Information on romance scams and scammers.
by debra Tue May 15, 2012 6:21 am

Please may I know if he is also a scammer :

I have a good sense of humor, and if I wasn't so nervous in front of big crowds of people, I would do stand up comedy for a living. I love to make people laugh, but I also know when to be serious. I believe the old saying that laughter is the best medicine, I don't like seeing anyone sad, so if I can crack a joke, or do an impersonation, and get them to laugh, or at least smile, that makes me feel good. I am probably one of the last of a dying breed, I still believe in being a gentleman, I like to respect ladies, and I always treat women with care and dignity.

THE most important quality would be GOOD COMMUNICATION - especially the ability to communicate your feelings! And there's more: I'd like to meet a woman who looks for all the things we can agree on; who can let go of materialism and enjoy the things in life that really matter; who appreciates a man's kindness and understanding; who hasn't lost touch with her gentle sensitivity; who loves to hug and kiss; whose appreciation of the world goes beyond the five senses; and last but not least, who understands that love is as much about giving as it is about receiving.

I want someone who is open to communicating at all levels. I'd also like to meet someone who can make me laugh, I'm looking for a woman with an ease around her. A woman who can join me in cracking jokes over drinks with friends. Or flirt with notes that we'd leave in each others lunch bags. Oh, and if you can make me laugh? That's be icing on the cake.

I am passionate about treating animals fairly and humanely, I am passionate about self-improvement and my personal growth, and I am passionate about my family. [Please note: Your kids are welcome!]

his email id : [email protected]

Hi contact number: 1-484-2380651

Trust to hear from you soon!

by AlanJones Tue May 15, 2012 6:25 am
It's a scam. A search of the phrase " I believe the old saying that laughter is the best medicine, I don't like seeing anyone sad, so if I can crack a joke" returns results from a number of dating sites for profiles going by different names.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by debra Tue May 15, 2012 6:59 am
Thankyou very much Alan this is another one from the site.
by gooddoer Tue May 29, 2012 11:45 pm
Another scammer
+441314716128 (its a satellite ph)
SHAADI ID : SH20894536

John DeLaurentis
May 28 (2 days ago)

Today, I want to tell you about how much I think about you and how much I have fallen for you. I wish I could read your beautiful mind and see what your love for me is. I'm loving you with all my heart and yet I have no idea if you feel the same way. My heart is ready to split in two because I need you and yet I don't know if you need me. From the bottom of my heart to the height of my will, I confess my everlasting love for you and I hope you will respond likewise. My days and nights are now brighter than anything, because with you it's like I have my Moon on my lap. Dear, you make me feel extraordinary. I feel myself flying and feel that the world is such a beautiful place now. Thank you so much for your love and your care which you give me every second of my life, and thank you so much for thoughts of me, they guide me through my days.

I know that I can't give you as much love and care that you will give me because I know I can't be an angel like you. You are a real Angel. You are an Angel of love and kindness. I really adore you and want to give you my hearty feelings. I pray today that you continue to be blessed and live long. I tell you today that no one can take your place in my heart as I'm here for you every second of my life with lots of love and best wishes.

Always about you,


John DeLaurentis
May 27 (3 days ago)

to me

Hey Honey...Your emails are so inspiring. They speak of a great heart willing to love and be loved. I envy so many things about you (your strength, your spirit of expression and your courage). You surely possess the attributes of a potential woman for any responsible man.

It's been a relaxing day for me here. I'm having a great time with Isabella and her friend Ashley who lives next door. I'm taking them out to a park around and would do some mini shopping. I'm resuming work tomorrow and I can tell tomorrow is going to be a hectic one for me, as I have so much piled up for me to attend to.

How is your weekend going? I hope you had a good time last night with your friends. It's funny how you make me smile these days. I write to you with a huge smile on my face. Everything just seems too good to be true to me right now. I feel like I'm on dreamland and I need to wake up.

Isabella won't let me spend another minute to write this note to you. I would love to write more, but will write much better when I can. I just check you on yahoo messenger, but I guess you aren't there. I don't use a smart phone.

You're always in my thoughts.



John DeLaurentis
May 25 (5 days ago)

to me

It's been a lovely day with thoughts of you. I have been on and off writing you this email since 5:35 am. I feel I owe you some expressions about how I feel. I feel I have to explain to you what I might have not explained to you properly. I believe we all have dreams, dreams we all long to achieve. I do have dreams and envisions, but all these are just about me and Isabella, I also have plans, dreams and envisions about my future partner, but dreams and plans of us, how would that work when you aren't involved in the planning? Believe me, I'm living many of my dreams today, dreams of being able to make everyone around me happy, dreams of having a good career, dreams of being a blessing to those around me and dreams of living comfortably. I only have one dream which is yet to be fulfilled, which I believe you know. Being in love with the right person is a dream which seems to be another world entirely, where all dreams are revisited, where my thinking would be reconstructed as a father, a husband and a man of honor, who has someone to share the grace of life with. I wonder if I'm making sense to you right now. All I'm trying to make you understand is that, whatever dreams I have now, it’s secondary, my Primary dream would be brightened when I have you. A single man's dream is self-centered, I can't be dreaming of living in Asia with my partner when she has been dreaming of living in Australia with her partner, as couples, we have to dream together. Most of my plans for Isabella are plans a father would offer a daughter, but do you think a father can make perfect plans of a mother for her daughter? Isabella loves dancing, and she enjoys swimming. She attends a dance class every Wednesday and Friday evening. Her dance teacher shares the same name with my mom Sharlene. Isabella wants to be a Nurse in the future and that makes me happy. I'm happy that I have a daughter who in the future would be saving lives and caring for people. It's a dream for me to make her dream come to past. There is an annual poem reciting competition that comes up at the end of every summer term, where parents have to write poems for their children. Last year Isabella won the 3rd prize and she was happy about it. The prizes are given to both the children and parents. It was a great day and a sad day for me when she won this prize, for when they called on Isabella and parents to come out for their prizes, I came out alone with Isabella, with every other kid coming to stage with both parents (mother and father). Those are situations where you really feel the need for truelove. Honey, many of my thoughts and feelings are better expressed in person, so you could understand exactly how I feel. It takes so much to truly be able to read my feelings from these words. I'm a responsible man which I'm proud to say anytime of the day, and it hurts me you can't see this clearly.

