by scammedscammed
Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:21 am
How are you doing? Thanks for the email and it was nice hearing from you again. I must confess I am impressed by your email, I would love to know more about you and plan getting to meet you to see if the chemistry is there. We both seems to have things in common, there are more to know about ourselves and it's just not what most people know in a day.
Listen, I am planning on sharing more about myself with you, ok? But, if you are looking for a perfectionist, I am not your man and if you are by any chance looking for your own personal puppet, then I am not your man. I am not perfect and I am not even close but, I like believing in against all odds and the best in people.
I'm extremely reticent about my personal life but, what's the point of being on the Internet anyway if you can't express yourself, right? So, I will start from somewhere... I was born in Sydney and spent most of my growing up in Australia, Africa and US where my father worked for a while. He purchased a plantation in Africa years ago, so I lived with them until I got into College. My parents moved to Africa because of my father's cocoa business and his interest in crude oil. So, when he died, he was buried in Africa and mom decide to stay. I went to University of Glamorgan in UK, I've lived in AUS, UK, US, AFRICA , before moving back to US again couple of years ago from Australia, I took off after the divorce paperwork was over.
I'm mixed race, I'm part Italy, from my grandparents side, my mother is half Australia & Mexico, my father is part Canadian & Italian before his great grandparents moved to Australia many years ago during WW II.
Anyway, I have a son 15, his name is Jerry and he stays with my ex, we have joint custody but he stays with her most of the time because I travel for business.
I'm self employed. I run a small business here in Monterey through NY where I supply crops to factories. You know cocoa right? the thing they use in making chocolate? Anyway, that's what I import into the country and supply to chocolate factories.
Changing of subject...
I like to meet new people and get to know new things in life, I meet new people most everyday I go to work. I always wanted to be a writer before I twisted my career into a different direction. My parents helped me accomplished my goals and the first part of my life has been safely accomplished. My parents lived in Africa for over 35 years, my father was the first man that supply over 300,000 tons of cocoa crops to one Chocolate factory in the 60's.
My father was born in Arizona and my mother was born in Australia, my father died 6 years ago and, it was as ordeal few years in my life. And trust me, have been there, you never know when one is leaving, you can only get to sense it from their spirits of words when the time comes.
Couple of years after my father died, I got divorced. So, I threw myself into work for a very long time, thought I could get over everything with work, don't get me wrong I love my work and I guess am supremo in the cocoa business, I think it's just my luck after everything I went through.
I feel like getting one of my friends to write you a recommendation letter about me!
I do like to travel and look forward to being able to travel all over the world some day. Won't be for awhile, but hopefully before I get too old. LOL!
Need to find a travel partner to enjoy it with. Have you ever travel long distance before? Where have you traveled to? I've been to Chicago, Texas, Georgia, Washington state, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Michigan and many more... Only been to Mexico and St. Marten once but have been to UK, almost all over the region of Australia,Spain, Italy,Germany, Brazil, Netherlands and also Africa because that's where I get most of my crops and my mother also still lives there... Look forward to seeing more of the world.
You can have one of my dogs (just joking) I don't have one anymore, my kid took them away. It's great having them, but they take lot of work. Can't just leave without making sure there is someone to take care of them. Sometimes that can be hard.
My days was actually fairly slow last week. Nothing much happened over the weekend and I don't have anything going on work next week. Have a new guy starting but he's going to makes it easy.
I try and be very considerate of other people. I must admit that I do have my days.
I'm closing now and I hope I haven't scare you off, LOL!
another one:
Thanks for your e-mail and I like getting messages from you, I like the fact that you are feeling comfortable to share more with me. When we do meet, it will be very easy for us ... we will be good friends who haven't met yet. Thanks for the pictures, you are a very beautiful woman.
When we first started emailing I was surprised that you wrote back. I thought you would be so busy with guys on dating site.
I remember thinking that I had met someone very different when we began talking...
I remember telling my son that a higher quality woman was emailing me...
I remember reading your profile and thinking how nice you sounded, how much we had in common in our search, in our similar interests, and you look great and have very kind eyes.....
I prayed too; I asked the universe to bring me a woman just like me (now I pray they picked only the good parts of me to match up! I really need to learn to be very specific when I pray )
I actually was checking my email at home from work this morning around 8:30 or so. But, I was scheduled to start a meeting with my co-workers from 9am to 12noon today. So, I wasn't able to reply back to you until now, and it's about 2:20pm.
I have been pretty busy with my work for the past few weeks now and NYBOT have decided to create one contract position which I have applied for. I had my 2nd interview today with the sales mgr. today. One of my employees has also applied for the contract because he is planing on retiring this year and returning back to his country, South Africa this season. So, it's either going to be offered to him or me. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that one of us get the contract. If I don't, then it wasn't meant for me to stay there.
Changing of subject here now, enough of my boring work stuffs, lol!
I believe in karma, like I said what goes around, comes around. I have had to step back and say, okay, I'm not in charge of my destiny here and I'm not driving the bus, so whatever is meant to be will happen. I have a lot of experience and I know that I can find another love.
