by AlanJones
Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:50 am
This scammer goes by the names of B B, Billy Barden, Billy Farming and dmdusty.
Here is an example of emails from him
Here are some of the pictures that he uses

Here is an example of emails from him
Good Morning XXX i hope you had a good night sleep and you are feeling well now .. I would be much happier to know much more about yourself and if i may ask have you finished creating the yahoo or try getting help from your son so we could have some time to chat and see where it leads us too . Kisses and Hugs to you xoxoxoxox
Ok add me also to [email protected] if i may ask you where do you leave and do you have kids?
I do not have recent pictures of me because am now in Afghanistan doing my peace keeping mission and don't have a camera or recent pictures .. If i may ask what are you doing today and how is your day and weather going ?
Here are some of the pictures that he uses

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.