I know you have been through some difficult times in your past relationships, but I advise that you should not be weighed down by your past; do not bring negativity into your thoughts for it affects them, that has been my motivation. You always have to be positive about whatever you put your heart into. The fact that you have dated unserious men doesn't mean you don't deserve someone serious. Remember, the fact that something great ends, doesn't mean something greater won't begin. You are destined for success and not failure, never settle for less. I haven't been so open with a woman in my life with the way I'm open to you. My dream place to live with my future partner, (I hate to say it that way, for it is you I want to be my future partner). My dream place for us to live is Bahamas, I wish we own a house in one of their resorts. Who knows you might have a brighter dream than mine. I can't force you to live my dream which you might not like, but believe me, I can live in your dreams as far as you're there with me. Your dreams matters to me more than mine should matter to you. Women are more emotional and committed to their dreams than men I believe. A man could be dreaming of a car now and wakes up one morning, thinking the next car is a better dream. I intend taking Isabella on a surprise to Disneyland, which she has always been dreaming of. I'm checking out another vacation on here which I think would be fun, but this would me much more fun with you. I hope you would join us.

As an adult and as a man, my eyes have seen so many, so much which I cried for in the past. When I think about them now, I don't cry over them anymore. The only thing that makes me cry today, that brings so many tears to my eyes is, when I see Isabella cry, I hate to see her cry, and most times when she cries, she cries because she says she wants to see mom. This comes as a result of going to school and her peers are always talking about what their mom does for them every day, so she sometimes come home and says, daddy, when is mom going to take me to the park? All I can tell her is don't worry I will take you, and then she starts crying, saying I want mom to take me there. Gifts, toys and all these material things don't comfort a baby more than parental love and guardian. Both parents have to help their kids grow strong and emotionally. The only thing that can put these tears away is you. If you would be ready to take care of Isabella like you own biological daughter. I already see us living together and I can imagine how beautiful that seems.

I work as an independent contractor, I go in search for contracts on building, repairing and construction of oil rigs, over-water bridges etc. and when I get them, I have a team of qualified engineers whom I work with. Sometimes I don't necessarily have to be there to work most especially at the beginning of the job, as we all understand our jobs perfectly. I'm responsible for the financing, the provision of materials, the organizing and the direction of work to be done. We sometimes rob minds as to doing a perfect job. My job sometimes require a hundred per cent attention. This on-going project is estimated to be completed on or before the 7th of June, 2012. Then after the project, I intend quitting my job, and investing into something lucrative. As for financial crisis, one has to keep earning, for if you aren't earning and you're spending, there would be crisis. I'm fine and happy with my financial state. I don't have too much cash though, but I have assets that put a smile on my face about my (our) future. I'm still thinking of what to invest in and I'm open to ideas. I want my money to work for me this time, not me working for money anymore.

I enjoy cooking but I'm not a good cook. The only dish I can do perfectly is an Italian dish which is Riso (Rice), Risotto with saffron and Riso with shrimps. I love Italian dishes, little of the Chinese dishes and I also like some African dishes. Living in Ohio is quite relaxing but that isn't the best for me. To be honest with you, I have always loved to live close to an ocean, by the beach. I love the feeling of waking up to have a great view of nature. That turns me on. Being natural turns me on and holding hands, kissing my woman turns me completely on. I usually don't kiss, but when I do, I kiss passionately and that turns me on. Would you believe it's been 3 years since I either made love or had sex. That's a was the last time for you? Are you romantic? Do you enjoy discussing romance? What turns you on? What are your dreams and where is your dream place to live? Tell me more about your job. Tell me more about your financial state. When do you see yourself retiring your job? Do you ever plan to look into something else? Have you ever thought of relocating? Do you like me? Are you in love with me? If so, do you love me enough to want to take life risks with me? Will you be that woman that would never seize to make me happy? Do you see us living together happily for the rest of our lives?

Sometimes I wonder what I have done to deserve a second chance. I lost one and yet I found another angel. How did I become so lucky? I trusted my instincts and got only you from that market and you turned gold. My instincts still direct me, move ahead with her in your journey. I really thank my God. Every time I ask for something good, he gives me the best. Take me to your heart, take me to your soul, and show me that wonders can be true. They say, nothing lasts forever, we are only here today, and Love is now or never, please bring me far away! Give me your hand and hold me, show me what love is, maybe I haven’t got a clue, be my guardian star. Take my hands before I am too old, lol. I could go be with some friends to have fun, but they don’t really comprehend. I don’t need too much talking, without saying anything, all I need is someone who makes me want to sing, and you do a great job on that. I have written a song I would sing for you when I get to you. In less than 2 weeks I will handover and come to you, where I belong. Would you mind picking this old man from the airport? lol.

