Information on romance scams and scammers.
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:45 pm
Hello, excuse my English but I'm French Canadian and I was almost scamed by Richard Comb.

I'll put some parts of his e-mail.

from [email protected]

Let me tell you more about myself, I am caring, honest, passionate man with a great sense of humor,I really love to laugh and smiles because laughter makes me happy. I am adoring,looking good and goofy sometimes.I like to go dinning, horse riding, hiking, boating, skiing, camping, beach, cooking and lots of outdoors and candlightdinners.I like to play Golf, I love animals and nature. I'm independent man who like traveling, and I also love my Job. I was married for 5 years, my Ex -wife was a British and also I do have an European hereditary in me which am so proud of....My mom is half British and Canadian while my Dad was a French-American and he served in the US Air force for 22 years until he's death. I have been divorced now for the past 5 years due to lost of communication and most of all lack of management from her.....I mean she never loved me if the material things wasn't there. I also love to fish and maybe sometime soon we could go fishing together. Basically beauty should never be the basis of any relationship but though it has got a little % into it.When I came across your your lovely profile it was like I have never seen anything like that before, I felt like I have known you before...that's quit unusual you know.I think of myself as an honest, kind, compassionate, humorous, passionate man who lives and loves life to its fullest. I also take each day at a time and try to look to the future with hope that destiny finds me the one person who I can truly love and laugh with.I also would like someone that can enjoy the little things in life - like sitting at home and reading the poetry for me. Why?? Because I believe that it is the little, sometimes mundane things in our lives that seem to matter the most. The thing I miss most in my life now is an intimate relationship with someone who will hold me close just for the sheer joy of it while talking about the life, plans for tomorrow, our innermost fears and dreams for the future. I crave verbal and physical affection and can return it in spades when I feel safe with someone.I believe I have a great capacity for caring and being a trusted friend, and I consider it one of my attributes. I consultant in Engineering and also deals in Gem Stone, I do that as self-employed professional and still hoping to widen my horizon. Reading through your profile have showed me we have a lot in common and I like you for being who you are and a resourceful woman that has gotten you to where you are today,one other thing that I liked about you is that your caring woman which gives me so much joy to finally know that I could meet a woman like you that I have so much desired to have in my life.I still like to know more about the nature of your job and other things about you.
Last edited by orchidee69 on Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:46 pm
email #2

Thank you so much for such a sweet response and for also sharing much details about you and the qualities you have.I read your self description and it is somewhat amazing that our background seems so much alike. I am a caring and loving individual. When you get my trust, you get it all. If you tell me something, I'll take it to the bank. I am not a suspicious or jealous person. I have seen those traits consume some people and it is such a waste of what might have been a good relationship. I am honest and straight forward and don't have the time or inclination for games. I am real. What you see is what you get. And even though I am straight forward, I would never deliberately say or do anything to hurt anyone's feelings. I am just not wired that way.

I was pleased to see that you enjoy a good sense of humour. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't laugh and smile... it makes me happy to laugh. And I know it would make me even happier to have someone special in my life to laugh and smile with. I am not a gadabout, nor would I want to stay home all the time. A combination of both would be going out for dinner or maybe making a very nice dinner at home. I don't know about you, but if I had someone I was truly interested in spending time with, it wouldn't really matter what we were doing as long as we were doing it together. And I don't mean 24/7. But I bet I could give you a run for your money on fishing. Learned how to fish from the time I was a little kid. And if you went fishing with my Dad, no sissies. I baited my own hook and removed my own fish when I caught one. The two things Dad wouldn't let me take off the hook were catfish and snapping turtles. He didn't want me to get hurt.

I will be honest and tell you the email I received from you was the most motivated I have ever received on this site. If I knew what this site was all about, I wouldn't have joined. I sure have deleted a lot of emails.. Most emails consist of sexy and nudity thought. It was extremely refreshing to hear from told be quite a bit about yourself, which made me more comfortable to do the same. However, I am a cautious man and certainly no fool, although I can sometimes be fooled because I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I have been hurt before, so I also tend to protect my heart.

