by goldikova
Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:08 pm
hello been talking to this guy for week now seemed ok etc all his pics were in civies not in uniform etc an di live in england so when he said he was at raf alconbury in cambridgshire i was well chuffed i checked the base out and it is run by us air force now so thought ok seems ok he even told me he was waiting for his deployment letter to come from states as it would be his last deployment before he retires from military he is 48 got on good etc we were even going to meet next week cos i am only 1 hour from bas ehe was at then today get email from him his deployment letter has ccome and his unit are off to syria for 6 months today i spoke to him on msn while ago before he was going now from what i hear on tv news etc there is lot trouble in syria right now but i didnt think there was nato or us troops in syria at all when i asked him this he said yes there are some i need to know if there are any nato or us troops at all in syria would any body know cos im not sure if this guy is real or not right now his probably fake like all rest