by bad.juju
Sun May 20, 2012 5:53 am
Cancelled on Tagged
hi i am Capt Don of the US Army currently on deployment in Afghanistan..i have a boy who is 15 and i am widowed..,i am looking for nice lady from Aussie cos my mom was from there,i saw your pic and i i thought i should drop you a note,i am watsondon93 on yahoo...i ll be glad to read back from you soon. Don
hi i am Capt Don of the US Army currently on deployment in Afghanistan..i have a boy who is 15 and i am widowed..,i am looking for nice lady from Aussie cos my mom was from there,i saw your pic and i i thought i should drop you a note,i am watsondon93 on yahoo...i ll be glad to read back from you soon. Don