I don't really know how this is to work, but hey! here is an exclusive. If at my age i do not know what and when to say, then what would i be? When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already, he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more important than a happy ending? A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his achievements, he is reduced to nothing if he has no crown to complete him and that is a woman to call his own. Wife and Best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need to hold hands. A woman whom i can call a partner in crime,lol A woman whom you can tell anything. How could you think anything can make you happier in life than finding a love that knows no bound.

I am a civil Engineer like my late father. I have worked at many countries across the globe. Right now i am renovating an oil RIG that has not been working for over 10yrs in Dubai United Arab Emirates. The present project here in Dubai is my last on the field and i shall quit field works and continue my works from my home office while my men do the field work operations so i can have more time for my gem stone business as well as my partner to be. I think i really have gotten to this height cos i embraced work for so long trying to get over my wife, that i worked this hard, but i think i now realize i can move on. I studied in the university of Liverpool in England and Imperial college London for my masters. I worked for Schlumberger international for 12yrs before i resign to start up my own business 10 years Ago. My present contract was awarded to me in March last year.

Now about me. I love people . . . all people. I love to hear their stories and learn about their lives. I am kind, loving, caring, playful, spirited, funny, a good listener, intelligent, honest, loyal, trustworthy (I sound like a boy scout!), and a great friend. I was blessed with a very happy childhood and as a result, I am happy and joyful and optimistic. I continually find myself thinking that "life is good" and "I love my life!" I am grounded, down to earth, intuitive, a great problem solver and have an incredibly strong spirit. I am extremely passionate, and that goes for anything I believe in. I love a good discussion and communication is important to me. I want my partner to share with me and make decisions together. I believe in people and am trusting. I thought I would lose my trust after my heart was broken so badly but trust is just part of my soul, my character. I am sympathetic and empathetic to others. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. I give a great backrub. I live by "the golden rule." When confronted with a decision, I try to take the high road.
In general, I love life! There is so much to see and do. I love to travel, to see new places, and I love to come back home again. I love to talk to people. I like to take long walks, hike, rollerblade, fish (flyfishing), smell flowers, work in the garden, sit by a fire, read a good book, do crossword puzzles, draw, sing songs, hum tunes, play guitar, dance, cook, crochet, scrapbook, ride horses, pet dogs, play with children, help a friend, sit by a lake and skip a rock, watch trees blow in the breeze, do anything outside, walk on the beach, collect seashells, spend time with family, entertain, play games (cards and board games), play Ping-Pong, play croquet, play golf. I love traveling,skiing, hiking, camping, Movies, Reading, diving, going to the opera, pool. and watching sport . I enjoy listening to jazz, soft rock and soul music, i dislike rap music cos i feel its associated with violence. I have never smoked in my life, even when i am working on the high sea i would rather took a whiskey than smoking. i can give anything just to relax on the beach, I like eating Chinese food. i love pasta too. I had to stop eating french fries, cause is making me add too much weight.

What do I really want from a relationship? I want a partner who is my best friend. I want that magic of "chemistry" when you meet the one you are destined to be with. Someone I can talk to and listen to. I want a giver, not a taker, and I in return would give 100%. I want to hold hands and feel that bond of closeness. I want the comfort of a woman's arm around me, and the gentle guidance of her hand on the small of my back.. I want to feel protected, loved, adored, and cherished. I want to give and receive small acts of kindness. I want to cook meals together. I want a woman to dance with me, to hold me in her arms . . . the rest of this paragraph is going to have to wait until we're past the friend stage!

One of my greatest dislikes is not been honest or telling a lie. Its drives me nut and it can spoil my mood for a whole day. when i am angry i like been left alone as i will calm down all by myself, but i don't get angry easily and i forgive easily too when there is an apology. I am not a man who questions my partners decisions as much,i show her so much respect in other for her to respect me too. like my mom always say, the woman makes the home. I like to give, cos its in giving that you receive. I think of people a lot and i like donating to charity organizations like the Red Cross and UNICEF. I don't hate, as it is dangerous to hate, if i have my way no human in this life will be hungry.
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:48 pm
email #3

Here is a little more about me in general:
I pay attention to little things, the quality of the light from day to day, the pattern of clouds in the sky, tiny hopeful gestures that one person makes to another, humorous coincidences...These details bring me much happiness and gratitude. I have learned enough to realize how truly little any of us knows about this wild ride we're all taking together (there's reality and then there's perception, after all). I am confident of what I do know and have a sense of humor about the rest. I am curious, intrigued, and amused. I live with exuberance and integrity, passion and compassion. The passion and compassion came unbidden.

