Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Grunt Tue May 01, 2012 8:03 pm
Flintz Kellywood
USER ID: 4718578
Age: 59 (Jun 18, 1952)
Gender: Male
Country: Belgium
State/Region: Liege
City: Grenwick
Children: Have
Want Children: No
Living: With kids
Who I Would Like to Meet
Gender: Male
Aged: 51-100 y.o.
For: Love, Chat, Other
i always love to laugh and my dimple cheeks are very lovely and smile is really a genius smile.

pic shows
Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources.

pic from 2007 ... binson.php

by Grunt Tue May 01, 2012 8:06 pm
uid 656CE471-AC44-4C03-9D66-4ACE7E5C2106
Flintz kelly wood
Male, 56

yahoo avatar
pic from 2011
Los Angeles-based Sir Ken Robinson spent twelve years, in a previous life, as a professor of education at the University of Warwick in the UK. He is now professor emeritus and speaks to audiences throughout the world on the creative challenges facing business and education.
by Grunt Tue May 01, 2012 8:14 pm
Salinco D'maestro
Worked at Footballer (striker,winger and lidfielder)
Lives in Accra, Ghana
Favorite Quotations
life is like an ice cream
enjoy before it melts
yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
today is a gift;
That's why we call it the present.
About Salinco
Salim out there,doing his own thing,wish to play for black stars and seriously working on it,aside football,i play snooker and a very good player for that.I like looking at the beauty side of everything,likes hip hop musics and my favorites are Pliers,Young Jeezy,Lil Wayne and Bird man.Am cool,thus,laid back in relationships.I hate lies and dishonesty and i like revenging when am deceived.

Image Image
by Grunt Wed May 02, 2012 2:16 am
To [email protected]
Opened 2012/05/02
Location Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States (86% likelihood)
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Organization: Network Operations Center
Services: Confirmed proxy server
Type: Corporate
Country: United States
State/Region: Pennsylvania
City: Scranton
by Grunt Wed May 02, 2012 2:44 am
Thanks for the r and how are you doing..?I really like everything I read in your profile and my gut instincts tells me you are a good woman....
But here we are with you in somewhere else and me, far away in the middle east Afghanistan) on a Peace keeping with the army.. Too bad isn't it? well as long as we have life, we can still have time for our selves in the near future, what matters is life, right?I do understand the distance thing; I just truly believe that there are no boundaries as you seek your life companion...Maybe it’s about time I tell you some stuff about my self and I hope you'll tell me some more in your next mail.
How do I set the ball rolling? Well, with a dual citizenship(British-Spanish) I was born and bread in the town of Greenwich,London,58years ago by a Spanish mother called Mirtha Tejedor and a British father called Spencer Kellywood.It was there I had my elementary, high school education and also study mechanical engineering in a local community collage which prepared me for my Army career. Right after college, I worked a while and later enrolled into the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Berkshire and graduated in 1972 as a Sergeant.Shortly after commissioning, I then obtained a study leave to furthered my education in Defense Intelligence,sponsored by the Military at the Ross University..
I have also been in and out Ramstien Camp in Germany that's where i was given the post as a Colonel and that's where most Generals in every army are trained.My first station was Royal Artillery Barracks,Woolwich in South East London.
I was once married to a beautiful woman called Linda,we were married for 22 years and she died of cancer in the blood rendering me a widower now...Well I believe God has his own purpose for that...I had made up my mind to stay single until i die but i have realized one thing also as staying single is not such a fun thing to do because i always feel lonely and i wish i had that company of a very loving and affectionate woman.I know that they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I go to bed with tears every night waiting to see the woman of my dreams in my sleep.Every day passes by without me thinking about that special woman.
I know I am not perfect, but I do have goals in my life. I take good care of myself. I am honest, sincere, and true, and I have a lot of love to give if you are willing to be on the receiving.I have found true love before and i still believe there is true love somewhere out there.I also said I don't care about looks or money,i have my own and granted they are nice things, but I am after a love that will give me a reason to breathe.
I want a future Wife in my life, someone to hold, confide in, laugh with, cry with; someone I can watch football with, fish with, walk along the beach at night with. I want it. I deserve it, as do you.If you are looking for someone understanding,loving,caring and sincere then i think you shouldn't go any further with your search.I am a Colonel and one of my main duties are as a Chief Warrant officer in charge of logistics and i have been in this field my whole life.
I am currently on PEACE KEEPING MISSION in Afghanistan and will be home on retirement in five weeks and that is one main reason why i joined the dating website even though its not safe out here to be using the internet and everything i still had a thought about dating since for a long time now i never went on a date and am about to go on retirement and want to have that special woman in my life so that when i come back on retirement i can be with till the end of the world.
I never knew how to do this online chat and it was my son who thought me how to chat online and to send emails but unfortunately i cant always be sending emails because most of my time i talk to my son online. He is 14years old this year and in college now at Kings,collage,London
would love to hear your voice but it's rather unfortunate we have a communication break down and hope you can bear with me for sometime...
Looking forward to hearing from you soon...

Received: from []
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012
From: Flintz Kellywood <[email protected]>

General Sir David Richards head of the Armed British Forces :lol:

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