be careful pls

[29.12.2011 23:46:52] Markus Kneip: I will

[29.12.2011 23:46:56] xxx: good

[29.12.2011 23:47:37] Markus Kneip: can view you on video?

[29.12.2011 23:48:07] xxx: yes you can - but you will not see me good at the moment because i
must of the light

[29.12.2011 23:48:23] xxx: my daughter sleep behind me

[29.12.2011 23:48:27] Markus Kneip: why

[29.12.2011 23:48:37] Markus Kneip: really

[29.12.2011 23:48:44] Markus Kneip: so when?

[29.12.2011 23:48:56] Markus Kneip: hello

[29.12.2011 23:49:21] xxx: you can try now if you like

[29.12.2011 23:49:36] *** Anruf an Markus Kneip ***

[29.12.2011 23:50:01] xxx: i cant see you

[29.12.2011 23:50:27] Markus Kneip: please i'm using desktop here

[29.12.2011 23:50:34] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 23:50:39] Markus Kneip: please bear with me okay

[29.12.2011 23:51:14] xxx: ok

[29.12.2011 23:51:21] Markus Kneip: where are you orignated from?

[29.12.2011 23:51:41] xxx: my grandparents are from germany

[29.12.2011 23:52:10] Markus Kneip: please can you stand a beat for me?

[29.12.2011 23:52:12] Markus Kneip: ok

[29.12.2011 23:52:56] xxx: what do you mean with "beat"

[29.12.2011 23:53:10] xxx: you mean stand up for you?

[29.12.2011 23:53:26] Markus Kneip: yeah

[29.12.2011 23:53:50] xxx: lets do it in the day time - than you can see me better

[29.12.2011 23:54:05] Markus Kneip: ok

[29.12.2011 23:54:09] xxx: gut

[29.12.2011 23:54:32] Markus Kneip: what do you do to end your living?

[29.12.2011 23:54:32] xxx: können wir sprechen ein bischen deutsch?

[29.12.2011 23:54:55] xxx: ich will nicht vergessen deutsch

[29.12.2011 23:58:09] Markus Kneip: hello

[29.12.2011 23:58:15] Markus Kneip: are you there?

[29.12.2011 23:58:39] xxx: yes im here

[29.12.2011 23:58:46] Markus Kneip: yeah what do you want me to say in german?

[29.12.2011 23:59:47] xxx: ich wissen wollen ob ich sprechen kann deutsch mit dir

[00:02:26] Markus Kneip: yeah i don't speak german much because i did not grow up in germany

[00:02:29] Markus Kneip: okay

[00:02:37] xxx: ahh ok

[00:02:58] xxx: but youre a general from the german armee or

[00:03:12] Markus Kneip: yeah

[00:03:36] xxx: so i think you must be perfect with german

[00:03:47] Markus Kneip: i'm a german citizen for sure

[00:03:54] xxx: ok

[00:04:13] xxx: sorry but i told you before im a little bit courious

[00:04:26] xxx: if i annoy you with my question let me know

[00:04:49] Markus Kneip: i speak german but not good writing

[00:04:55] Markus Kneip: please hold

[00:05:11] xxx: ok

[00:08:05] *** Anruf beendet (Dauer 18:30). ***

[00:08:46] Markus Kneip: I'm back

[00:09:25] xxx: ok

[00:09:32] Markus Kneip: please try and write me so that we can know more better okay

[00:10:04] xxx: ok i will try it tomorrow

[00:10:22] Markus Kneip: let me finished my work i have a lots to do here

[00:10:31] Markus Kneip: good

[00:10:51] Markus Kneip: take care

[00:11:08] Markus Kneip: good night to you

[00:11:26] xxx: ok take care - i need to sleep too now

[00:11:53] xxx: gute nacht und viele gute träume

[00:13:59] Markus Kneip: süße Träume zu

[00:14:05] Markus Kneip: bye

[00:14:12] xxx: danke

[00:14:22] xxx: und auf Wiedersehen

Markus Kneip

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:34 pm
Here is an email from the scammer.

I'm very sorry for not send you the email yesterday night due i was very weak please bear with me okay.
I'm Major General Markus Kneip I was Born in 1956 and educated at Eichendorff High School in Koblenz / Germany, I was commissioned into the German Army in 1975.
Between 1976 and 1979,I served in various battalion-level assignments in Koblenz and in Weiden prior to studying management and economics at Hamburg University.
After my graduation in 1983, I held several command assignments at the battalion level for five years, In 1988, I subsequently underwent the General Staff Officer Training and attended the German Armed Forces Command and General Staff College in Hamburg for two years. I spent two years of staff work as a Major (GS) in the German Ministry of Defense (MOD). In 1992, I attended the British Command and General Staff Officer Training at the UK Staff College in Camberley.

I was Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (GS), I was deployed in operations in Bosnia. In 1997, I returned to the German Ministry of Defense (MOD) where I worked as planning staff officer and spokesperson to the Chief of Staff of the Army. In 1999, I Major General Kneip became Military Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Army. In 2001, I was promoted to Colonel (GS) and appointed as Chief of the Army Plans Branch in the German Ministry of Defense (MOD).
Upon my promotion as Brigadier General I was appointed Commander of Jägerbrigade (Light Infan-try Brigade) 37 in Frankenberg / Saxony. In this capacity, I deployed in operations in Afghanis-tan. In 2006.

I'm current on assignment as Regional Command North in Mazar-e Sharif, Northern Afghanistan , including all multinational forces deployed in the nine prov-inces of Regional Command North.I also act as senior national commander of all German troops Presently.

I was previously married but my Wife died six years ago. I have 2 male children .I have been in this warfare for some years and so I am desirous to get someone who will be my life partner again as soon as I retire from this assignment in Afghanistan. You know what it is to be overseas in a couple of years without your loved ones. It is very hectic, demanding and challenging but it is just our Profession.
I will not know how you feel? But I want you to give me a chance and let us start working on this relationship.
Best regards,


The IP ( points to Lagos, Nigeria

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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