I enjoy the taste of fresh ripe fruits, gently-prepared vegetables, legacy-crafted cheese, and full-bodied red wine, and the intellectual pleasure of literature and film that offer fresh and thoughtful perspectives. Ideally, I would enjoy all of these at once weaving sensuality, spirituality, and rationality into one fully-experienced, ecstatic celebration! I like to walk on the beach when the tide is very low and watch the dolphins play just beyond the breakers. I am enamored with trains as a metaphor for the timeless ebb and flow of life. The sounds of the wheels along the rails, the luggage along the cobblestones, and the mournful wail of the whistle echo for me the back beat of a universal dance.

I am accomplished personally and professionally and would like to meet others who are similar. I do not expect that we should have traveled the same path necessarily. Rather, I would like to know that we both possess the capacity for clarity, compassion, devotion, and tenacity. I want us to be good at looking as deeply and fearlessly as possible at our human, fallible selves. I want us to have experience in the process of working steadfastly toward a goal and accomplishing it. Having done this, perhaps we will find the grace and strength to navigate the complexities of relatedness, to find sustenance in small daily miracles, to remain steady when out of our depth, to return again and again to a sweet and comfortable balance.

I have learned to see through delusion for the most part and to open my mind and heart to what is new and sometimes uncomfortable. I am interested in learning about everything! I don't mind letting go of my preconceptions when they are challenged by evidence to the contrary. (Evidence is the operative word here). I am easily bored by unsubstantiated opinion. In fact my boredom increases with the force with which such opinion is stated as fact.

I just want to meet someone who wants someone to be there forever. Life is too short and so I am committed to simply living it fully AS IT IS with a mate. Thank you so much for sharing all of your beliefs and know that I feel the same way. If I only had someone to spend the rest of my life with who would love and cherish our time together. To watch the sun rise and sun sets and know we are all blessed to be on this Earth. And everyone should be happy. I would rather be alone than with someone and be unhappy. I feel sorry for the people who trudge through life always looking at the worst and never having a smile on their face. Laughter keeps you young at heart. And if laughter is the best medicine then I am very, very healthy. I have cried many tears in my life. Tears of sadness and tears of joy. I am a very emotional person. Life is too short to make people mad and sad. I always try to see the good in people.

I started my journey from Canada before my father was called upon to join the US Army, after which i left for Liverpool in England for my university education. Unlike me, You have worked in so many places... you must be a bag of experience. You have a big and beautiful family. Whao, you still have a father, i have lost my father, he must so close and mean a lot to you, he is a good father also, bringing a beautiful woman like you to this world. I love your father and i hope you are okay with it... if your father becomes my father! I dont have a big family like you... my only brother died over ten years ago and i am the only one left, my nephews, nieces and cousins are distance from me... i guessed it is because of my work. Although we still say hello! Yes, i cancelled my registration on contact network because i was there looking for a partner (woman) and now that i got YOU (Danielle).. there is no need for me to still be on the network, so i decided to cancel it. I am 44, 45 in September this year. i believe we have so much in common, all you write about yourself and your values are all i desire in my partner. You are right, it is good to put the cart before the horse. Like i told you earlier, i deals in distribution of gemstones to manufacturing companies (companies that turns gemstones to jewelries) and i dont know until now that some mines will be opened in Abitibi, i will get more information about the mine... this will be great coming home to you to continue my gemstones business while i am in the arms of my partner to be. What do you think???

Here's a poem I wrote so I wanted to share it with you...I hope you like it:
Tomorrow is another Day As the sun rises above the mountains,
and the moon settles its beams into the sea...
Another beautiful day has been born for you and me...
Take this day, the only one that truly matters and
make it shine like no other before....
Make each second, each minute each hour count as if it were your last...
Take the time not only to smell the roses, but also to feel the grass....
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:53 pm
email #4

I live in a rented house with nine other of my expatraits staffs. I pay for the house quaterly. The building has eleven rooms, two kitchens, a tv room , a recreation room with a pool table, a pent house, a swimming pool and a lovely garden. Its specifically build for expetraits who come to dubai to work for a period of time.