Have you ever danced in a rain? Give it a trial and see how free your soul really is. We should really take this to another level. Let me hear the voice of an angel. Be warned I have been told I have an unsorted accent, but sexy,lol. When could we probably have a chance to have a live chat on yahoo messenger? Now that I can hardly get you out of my mind. I wonder if there would be anything to talk about when we meet in think it's time we starting hearing wonderful and horrible voices and accents. Here is my number too +441314716128 . I will call you later in the day.

Your love,


John DeLaurentis
May 24 (5 days ago)

Hello My Sunshine,

You must wonder why I call you sunshine, it's because I can't get the picture and thoughts of you off my mind, they lights up my heart. I feel like giving you a hug. You are just a lovely woman with a heart so bright and I feel this. The only reason this was possible is because you must have portrayed yourself well and you have been the wonderful being you're made of and this is truly the best I can ever wish for of a woman. If I ever fall in love with you for beauty, I won't walk more miles to see more beauty, If I love you for wealth, I won't walk more miles to see more, If I love you for smiles, I would see more on TV, but the only thing I can fall in love with is You, which can't be cloned or gotten from anyone else because its being You that makes me want to give up everything I'm doing just to be with you. Like I said earlier, it takes a life time to try knowing the reason why you feel the way you do with some people. The answers are never there, trust me, the day relationships starts falling is the day people can figure out the exact reason they have loved each other. Life is boring if perfect. Life is worse when there is nothing to change about anything.

The balance in life is based on the facts that, there must be thieves and criminals for the police to remain employed. The medical practitioners would run out of business if we are all hale and hearty. The legal practitioners would die of boredom if there are no offenders. If everyone are vegetarians, Oh my! Guess how many people would not earn a living. Christians bring out the best in Christianity because of the presence of Islam. Whites gain from Blacks, Blacks gain from Whites. If everyone is rich, wealth would be meaningless. Who would do the laundry? Who would drive the cars? Who would guard who? Who would keep whose money? The essence for this paragraph is that, if you can read the meaning in this, then you are my woman for sure, for you understand what it takes to live in a better world. We were all created for each other. There is much fun in helping. We can all be better if we accept the fact that we can't live without each other. The world would be a better place if we can start accepting things we can’t change, because the only constant thing in life is CHANGE! Sitting here thinking about you, brings out a part of me that loves everything.

I have a proposal for you this wonderful day, because I know you at least care about me, after all, you wake up to check on my email and know if I'm still alive, lol. That is something. So I want your help today. There is this woman, whom I just met, and I sometimes wonder how she has gotten my attention in such a short period of time, but I would be stupid to submit to fears. I noticed that she already has a place that cannot be replaced in my heart. Who could ever think of hurting such a woman who only wants happiness? I want you to help me find her and tell her, I am not known for fears. I know a journey of a thousand years start with a single step. A man who wants to fly must at least learn to stand on his feet! Kindly tell her if she is willing, I would love to take her hands. I am a man who gives nothing or everything. Once I have her hand, I can promise her forever. Tell her I know this is not going to be a kid walk, tell her I know there are times we would argue in future, but tell her I would teach her to know that even while we argue we would still be holding hands, because there are two sides to a coin. Tell her life is short, but we can make paradise out of it. Tell her, her worries have become mine, because I do not really know how she has done it. Also tell her that coming across her was by chance, communicating with her was by choice, but then falling for her is beyond my control.

You know where to find her my dear, just go to your dressing mirror and you would find her staring back at you. Please look into her eyes and speak this to her for me.

Baby give me your heart, love and trust, for mine is yours now and forever.

Your prince charming,

P.S. I love Italian, Mexican and Basically all kinds of food. I enjoy exploring new meals. I'm not that picky when it comes to food.

ohn DeLaurentis
May 23 (7 days ago)

to me

Hello my goddess,

How are you doing? I am so sorry for not writing you a note yesterday, I had to work yesterday as we are behind schedule. I got to my Condo on the late side of the night and was very tired so off to bed I went, I did not even get to shower,(my bad).

I work as an independent contractor, I go in search for contracts on building, repairing, construction of oil rigs, over-water bridges etc, and installation of underwater spilling censors (that's a huge one). When I win contracts, I have a team of qualified engineers whom I work with. Sometimes I don't necessarily have to be there to work most especially at the beginning of the job, as we all understand our jobs perfectly. We sometimes rob minds as to doing a perfect job. We work Mondays to Saturdays. Only Sunday's are free and I get to spend my sunday with Isabella. It's a job that sometimes require a hundred per cent attention. I'm responsible for the financing, the provision of materials, the organizing and the direction of work to be done which is very demanding. This project I'm working on is on the Anrews Platform, one of the subsidiaries of Halliburton. After this project, I intend quitting my job, and investing into something lucrative. As for financial crisis, one has to keep earning, for if you aren't earning and you're spending, there would be crisis. I'm fine and happy with my financial state.

We are working hard to complete this project before the last week of this month. I'm working harder so I can come to you show you how much I can steal your heart, Let us see if you can resist this happy man! LOL. Yesterday was fun because we left the rig early and we had a good time at the quaters. I was with the L.O.G (League of Gentlemen) at thier quarters. Oh! I need to tell you who the L.O.G are. They are my professional buddies. We work together, we have more of a friendship relationship than Employee employer relationship. When one of us has an occasion to grace, you would be thrilled. We could act much and make a crowd laugh out their stress. There is Nelson, Bishop, Ronald, Frank, Lee, Lucio, Lawson, Chan, and Mike. Nelson met Debby online while we were in France, then we moved out after our project. Chan is a clown who enjoys getting on Nelson's nerves, but they have always been like that. Bishop would call them, cat and dog. They would make fun of each other and I tell you the whole party would laugh. But today, Even Debby is Chan's best friend. After their marriage, we went to Saudi to bid for a project on one of their oil platforms. I personally logged most of my funds in the bidding's and so did many of us. It got to a point that we were knocked out by their local politics. It left us stranded, please don't laugh at us, but somehow you wouldn't believe it, Debby did most of the work of getting our naughty asses out of there. We were disappointed that we lost big, but as humans, we didn't know God had a bigger plan for us. Just the week we got back to Europe, we got this biggest project of our career which is on the . We were bidding for a $4 mill gain project and we got a gift of over $10 mill which is more Beautiful and rewarding.

