by Grunt
Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:04 pm
zorpia profile deleted immediately
nick: DavidAdams0510
Male,37, Houston, Texas
sorry, no profile details
Lagos, Nigeria
nick: DavidAdams0510
Male,37, Houston, Texas
sorry, no profile details
Hello xxx,
How are you? Sorry for my late response to your email.. Have been pretty busy and just had time to check my email. How is everything going on your end? I would like to know more about you but I will sure send you a brief note about me.
Have a good day,
Lagos, Nigeria
Hi xxx,
Most of my life was spent in my home country in England, UK. Growing up as challenging because I had no friend I could mingle with, I have friends in school but not around home. I was the only child and my parents always look after for me. My Dad died when I was 10 years of age, since then my Mom has being the one to take up the resposibilities and she did well training this about through to get a degree in Business Management.
I moved here almosy 6 years now and the atmosphere is good. My mom died and it was hard for me to comprehend with things easily over there so I though if i changed location, things might be better but of course She's always in my memory, I just couldn't help crying and shedding tears everytime I don't see her around. She's a strong woman. I don't have a brother/sister so have tried to do everything alone since I was an adult.
I could remember, as a kid I was a very cute one, lol. One whom many bullies would target, but only to realise there is a tough side to me. Even though I didn't have friends a lot, I was a target to bullies and still make impact in people;s life at a very tender age. I guess because of my rare way of making friends that switched the eyes of bulliees to me. I could make a sober person dance, I could affect one with my smile. I grew up having more older friends, many would confide in me. To tell you, I am a type that doesn't judge not minding how dirty you may be, just come clean to me, and I will give you support.
So that's something that evolved around David Adams. Can I know about Ms xxx?
Last edited by Grunt on Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.