I am on the north of Sharjah rig in the coast of Sharjah. having to wake up every morning by 6 to catch up my chopper down here. Working from then till late at night, yet being able to be distracted by this woman. I have over 300 labors here, both skilled and locals, yet all could notice a new glow on my face.

I work six days a week apart from Sundays. My contract here entails i prepare the rig for production. I do not handle exploration but only construction. Right now we are intalling the pipping system and the drift indicators. Installations of the pumps will come later.

i would love to meet you like i say to you in my last mail and i would love to communicate with you on Webcam but i dont have a webcam, i would have love to communicate with you on Skype but its a risk i use skype, Why? because of inflammable.. fire rick and it has been prohibited that i dont use such. However, i would love to communicate with you through Messenger.. you can add me with my mail address. Hope it is okay with you?? I love reading you mails cos it brings out magic and sparkle that brighten up my life.

Troy my friend just got married almost two years now. He found his woman on the internet and to be sincere, he inspired me. I did not buy a house until now, because i would love to find my woman first, then building a home would start from there. I am being true to my feelings.
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:56 pm

Do you believe in Love, even amidst this crazy world we find ourselves in?
Do you believe that happiness has value more than every material things we may get in life?
Do you believe that you have a good heart to care for people unconditionally?
If you found a hundred dollar bill on the road and see a hungry orphan, would you feed him?
If you get into an arguement with me, and i pull you close to kiss you, would you still kiss me back?
Would you love those close to me as i would love all those who matters to you?
If i bring you breakfast to your bed, would you kiss me after saying thanks?
Do you love to run away with me sometimes where we would be out of business environment to spend quality time together?
Do you believe the world should concentrate more on peace projects than war fundings?
Do you have faith that every man is the architect of his own destiny?
Do you believe that Life without Love is like a harp without strings?
Do you know that, You can’t make someone love you?

All you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth. If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm, and You might be my rythm? If you have said yes to all these and you say no to my next question then you might not really know what you want then,lol. WOULD YOU BE MINE TODAY, TOMORROW AND TILL END OF TIME?
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:58 pm

Here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime: Be your best friend. Get caught with you in the rain. Dance with you in the rain. Stargaze on a clear night. Watch the sunset together. Spend all day with you doing nothing. Moonlit walks on the beach. Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment. Go on a carriage ride through the park. Do a crossword together. Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger). Go for a twilight horseback ride. Watch a bad movie together. Spend the rest of my life with you. Have our picture taken together. Eat ice cream with you. Make love to you soooooo passionately. Go to a museum together. Talk to each other using only body language. Give you space when you need it. Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do). Discuss current events in a heated debate. Have you see the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a tree/table. Go for a walk at dusk together. Be one with you. Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you.(BUY YOU AN EXPENSIVE PERFUME) Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you. Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes. Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic. Spend my life making you happy. Spend my life making our family happy. Feel your heartbeat. ALWAYS being honest with each other. Go hiking/camping together. Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together. Laugh at someone together. Share a plate of spaghetti. Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of. Go on a road trip across America. Count thunder together during a thunderstorm. Envelop you in my soul. Cook your favorite meal/meals. Know you better than you know yourself. Plant a tree in our yard together. Look over at you during a family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you. Be able to say "I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries. Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most. Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding. Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss. Grow old with you
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:59 pm

I write you this little words to let you know... I cant wait to give you my first hug.. hope you love it my sweetness,

I think of you,
when the morning comes and night time goes away... all day,
Dont you ever think that we wont be okay.... no way,
There is nothing stopping me from loving you,
Touching, rubbing, kissing and hugging you,
Whats this feeling taking over me,
Honey thats love and there is no stopping it,
I'll go as far as the eyes can see,
Pick up the pace and it ain't no dropping it,
Always forever I'll be by your side,
Cos You're my Bonnie I'm your Clyde,
That's the way that it's gonna be,
Cos I'm in love with you and you in love with me,
I Cant wait to Go outside, sit down and talk with you forever,
You and me,