Most of my colleagues still have this envy in them, but as it is, I did not make myself but God did. When we went back to the Canada to finalize Nelson's wedding, we met her family. My dear, they had us for days and the old man did not want the us to go. They impacted so much into our lives. Even the man calls on us like a father from time to time till now. What I know is that, we were able to get people's love, not because of wealth but because of our simplicity. That is one thing that can never be compromised in life. So yesterday, I gave them an exclusive on how I met this woman who has become a screen saver on my mind, and they were thrilled, saying they can’t wait to meet her. They promised and had a bet on who would be closer to her, can you believe that. They all said, Hey...please put up her pic in the main room, lol.

How did your day go? Do you think you have listened to your heart? Listen to it and you will find out how much we stand to gain! I am just a man who wants my best friend with me. Someone I can look at and smile for no reason. Someone I can’t wait to get home to be with. Someone to hold in my arms and whisper to her ears. Someone to run my fingers through her ears. Someone who is never afraid of telling her deepest thoughts to me. Someone who sees me more as her twin. What do you think?


by Grunt Wed May 30, 2012 11:07 am
for google to pick up :D

by gooddoer Thu May 31, 2012 12:04 am
by So-sad Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:30 pm
Thanks gooddoer for your post. Here is a series of emails from John DeLaurentis. This one evolved from His user name was feelingmyss. He used the identical photo and then some. What's interesting is that 2 or 3 of the emails are almost identical to the ones you posted...

Phone: 15125379062 (Austin, TX) - verified by authorities in Canada and was warned that "we" are on to him
E-mail: [email protected]

From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 5:52:19 AM
Subject: Good morning Beautiful...

Hello Dear,

Your pictures have not seized being the most amazing picture in my head. You're just never away from my mind. Yesterday, We started final test running which is the concluding part of this project. I feel relieved. It has been another wonderful experience on the site with so much beautiful things to write about. Today this project is 14 months and a week old. I'm totally relieved and I'm happy that you're largely involved in the concluding part of this project which has always being my prayer (To have a woman, a wife, who will be a motivation to my success). I really thank you. I owe you a gift for your part in this. You deserve it. You deserve all the wonderful things in the world. Nothing compares to you my love. Everyday, I fall over and over in love with you and as time goes on and a new day shows, thoughts of you enlarges my heart and my love for you grows. I just want to thank you for sharing your love with me, for making me the happiest. Thanks for being the most awesome woman a man would ever wish for. Thanks for the caring and loving experience. Thanks for understanding me and most importantly, thanks for just being there for me. I thank God that I found someone who stands besides me and not over me and I'm so lucky to have you.

I'm leaving for work now and just had to do this daily devotion.


Forever yours,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 10:20:36 AM
Subject: For You, My Love...

Hello My Dearest XXXX,

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet a woman that could captivate and win my heart the way you have. Every moment from when I wake up till deep in the night, there is no place on earth I would rather love to be, if not with you right now. My body aches for your touch.

You are a special and a unique woman with intriguing qualities that drive my desire for you far beyond any imagination. I am glad that finally, I have found someone like you in my life. Now that I have you in my life, I would like to let you know how happy and grateful I am for you... every night I thank God for sending you to me. I may not tell you this as often as you expect me to, but trust me, I love you with all my heart and my soul. You mean so much to me. Now that we're together I promise to always be with you, to love you and trust you forever. I love you more than anything this life can offer me.

I love you so much and I know you love me too. I know anyone looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other, they can't understand.


Forever yours,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 9:07:46 AM
Subject: RE: Happy Monday!

Hello Beautiful XXXX,

Isn't it obvious we are blessings to each other? It's obvious we are meant to be together forever. I LOVE YOU XXXX. Words can't express how I feel for you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

Yours forever,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 11:09:16 AM
Subject: Happy Monday!

Dear XXXX,

I keep thinking about the future, about life, and what I want out of it. I keep thinking about us and what this relationship means to me. I keep thinking about these things and I realize they go hand in hand. This relationship is my future; it's what I want out of life. I want to grow old with you. I want to experience this crazy love forever and ever, and I really think I'm going to get to. I want us to walk through new houses picking the one that would be just right for us. I want to see you walk around our house in a big t-shirt with your hair down and catch me staring at how gorgeous you are. I want you to pull the covers off me at night and then I have to get even closer, if it's possible, to you to keep warm. I want to see you laugh like crazy at me when I do stupid stuff. I want to rub lotion all over your body because you laid out in the sun too long. I want to hold you when you cry and smile with you when you smile. I want to fall asleep every night with you in my arms. I want you to fall asleep on my chest listening to the beat of my heart and know it beats for you I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I want to see your bad morning hair; I think it will be so cute. I want to sit on the beach with you and watch the sun set, and I want all the people who pass us to envy the love that we obviously have for each other.

