Information on romance scams and scammers.
by trish47 Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:13 pm
I know there are thousands of fools like me who have fallen for a man who needs money to get out of Benin Africa because he has finished his contract there but as credit cards are unheard of and his pay came in a cheque from an American bank, he needs money to get out and meet the object of his love.
I met this individual who calls himself Thomas John Greaves on Tango Wire an online dating service. He seemed to be very respectful and never used offensive language. Very soon we exchanged private emails and mobile numbers. We developed what could be called a "romance". As communications with him were very difficult and he said he was about to finish his contract and retire and "he was so much in love with me", he explained he did not have the money for his air fare to come to Madrid and meet me but he promised he would pay me as soon as he got to Amsterdam and could use his credit card. At first I refused to do so, but he was very persuasive and in the end he has stolen more than 4,000 euros from me. He had the nerve to scan his "ticket" so I could see that he was really coming to meet me. The story is too long and plagued with unfortunate things that kept happening to him and I became his victim. I have pictures of someone he says it's him, but I do not know if this is real. After having read your description of the professional scammer, I can tell he is definitely one.
Beware! Thomas John Greaves is a scammer.

by Ralph Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:53 am
Hi Trish

I am so sorry to hear you have fallen victim to this scammer, please do not feel as though you have been foolish

The person who has stolen from you is a professional thief and he is very good at his "job"

Could you please provide as much detail of this scammer as possible which will help prevent others from being scammed.

Email address and early emails are a good start but photos and phone numbers are also good if you have them.

I suspect you have already read through the romance scammer information we have posted but just in case you have not already done so, please read through this viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3607
by The Enchantress Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:04 pm
Sorry you have been scammed Trish, please do not feel foolish.

These scammers are professional thieves and callous heart-breakers.

If you have any questions or concerns please post and a support team member will be glad to help you.

Also if you prefer you may PM me and I will supply my warning mail address.

Scamwarners is here for you and will support and help you.


Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by eternalsummer Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:50 am
So sorry to hear you were scammed Trish, I was too and they really are so good at what they are doing, they make you believe they are in love with you and will come to see you as soon as possible. Then they will pay the money back and all is well. That all sounds so familiar to me, my scammer too scanned his ticket, he was supposed to come from Nigeria via Amsterdam. These people are so sleazy..we trusted them and they just broke our hearts and took our money. We just have to deal with that..can we learn something from this...sure, at least I am more cynical now, everybody online is a possible scammer! But we havenĀ“t done anything wrong, we just trusted them like a normal, empathic person does.

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