Information on romance scams and scammers.
by KennyC Tue May 15, 2012 9:54 pm
There is a variation of this with a gay angle, the scammer's script is essentially the same either way, though the scammer will sometimes personalise and alter certain elements of the script to make him/herself more attractive to any potential victim.

Hello Dear,

How are you doing.. I am very glad to read your profile well i must share this with you because you bring me joy reading a lovely Woman profile like you. I've spent a lifetime figuring out who I am and suddenly I am confronted with trying to explain me to someone else. Well, here goes. On the outside I am a well traveled, emotionally secure Lady with purpose. On the inside, I am a man who fantasizes about having a relationship where togetherness takes precedent over selfishness. I think a Man should first be a calm, in a Cary Grant sort of way. She is able to display her emotions without fear of rejection or ridicule. She is lighthearted and at times able to laugh out of control. She does not go gently into that good night of those who grow old in their hearts and minds, but thinks young and finds excitement in thoughts of his partner. Most of all she finds something to smile about each and every day. I guess that's me. I don't expect a Woman to meet overwhelming expectations, but only to be someone who enhances each of those things we experience together. Laughter is a must. Thought provoking conversation along with romance and open affection will easily make this lady a happy camper. So, if you?ve been around the block but missed something along the way, take solace in the fact that" you will be making me the most happy Woman if you grant me the opportunity of an open communication with you online on yahoo messenger, My e-mail is [email protected] or IM ME WITH carljackson968 you can also write me at an email if you wish to. I wish you happiness and joy.

Then comes more flirtation before the requests for money.

Good day and good. Well where do I begin. I suppose I'll start by saying I'm a single father of five precious little lads aged 3,4,5,6,and 8, three of whom I love dearly, the other two I tolerate through the grace of god. Kidding, I have only four;) In all seriousness, I have no kids but lovem and still very open to having em .... Me, I'm a fun loving, generous, silly, sarcastic professional accountant with a big heart who loves to laugh and make others do same. I 'm very young at heart , enjoy playing and watching sports, playing my guitars, listening to music, traveling the world, eating at fine dining restaurants and shamefully shopping for nice cloths - gotta look sharp

A little more about me, I recently adopted a beautiful, precious, darling little kitten whom I named Mila and who's my entire life. Her birth mother no longer plays an active part in her life... so no drama here ladies... Thankfully her pops, the abusive b*stard, didn't stick around either.. Mila's likes include scratching my new leather living room furniture, chewing through electronics wire, destroying the cashmere throws for the aforementioned living room furniture, sinking her claws into me as I sleep, and her all time favorite "Chris, guess where I went instead of the litter box this morning"? She's absolutely obsessed with that one?? More recently, and perhaps a cry out for more toys or time to clean the cursed litter box, she's invented a clever little game I like to refer to as 'turd hockey'...which plays very well on the hardwood floors I might you have a visual. But I still loves her(for now)...and of course she's not my entire life...that would just be pathetic. I share my time with my immaculate stamp collection which is now up to a grand total of 3 stamps, each of which I've managed to acquire for 59 cents!! Being a new hobby I'm unsure if I've overpaid at the Canada Post kiosk at Shoppers Drug Mart, although the young lad behind the counter didn’t seem much in the mood to haggle despite my persistent pleas..but I'll digress...

While I'm not normally one to gloat, I should nonetheless sell the point that I'm an incredible cook and make every effort to eat healthy and stay fit. Very important part of my life and is this regard I make a superb Donair Wellington, an incredible Crockpot Donair Cacciatore, a one of a kind Cantonese Donair Salad with Cashews, a succulent Donair a L’Orange, and the one that really has a hold on me.....Blue Cheese Crusted Donair with Port Wine Sauce. I know, I know, sounds very exotic… but in all honesty there's really no magic to it. It quite simply boils down to using nothing less than AAA Grade Donair Tenderloin, aged 33 days with a modest amount of marbling, but again, I'll digress..

My ideal soul mate would be someone who's attracted to a guy who's built like a bag of milk, who smokes 3 packs of home rolled cigrits, and chokes down 2 tins of chewing tobacco a day and who eats his Count Chocula with 25 year old single malt scotch. I’m kidding of course....who in their right mind would roll their own cigrits and who can afford 25yr old scotch? 2 yr old scotch affords me the ability to eat three bowls...

In all seriousness, my ideal soul mate would be someone who:
-has a cute/pretty smile,
-has a kind and gentle heart
-enjoys giving and receiving affection
-is genuine in her words and actions
-is happy in life, enjoys laughing and loves to be playfully teased
-like receiving small surprises for no particular reason
-appreciates a strong, yet sensitive gentleman

I believe I have said quite enough and really had no intensions on being so verbose, soooo, on this note and in summation; the above is a good glance at who I am...a fun loving lad with a good head on his shoulders who tries not to take things too seriously. If you think you might enjoy my company please do say hi. Thanks for hanging in there darling you a real trooper for sure.

Carl Jackson

Then comes the request for assistance with investing the inheritance. (There is no money, except that which the scammer wants to scam from you.)

He passes you on to a different email address, but the same scammer or part of the same group of scammers.

Remember, diplomats are not employed by private companies, they work for governments.

Honey this the good news.This whats have been wanting to tell you since i wasn't online. My late father lawyer just sent me an email and told me that my late father will some money for me which is about 7.5million Us dollars and i asked him why he does not tell me all this while and he told me that my late father asked him that until i get married before he can disclosed this to me that is why i am telling you now and i have told him that have got a woman that is willing to marry me which is honey i want you to assist me in investing this money in the state.
The money have already been deposited by my lawyer in Africa in a security company in Africa.So honey but for your information.The security company in Africa is not aware that we deposit this money with them,but we told them that the contend of the 2trucks boxes that was deposited with them is money we deposited this money as a personal infect and important and family document.What i am trying to explain is that the lawyer deposited this money in 2truck boxes that was how the bank deposited it but we did not allow the security company to be aware because of security reasons So Honey i will want you to contact the security company which this money was deposited by my lawyer in Africa,because the lawyer have given me the information of the security company.So the information is below

Victor Van Security Company
Company name Diplomat Security
Address Plot 25 kike road Apapa Lagos Nigeria.
Email address:: [email protected]
Telephone number +2348157304005
Operation Manager Mr Liz Billie.


by Grunt Thu May 17, 2012 4:23 pm
email address leads to
uid 42797801
Carl Jackson
56, Male
Departamento De Ica, PERU


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