I want to see you walk down that isle and I want to take your hand for the rest of my life. I want to spend all night, and maybe the next day, making love to you with an undying passion (sorry to be so blunt). I want to be sixty years old and still make out with you like a little schoolboy. I want to cook a meal with you. I want to sit there talking to you for hours about nothing at all but in the same time everything or maybe we won't talk at all and just grin at each other realizing how lucky we are. I want you to get mad at me for doing something stupid, and I want you to bust out laughing when you try to yell at me. I want to lay with you in front of a fireplace and keep the heat going long after the fire goes out. I want to take trips with you to places we've never been and experience them together. I want us to go skinny-dipping in a hotel pool and get caught and streak back to our hotel room waking everyone up because we're laughing so hard. I want us to go and pick out the hot tub we want with the biggest grins on our faces the whole time. I want the sales rep to get embarrassed when we sit in them and make sure we have enough room to do the things we want to do. I want our friends to come over and get totally jealous because they don't share a love like we do. I want to be walking into a store with you and trip and fall on my face and turn around to see you rolling on the ground laughing at me. I want us to run outside in the rain and act like total kids getting completely soaked, and when we come back in stripping down to nothing as we stumble into the bedroom, or the kitchen counter, or the balcony, or the dining room table, or an office desk, or the shower, whichever one we feel like at the time.

I want it to take your breath away every time I say, "I love you" because you know it's coming from my heart. I want us to sit down with a box of strawberries, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a thing of mint chocolate ice cream; well, I'll let your imagination finish that one. I want to love you and be with you for at least forever if not a little longer. I couldn't really express in words what I'm feeling right now so I decided to share with you SOME of the images and thoughts that have been running through my head.

I just want you to know that I had never found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until I met you. I'm really crazy about you.

When I look back on how we met and I see where we are now, I can only believe that we were destined to be together. We've both been through some challenging times in our lives, and there is no doubt that our past experiences have partly shaped who we are today. What I have come to realize, though, is that I am learning a little more every day to appreciate what I have found in you.

You have inspired me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. You have shown me the glory of being loved and defined the meaning of a soul mate. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have found you, to be in love with you, and above all to share my life with you. You are my best friend, lover, and my all in all. Thank you for being in my life. You were worth the wait. I love you.

Love Always,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 10:46:04 AM
Subject: In the Middle of a busy day....Still thinking about you.

Hello My Sunshine,

You must wonder why I call you sunshine, it's because I can't get the picture of you off my mind. The thoughts of you lights up my heart. I feel like giving you a hug. Just as the sun, lights up the earth, you light up my life. You are just a lovely woman with a heart so bright. The only reason this was possible is because you have been the wonderful being you're made of and this is truly the best I can ever wish for of a woman. If I ever fall in love with you for beauty, I won't walk more miles to see more beauty, If I love you for smiles, I would see more on TV, but the only thing I can fall in love with is You, which can't be cloned or gotten from anyone else because its being You that makes me want to give up everything I'm doing just to be with you. Like I said earlier, it takes a life time to try knowing the reason why you feel the way you do with some people. The answers are never there, trust me, the day people can figure out the exact reason they have loved each other is the day relationships starts falling. Life gets boring if perfect. Life is worse when there is nothing to change about anything.

The balance in life is based on the facts that, there must be thieves and criminals for the police to remain employed. The medical practitioners would run out of business if we are all hale and hearty. The legal practitioners would die of boredom if there are no offenders. If everyone are vegetarians, Oh my! Guess how many people would not earn a living. Christians bring out the best in Christianity because of the presence of Islam. Whites gain from Blacks, Blacks gain from Whites. If everyone is rich, wealth would be meaningless. Who would do the laundry? Who would drive the cars? Who would guard who? Who would keep whose money? The essence for this paragraph is that, if you can read the meaning in this, then you are my woman for sure, for you understand what it takes to live in a better world. We were all created for each other. There is much fun in helping. We can all be better if we accept the fact that we can't live without each other. The world would be a better place if we can start accepting things we can’t change, because the only constant thing in life is CHANGE! Sitting here thinking about you, brings out a part of me that loves everything.

I have a proposal for you this wonderful day, because I know you at least care about me, after all, you wake up to check on my email and know if I'm still alive, lol. That is something. So I want your help today. There is this woman, whom I just met, and I sometimes wonder how she has gotten my attention in such a short period of time, but I would be stupid to submit to fears. I noticed that she already has a place that cannot be replaced in my heart. Who could ever think of hurting such a woman who only wants happiness? I want you to help me find her and tell her, I am not known for fears. I know a journey of a thousand years start with a single step. A man who wants to fly must at least learn to stand on his feet! Kindly tell her if she is willing, I would love to take her hands. I am a man who gives nothing or everything. Once I have her hand, I can promise her forever. Tell her I know this is not going to be a kid walk, tell her I know there are times we would argue in future, but tell her I would teach her to know that even while we argue we would still be holding hands, because there are two sides to a coin. Tell her life is short, but we can make paradise out of it. Tell her, her worries have become mine, because I do not really know how she has done it. Also tell her that coming across her was by chance, communicating with her was by choice, but then falling for her is beyond my control.

You know where to find her my dear, just go to your dressing mirror and you would find her staring back at you. Please look into her eyes and speak this to her for me.

Baby give me your heart, love and trust, for mine is yours now and forever.

Your prince charming,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 6:19:00 AM
Subject: Happy Wednesday !!!

Hello Beautiful XXXX,

I'm sorry I couldn't write you a note after work. I got to my Condo on the late side of the night and was very tired so off to bed I went, I did not even get to shower, (my bad). My job can be so demanding and requires of a lot of commitment. I work as an independent contractor under Bechtel, my work entails, repairing, and construction of oil rigs, over-water bridges etc., and installation of underwater spilling censors (that's a huge one). I have a team of qualified engineers whom I work with. My job sometimes requires a hundred per cent attention. I'm responsible for the provision of materials, the organizing and the direction of work to be done which is very demanding. After this project, I intend quitting my job as I have another business that fetches me good cash, I am basically an intermediary between various diamond mining companies, that means I buy the diamonds from these mining companies in raw form, and sell to celsteel Diamond Company.

