by bferguson
Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:13 am
I found Paul's name while skimming through the posts. I have been in touch with Paul for over 1 1/2 mos. He is very literate at first when chatting, but then uses broken english later in his chats. He is also a charmer. He currently is supposed to be in Ghana purchasing gold. While in Ghana he took travelers checks to the bank there and the bank would not cash them immediately. There was a hold for 2 wks placed on the checks. Well due to some expenses Paul had he needed $700 and of course would pay me back in 2 weeks. I do not have extra money to send and told him that I really wished he hadn't asked for money, that he was trying to scam me and this would be the last he would talk to me. I haven't heard from him as of this date. He has not demanded or threatened me. But he is either spanish speaking or another language speaking.