I cant believe,
That someone like you will love me endlessly...forever,
If this goes our way my love will always be...eternity,
You have set my mind my love my heart so free,
Together forever however just you and me
Whats this feeling taking over me,
Honey thats love and there is no stopping it,
I'll go as far as the eyes can see,
Pick up the pace and it ain't no dropping it,
Always forever I'll be by your side,
Cos You're my Bonnie I'm your Clyde,
That's the way that it's gonna be,
Cos I'm in love with you and you in love with me,
I Cant wait to Go outside, sit down and talk with you forever,
You and me,

To have you right next to me here by my side... I can't wait,
To kiss and caress you girl while I'm holding you tight.. I can't wait,
Can't imagine life without you, it just not right... I can't wait,
I got a whole lot of loving and you will get it in a matter of days
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:01 pm
I just got to work, even though late, but then, i have four locals down with serious injuries and one gone. This is the most painful thing i have come across. Now the Rig tow they were rushing to fix before my arrival, did swing into the best place after rolling down on them before time, so they were catalyst to its best position, but they did pay a hard price for this. I hate accidents on site, sometimes it makes you feel like not having to use local labors, because they sometimes make these mistakes that doesnt make sense. I feel bad enough to feel responsible for them. The four have been taken to general hospital now, i just pray for the best for them, i pity the family of the deceased. They spoilt my mood this morning because they should have waited for us before making such vital installations. These are even men who lack basic insurance for that matter, risking thier lives and now i feel responsible for what has happened to them. Maybe i should have been on the rig early enough.
I can't write much this morning, would try later. I just think it right for me to share my feelings with you.
Last edited by orchidee69 on Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by orchidee69 Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:04 pm
even though their mistake did cost me well over $65,000 but i am more than joyous that they are going to be ok. I am seeing the dead one's family later in the morning (its 2.00am Thursday morning). They just want to spoil my mood.

I looked so tired because I did not sleep last night. We all went to see the worker's family today and it was really devastating. He is a Muslim and he was buried this morning according to Muslim rites. Many people were really sad, including other workers and their families. It was bad for us. We symphatized with them. We spent a few hours with us to be guilty and have a heart of stone. We left there around 12:00 and we all went to the hospital to check on other workers and I am so sad to hear they are still in critical condition and I felt so touched. I prayed for them while I was in the hospital with tears in his eyes. We spent a few minutes with injured workers, because we all could not bear to see them in pain.

When we returned home after our visits, we had a meeting about what we should do about the deceased's family and I thought we should donate to them, but Chan has suggested that the family may be thinking that we are trying to buy and we all thought about it. Shirley went there and called for a sibbling of the deceased and asked maybe it would be nice for us to donate to them and said they would sibbling really appreciate it. Shirley called my mother and others for the gift and they all agreed. It's not that we can not all get the support themselves, but we try to spread it around and trying to raise money enough for them because the deceased had three children. Shirley really cares about everyone and he really struggled a lot to her and she tries her best to call everyone. Your email makes me really happy. Shirley asked me maybe you could help us with the gift of the worker and I said I do not really know about it. She should ask herself, I can give them
your email address. She said she is amazed that i can finally have someone i want to settle down it and I laughed. I said I do not think it would be good for you to do with many things happening in the world today. I do not want you to do something to create distrust between us. So I let her know that I do not know your opinion and I would ask you. So here I am addressing you. Can you help the worker's family? we want to make sure everything is ready before the weekend just to compensate. I want to hear your response on this matter.

*** This is the last email... of course... hahahaaaa *****
by orchidee69 Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:43 pm
Like I see, the same guy send the same email again and again!!!!! :bondage:
by judzhere Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:30 pm
Another using the name Chris Becker [email protected] sent me almost word for word. He would not accept my invitation to meet. So I got curious. and took the poem he said he created for me. HaHa and searched on Google... yep there it was, I was expecting it to be written by an poet low and behold a scam Conversation never got to money request... Just wanting to add that name as a scammer.
by Bubbles Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:30 am
Thank you for adding this information, and welcome to ScamWarners judzhere. Scammers change names, or use the same script as other scammers. We appreciate you helping to expose this scammer.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by ratt84 Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:23 am

Marital status: Divorced
Have kids: 1

Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
Languages: English
Education: Master's Degree
Occupation: Entrepreneurial / Start-up
Annual income: Over $100,000

My Ideal Match
I'm looking for: Long-term Relationship
Gender: Woman
Age range: 35 to 50

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