Right now, we are working hard to complete this project before the last week of this month. I'm working harder so I can come to you show you how much I can steal your heart, Let us see if you can resist this happy man! LOL. Yesterday was fun and before we left the right we had a good time at the quarters. I was with the L.O.G (League of Gentlemen) at their quarters. Oh! I need to tell you who the L.O.G is. They are my professional buddies. We work together, we have more of a friendship relationship than Employee employer relationship. When one of us has an occasion to grace, you would be thrilled. We could act much and make a crowd laugh out their stress. There is Nelson, Bishop, Ronald, Frank, Lee, Lucio, Lawson, Chan, and Mike. Nelson met his wife Debby online while we were in France on a project. Chan is a clown who enjoys getting on Nelson's nerves, but they have always been like that. Bishop would call them, cat and dog. They would make fun of each other and I tell you the whole party would laugh. But today, Even Debby is Chan's best friend.

Sometime 2 years ago, we went to Saudi to bid for a project on one of their oil platforms. I personally logged most of my funds in the bidding's and so did many of us. It got to a point that we were knocked out by their local politics. It left us stranded, please don't laugh at us, but somehow you wouldn't believe it, Debby did most of the work of getting our naughty asses out of there. We were disappointed that we lost big, but as humans, we didn't know God had a bigger plan for us. Just after 2 weeks when we lost the project, we got this big project we're working on now. We were bidding for a $4 million project and we got a gift of over $6 million which is more beautiful and rewarding. My work is quite interesting apart from the fact that we sometimes loose contact with the outside world, it can be so bad that company policy requires us to freeze our accounts before going offshore for security reasons since it might be hard for the banks to reach us while we are offshore.

After the Saudi trip, we went to Toronto, Canada for Nelson's wedding and we met Debby's family. My dear, they had us for days and the old man did not want us to go. They impacted so much into our lives. Even the man calls on us like a father from time to time till now. What I know is that, we were able to get people's love, not because of wealth but because of our simplicity. That is one thing that can never be compromised in life. So yesterday, I gave them an exclusive on how I met this woman who has become a screen saver on my mind, and they were thrilled, saying they can’t wait to meet her. They promised and had a bet on who would be closer to her, can you believe that. They all said, Hey...please put up her pic in the main room, lol.

How did your day go? Do you think you have listened to your heart? Listen to it and you will find out how much we stand to gain! I am just a man who wants my best friend with me. Someone I can look at and smile for no reason. Someone I can’t wait to get home to be with. Someone to hold in my arms and whisper to her ears, someone to run my fingers through her ears, someone who is never afraid of telling her deepest thoughts to me, someone who sees me more as her twin. What do you think?

By the way, I hope you too took your profile off the dating site, lol.

Yours truly,


From: John DeLaurentis
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: Good morning...

Hello Beautiful XXXX,

Hope you are feeling as happy and great as I am feeling going through a long day with wonderful thoughts of you. I'm glad that we have shared so much with eachother and I'm really looking forward to more. You always have me smiling which enriches my days, my life. It is really glaring that we are heading in the right direction. It was a great day at the site today. Things went as planned and in order all because of the refreshing thoughts of you flowing through my mind.

Who are you? A woman being a goddess, or a goddess pretending to be a woman? Whichever you are, you are doing something special to me. I mean after all these years, I used to think I might not have the possibilities again of having my dream woman, my partner, my best friend and co-pilot. I'm not scared anyway, because love isn't about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship, it's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. The inevitable truth is, If it is meant to be, our hearts will find each other when we meet, and if our hearts melt together so will our bodies and souls, then every word and every touch will fuel our passion flame. I will be yours, you will be mine, and we will be one.

I'm presently working on an oil rig in the Freestone County, TX. I'm on a contract with Patterson Uti Drilling Company. I wake up every morning by 6 to catch up my chopper from my rented condo down there. Working from then till late at night, yet being able to be distracted by this woman (YOU). I have over 20 laborers here, both skilled and locals, yet all could notice a new glow on my face. Bishop and Nelson are colleagues of mine who share great dreams as I do. I have always stayed at Nelson's house in Canada every time I visit there, he just got married almost two years now. He found his woman on the net and to be sincere, he inspired me to sign up for online dating. I would love to find my woman first, then building a home would start from there. I'm feeling like my search is over now, and I think I have to start thinking of building a home. I am being true with my feelings, as my old friend would say, Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were, you wouldn't need to ask in the first place. So the best of men, would accept what they feel without questions, because truly, Love and death can't be escaped, no one can tell, when, how, or where. It is never too early or too late.

What is more important to you the love you share, the memories you have or the lover? It has come to my understanding that you give love a chance to swallow you up and don't just think it will happen in an instant, it will surprise you before you know it, but it will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.

I thank you for being so open minded and simple as me, I can promise you that the sky is the limit for us.

I long to read from you much more...

Your Prince charming


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 7:40:39 AM
Subject: Good morning...


I understand you had a busy weekend and I hope it wasn't too strenuous for you. I have been thinking about you and really wish I was there to help you through your busy day. I also had a busy day yesterday as I had to do some rearrangement and plan ahead for a long week. Work starts for me this morning, yet I can hardly focus on that but just think about you.

I will email you after work today.

Thank you for bringing so much smile into my life.



From: John DeLaurentis
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 7:37 AM
Subject: Good morning...

