by Ralph
Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:06 am
This scammer uses a variety of names, Antonio Luca is just one of them.
email address [email protected]
Phone number 44 7035900939 which is a UK redirect phone number, these can be set up and used from anywhere in the world including from Africa
Also uses this Nigerian phone number 2348024225861
Known Ip addresses,,
Says he is an Italian living in Miami
Has a 4 1/2 year old son named Romeo
Will need to go to Nigeria on business
His son will become ill and require your money to save his life
Works as a video documentary worker (or journalist/writer)
His wife died at childbirth
Uses this picture
I will continue to gather and add more information as it becomes available
email address [email protected]
Phone number 44 7035900939 which is a UK redirect phone number, these can be set up and used from anywhere in the world including from Africa
Also uses this Nigerian phone number 2348024225861
Known Ip addresses,,
Says he is an Italian living in Miami
Has a 4 1/2 year old son named Romeo
Will need to go to Nigeria on business
His son will become ill and require your money to save his life
Works as a video documentary worker (or journalist/writer)
His wife died at childbirth
Uses this picture
I will continue to gather and add more information as it becomes available