Information on romance scams and scammers.
by dooneygirl09 Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:35 am
Our Mother is a real nieve woman. Signed up for and met a guy by the name of Sylvester James. Says hes in Afganistan in the marines and a sargent. Has sent us pictures which i will attach. My mom has sent him a laptop and a cellphone. I am trying to tell her shes getting scammed but i need more evidence. all he does is claim his love for her over and over and over. nothing else. says he has a kid. uses skype and doesnt have a webcam. uses the name jamesjames40883. texts from used [email protected] told my mom to send this email a message to get the right address to mail the laptop. asked for an ipod, and my mom said shed mail him a camrea aswell. says he lives in tampa fl

Sorry about the bad grammar and no commas. I just have a lot of misc. information and want to see if anyone can give me some feedback.


by AlanJones Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:24 am
Hello dooneygirl09 and welcome to ScamWarners. I'm sorry to hear that your mother is being scammed by someone claiming to be Sgt Sylvester James.

The best way of proving to your mother that this is a scammer that she is dealing with is to show that he is not really in Afghanistan. We can do this by looking at the headers of the emails that he sends, which should have the IP address of where he really is (assuming he is not using Gmail) in them.

To view the headers go here ... rguide.htm and read the instructions for the mail provider that your mother is using. Once you have the header, copy it and paste it here and it will tell you where he is writing from.

Another thing you could try is Googling sentences from some of his earlier emails as they are likely part of a script and you may find him or someone else using the same script.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by dooneygirl09 Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:31 am
I got

domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts)
by AlanJones Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:39 am
There should be a lot more to the header than that. What email provider is your mother using?

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by dooneygirl09 Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:41 am
I got it. It traced it to Accra, Africa. And the address she mailed the computer to was indeed in Accra. Is there anyway to get that computer back?
by AlanJones Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:54 am
Unfortunately, she will not get the computer back. Your local police will be powerless to do anything and won't be willing to open an international investigation for something as small (in relation to the costs of the investigation) as the laptop.

The important thing to do now is to make sure that your mother understands that this is a scam and that she has been communicating all along with a man in Africa and not the person that she saw in the pictures. She should stop communicating with him and just ignore his emails. He is not interested in/does not love her, all he wants is her money/gifts.

You also need to be wary of recovery scams, where the same scammer (or another one) gets in touch with her claiming to be from the FBI or some similar organisation and says they can get her money/goods back. You can read up on this type of scam here viewforum.php?f=14.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by dooneygirl09 Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:58 am
Thank you very much. What a slap in the face. I hope she believes me when I tell her.
by judalla Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:52 am
Read my post on [email protected] Alfred Davids

He is an engineer that went to Ghana and had his laptop, camera and phone stolen. I met him on Plenty of Fish - sent me a message to talk 1 on 1 but his profile was NOT on the site even though he DID have a profile (offste - easy for them to do)

He told me his laptop, camera and cell were stolen from his luggage during his trip from NY to Ghana. Could I pick up a laptop and camera for him at my Walmart and then ship it to him (They buy things with stolen credit cards - t he merchandise starts showing up at your house because more and more things are asked for you to ship to them fed ex and then the cops show up at your house accusing you of having the stolen credit card information and buying things on that stolen card)

He also wanted me to get him an IPhon 4s and order it for him in MY name, have the billing in MY name in My address so that I would get the bills 'Until he gets home my love, you know we are going to be together forever'

I DID get a phone number out of him because I said I have no clue WHO YOU ARE. He said call me in an hour it's my 'driver's phone number.' Of course I called, it was an Afican voice, not the white male in the pictures he showed me. I also called the Accra Holiday Inn where he was staying and there was not Alfred Davids or even a David Alfreds registered.

I also got him to give me "Alfred's home address in Brooklyn' and when I googled that address in I did find an Alfred Davids.

Before that I googled his email, his name, engineers in NY, the name of his so called company, the name of the company in Accra Ghana he was 'buidling roads for' and I found NOTHING.

Then I took all the information, copy of the flight itinerary (opened the headers that show the tacing, IP information - look at the link at the bottom of emails he has sent) and saw it was from California, NOT NY, the names, phone numbers and every piece of information I had, Google Imaged his photo and found it on a travel website, and once I had ALL this info I got out of 'my love' I reported it to ic3 and found this site and others and reported it as well.

Perhaps print up some of our stories on here....and hand them to mom. We all want to be loved, especially when we are on dating sites. You mom is not naive, she is lonely, and these predators prey on that.

I hope things work out......and that she sends no more laptops of money and stops contact with this man. Talk to someone who knows computers about how to block all 'remote access' in her computer so he can't get into her computer to get anymore personal information about her that he already has. Firewalls can be gotten past when someone has the right software and knows how and where to look.

- Judalla

Poster's real name removed - CW
by jolly_roger Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:10 pm
dooneygirl09 wrote:uses skype and doesnt have a webcam.
And that is another tell-tale sign it is a scammer. Because as soon as they appear on webcam - the game's over.
Thanks for posting the story dooneygirl09 because it will alert others to the fraudulant individual. I only had to read the second sentence of your original post to see it was highly sus. I'm sorry your mother has been taken for a ride. The scammer is sitting back having a good old laugh. As Alan indicated, simply stop all dialogue and communication with the con artist is your best course of action. Please do not be confrontational towards the trickster, or divulge they are reported here because you will only be fed more crap and lies.
by dooneygirl09 Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:19 pm
Can someone please look more into this for me? My mother is STILL talking to him, since she found out her last 'boyfriend' was a scammer as well. One after the other, now she goes back talking to him. She says she wants PROOF. And I dont have that kind of proof like I did on the Henry Thomas.

This is the new crap hes doing.

He asked her to send him $2600 to send her a box containing $30,000, information and documents he has from the Army. What a crock. I asked her why shes didnt ask him to take the $2600 out of the $30000, I got looked at like I was insane. :yikes:

She says shes seen him on webcam. She claims she can 'make him out' on the webcam, but Im just not believing it. I think shes seeing what she wants to. I try to explain and explain to where I dont have any more words, and its not good enough.

Also, he claimed to be coming home 2 Sundays ago. Hes never actually called her, but texted her and told her he was on his way home. And then the next day says he still hasnt left. I can see right through this crap, why cant other people?

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