Hello Beautiful XXXX,

Your email is so inspiring. The most beautiful email I ever read. It speaks of a great heart willing to love and be loved. I envy so many things about you (your strength, your spirit of expression and your courage). You surely possess the attributes of a potential woman for any responsible man.

I'm resuming work today. I have to go to the site and check how much work has been done and know how much work I have to do. I can tell Monday will be very hectic for me. We work all Mondays - Saturdays.

How is your weekend going? I hope you're having a great one. It's funny how you make me smile these days. I write to you with a huge smile on my face. Everything just seems too good to be true to me right now. I feel like I'm on dreamland and I need to wake up.

You're always in my thoughts. Once again, thanks for such a lovely email.



From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 10:57:40 AM
Subject: Good morning...From Texas...

Hello My Charming Princess,

I honestly don't know how this is happening to me, but I find myself thinking about you every moment of these past days and I have been wearing a huge smile on my face since we started talking. Please don't seize to make me smile. I really had a great flight with thoughts of you flowing through my mind all through. Thoughts of you were so refreshing to me. I feel so great about you. I feel like I have a great companion in my life right now. I have been anticipating writing you an email. Why am I getting addicted to my email? I get a good glow on my face just waking up to read from you which is a wonderful feeling.

After so many thoughts all through my flight, I just had to putting my thoughts into writing to share with you. What wouldn't I do to make my dreams come true? I need a woman to call my own before I lose the best life has to offer me before I get too old. I have come to know that we spend the most of our life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen. We have worked so hard and attained some wealth right, but for what purpose? To be realistic, except one wants to be known as a rich person, wealth means nothing if you don’t have a partner to share with. All the millions are useless indeed. How much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? How much do we need for daily fun? Excess and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure would do well in finding happiness. As I always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. It can buy the best diamond watch, but can never buy time, it can buy piles of books, but can’t buy knowledge. It can buy food, but not satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love. That is why, I refuse to follow the crowd, and so as for myself, I would give up all that can be bought for that which can’t be bought. I want true joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods; she can make me smile in all weather.

I am glad that I could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your heart, and I intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure out, but I don't mind.

I will be waiting impatiently to read from you.

Yours charming,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 12:46:53 PM
Subject: Good morning...


I hope you're having a great day over there. I'm writing you this short note to let you know I'm leaving to the airport now. My Flight is approximately 6hrs 30mins. I do have one stop at Phoenix, AZ then to Austin, TX. I should be in TX by 11pm.

I will write to you as soon as I land. I will be thinking about you and I believe that will help me through my flight.

Take care,


From: "John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:35:42 AM
Subject: Good morning...


I really appreciate this consistent communication and I will say it is a sign of will, and I tell you where there is a will there is success ahead. Your email did include a dept of true expression from the bottom of your heart. I really enjoyed reading your email and I'm really looking forward to more. I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. No one can understand such pain if you're not in it. I thank God we have gotten over the major part of our pains.

I believe we both know that Love is not a destination but a journey and this is a journey that takes two to walk. I mean two souls who understand ahead that they aren't in for a kid walk, and what they have ahead is the most important mission in life. A place meant for true people, it is a place called joy and happiness. Really I just see in your face that I can live with this woman, not the beauty part alone, but the depth of your soul.

As I could remember, as a kid I was a very cute one. One whom many bullies would target, but only to realize there is a tough side to me. I could make a sober person dance. I could affect one with my smile. I grew up having older friends. Many would confide in me. To tell you, I am a type that doesn't judge no matter how dirty you may be, just come clean to me, and I will give you my support.

There is no Mr right until we make him right. A relationship is never about how much at the beginning but how much we could make it grow into. My old friend and pastor would tell me, if you aren't ready to feel or look stupid, then don't fall in love, but sincerely that is the bitter truth. When my late wife died, he told me that the fact that something good ends, doesn’t mean something better can't start. Can you prove that wrong? I have come to realize that let a man write a better book, let him preach a better sermon, let him sing the best of songs, let him gain wealth beyond dreams, he is reduced to nothing except he has a woman to call, my wife, my best friend and co-pilot.

My usual saying and I am known for it, is that, Life is simple, and for those who take it simple. I don't like to complicate things, there is joy in every situation if you know the right angle to look it from.

My mother is old now and at almost 80 she can’t wait to have a proper family, and I can’t wait to have a happy home too. I want to spend the rest of my life having fun. I have a house in Paris where I found my late wife and got married, I also have one in Edinburgh, Scotland while I have no home. Would you stand by me to build a home? Would you smile at me when I look tense? I don't need a super model; I rather need a very good friend who knows when I am tensed just by looking into my eyes as a super woman. The whole world may be mad at me, but if you are smiling at me, I would care less.

I say, who says we can’t design our own paradise together? It is workable, just walk by my side.

I long to read from you again.

Yours sincerely,


From: John DeLaurentis" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 12:03:11 PM
Subject: RE: Hello, Again....Good morning...

Waking up to a beautiful day, I just had a refreshing moment reading your email. It’s so good to hear from you again. I really don't know how this is to work, but hey! Here is an exclusive about me. If at my age I do not know what to say and when to say things, then what would I be? When a wise man sees he has probably spent about half of his time in life already, he begins to assess his main goals in life. What could be more important than a happy ending? A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his achievements, he is reduced to nothing if he has no crown to complete him and that is a woman to call his own, his Wife and his best friend. A woman who knows that even while arguing they still need to hold hands. A woman whom I can call a partner in A woman I can tell anything. What could make you happier in life if not finding a love that knows no bound. It was a fulfilled day for me yesterday because I was able to get in touch with you. You seem to have the attributes every responsible man would ever wish for which actually got me attracted to your profile. My interests are pretty simple: I enjoy dining, art and especially tennis. I'm currently too busy with work to be in a league play but I still play socially and for exercise.

I'm a One Woman Man and not a serial dater, because a serial dater is someone who is immature and this is because he or she cannot focus on one person or one aspect. I don't double date. Clubs and bars are not my thing. Tennis has introduced me to a few women and got me some dates, but nothing serious or long term. I also enjoy movies. My current favorite is "7 pounds." I generally like movies with surreal premises and/or foreign movies, but I'm not a cinema snob. Romantic comedies, horror flicks and movies with lots of explosions are cool too.

I was born to a loving couple, a loving home, by an Italian man from New Jersey and an Irish woman. My father was an Aircraft Mechanic and Service Technician who long time ago in Rome while on vacation met this Irish orphan whose only family were close friends. I was born 30th of January 1970. I lost my dad when I was 10 yo. My mother says there was something about the man that no woman could ever resist, sometimes she says she sees the same in me. Thoughts of my late father bring so many tears on my face. I lived in Milan for 15 years and relocated to Scotland with my Mom. I lived in Scotland most of my life. Living with my mom has been the greatest experience I ever had. She made me understand so many things about life and women. I learnt from her, that no Man is ever worth a woman's tears, the only man who does, will never make her cry. This is a thought I hold dearly to my heart and I learn to live with for the rest of my life.

I met my late wife and best friend in Paris late 2004. She was a fashion model and very good at heart. Things went perfectly for us and we got married in 2005 and relocated down here in Alberta. I knew I was married to a Woman who meant so much to me. Things were very perfect for us and we had Isabella 2 years later. She died of a Coronary heart Disease in 2008. It was a painful loss and for a long time, I felt a part of my life was gone. The only joy that puts this pain away is my Daughter and I didn't want to build my Daughter around such emotional trauma which could not be evict-able due to the shock of such loss. I decided to take Isabella to my mum in Scotland who used to visit us here about 3- 5 times year. I had to build a new world around Isabella and make everything comfortable for her. I visit her very often. I just got back few days ago from Edinburgh, Scotland where she lives with my mum. It was really wonderful spending quality time with her.

I'm a Civil Engineer and an independent global contractor. I do basically Oil rig constructions and renovations and also over water bridges. I have worked at many countries across the globe. I'm rounding up my 3 weeks break from an ongoing project in Freestone County, TX which I sometimes believe might be my last on the field. I intend quitting field works and continue my works from my home office while I have men do the field ops. I think I really have gotten to this height because I embraced work for so long trying to get over my late wife, that I worked this hard, but I think I now realize I can move on. I'm to resume my work on the 7th of June, 2012.

Have I told you how my typical dream day would be like? I just want to spend the rest of my life enjoying the fruit of my labor. I just want a woman who would be my best friend and everything. You know, someone whom we would still love each other more as the days pass by, even when we can't make love anymore and all we could do is play bingo, LOL. What am I looking for in a woman? I don't like the idea of making a laundry list of qualities or physical parameters that could exclude some wonderful people. I had a painting instructor once tell me that "there are no ugly colors - only ugly color combination" - and I really believe that. My life experience may tell me that I find a personality trait unappealing, but that may be because I've only seen it combined with other traits that were uncomplimentary. So I'd rather not make a list. Let me just say that I'm looking for someone who's looking for someone like me.

I think these words would print part of my image for you to understand me better. Do you mind sharing some traits you're gifted with? I don't mind you sharing what you think might be horrible about you, I can love horrible things, most especially from a beautiful woman like you.

I am a total package, I only need someone who understands the value of a good smile.
This is my story...Attached are my photos and I hope to get some from you...

To be continued...



There was one further email in which he tells me about wanting to surprise Isabella with a trip to Disneyland and that he was looking up vacation spots and he would love for me to join him and Isabella. It read almost identical to the posted email; the one where he asked all of the "questions".

I hope that these emails help all those victims who are yet to come.
by Dotti Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:45 pm
I'm glad you identified this scammer before losing any money. The writing tells me that this is an African scammer.

What's interesting is that 2 or 3 of the emails are almost identical to the ones you posted...

Scammers use scripts that they frequently use again, and one scammer may copy another's scripts as well. That is why we emphasize posting as much as possible, including the actual emails--because often the content of the email can be used to identify a scammer.

The area code for the phone number may be Austin, Texas, but it is a VOIP number--which means the scammer could pretty much be anywhere in the world. You might be able to get a location from the email headers if he is not hiding behind a proxy--most likely it will be Ghana or Malaysia.
Last edited by Dotti on Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: grammar

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by So-sad Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:16 pm
Hi Dotti,

We spoke on the phone several times. He tried to tell me that his "accent" was "sorted" Italian...the last time we spoke, I paid particular attention to the accent and I will admit that I was hearing African but only very slight as his English was very good. He did however appear to sound "tired" almost each time we spoke (in which his words were muddled together which made it difficult to understand). When I think back, it may very well be that he made those calls in the wee hours of the AM from the country he is actually calling from (keeping in mind that he was supposedly in Texas which is only one hour ahead of my local time). The texts were short and usually always sent to me after 7 AM and usually before 5:30 PM local time. On one occasion, he did text me late, around 8:30 PM local time. The very last text I received was a 1:54 AM local time...sketchy, at best.

What I found really interesting while viewing the earlier post, is that he changes his contact numbers but keeps the same name and possibly the same email address...not very smart, if you ask me.

It's reassuring to know that there is a website like this to warn others of scammers.

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