I hope that you don't mind me going on about this, but this is something major that I've been having to deal with and I think, actually, I know that I'm going to be okay.
I once told you that I am going to have my friend write you a recommendation letter.. Well, you won't need to have one of your friends write me a letter of recommendation for you, I'm already impressed by you in the short time that we've been communicating with each other via our emails.
I'm so glad that you told me more about yourself, and it just seem everyone always have something to say, right? and that's life. Life is so tough isn't it? But, you know, going through the loss of my father has definitely taught me to enjoy every moment, because we're not promised tomorrow. That was probably and still is something that I find myself asking myself, if I loved him enough...If I would have known that December 28th was going to be the last time that I was going to share with him.
But, life isn't that easy. When we do meet, I would like to share with you how I was feeling 2-3 weeks before he passed away. He passed away couple of hours after we had a car accident on our way coming back from the beach house, I was feeling so uneasy for 2-3 weeks prior to this date. I have a 6th sense that was telling me that something major was going to happen in my life that was going to turn my world upside down, and it did...
Sorry...I didn't mean to get that intense. But, In life we all have experiences, having had experienced the same fate as I have, I know that people understand what I'm saying. People asked me after I came back to work 1 month later, how can you be so brave by coming back to work so soon? I always told them that I have 2 choices, I can either stay home and curl up into a ball and die, OR to live and spend time with my family, and I choose to Live, I'm continuing to Live my life because I still have a lot of people, my son and my mom who still need me.
I think that I'll close with saying that I hope I'm not freaking you out with this "heavy" conversation that I just put out there for you.
I'm going to go now and finish my paperwork's. I have some more meeting scheduled tomorrow from 9-12noon and it's going to be a really busy day for me.
You have a great day and week- Keep in touch, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Listen, I am planning on sharing more about myself with you, ok? But, if you are looking for a perfectionist, I am not your man and if you are by any chance looking for your own personal puppet, then I am not your man. I am not perfect and I am not even close but, I like believing in against all odds and the best in people.
I'm extremely reticent about my personal life but, what's the point of being on the Internet anyway if you can't express yourself, right? So, I will start from somewhere... I was born in Sydney and spent most of my growing up in Australia, Africa and US where my father worked for a while. He purchased a plantation in Africa years ago, so I lived with them until I got into College. My parents moved to Africa because of my father's cocoa business and his interest in crude oil. So, when he died, he was buried in Africa and mom decide to stay. I went to University of Glamorgan in UK, I've lived in AUS, UK, US, AFRICA , before moving back to US again couple of years ago from Australia, I took off after the divorce paperwork was over.
I'm mixed race, I'm part Italy, from my grandparents side, my mother is half Australia & Mexico, my father is part Canadian & Italian before his great grandparents moved to Australia many years ago during WW II.
Anyway, I have a son 15, his name is Jerry and he stays with my ex, we have joint custody but he stays with her most of the time because I travel for business.
I'm self employed. I run a small business here in Monterey through NY where I supply crops to factories. You know cocoa right? the thing they use in making chocolate? Anyway, that's what I import into the country and supply to chocolate factories.
Changing of subject...
I like to meet new people and get to know new things in life, I meet new people most everyday I go to work. I always wanted to be a writer before I twisted my career into a different direction. My parents helped me accomplished my goals and the first part of my life has been safely accomplished. My parents lived in Africa for over 35 years, my father was the first man that supply over 300,000 tons of cocoa crops to one Chocolate factory in the 60's.
My father was born in Arizona and my mother was born in Australia, my father died 6 years ago and, it was as ordeal few years in my life. And trust me, have been there, you never know when one is leaving, you can only get to sense it from their spirits of words when the time comes.
Couple of years after my father died, I got divorced. So, I threw myself into work for a very long time, thought I could get over everything with work, don't get me wrong I love my work and I guess am supremo in the cocoa business, I think it's just my luck after everything I went through.
I feel like getting one of my friends to write you a recommendation letter about me!
I do like to travel and look forward to being able to travel all over the world some day. Won't be for awhile, but hopefully before I get too old. LOL!
Need to find a travel partner to enjoy it with. Have you ever travel long distance before? Where have you traveled to? I've been to Chicago, Texas, Georgia, Washington state, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Michigan and many more... Only been to Mexico and St. Marten once but have been to UK, almost all over the region of Australia,Spain, Italy,Germany, Brazil, Netherlands and also Africa because that's where I get most of my crops and my mother also still lives there... Look forward to seeing more of the world.
You can have one of my dogs (just joking) I don't have one anymore, my kid took them away. It's great having them, but they take lot of work. Can't just leave without making sure there is someone to take care of them. Sometimes that can be hard.
My days was actually fairly slow last week. Nothing much happened over the weekend and I don't have anything going on work next week. Have a new guy starting but he's going to makes it easy.
I try and be very considerate of other people. I must admit that I do have my days.
I'm closing now and I hope I haven't scare you off, LOL!
another one:
Thanks for your e-mail and I like getting messages from you, I like the fact that you are feeling comfortable to share more with me. When we do meet, it will be very easy for us ... we will be good friends who haven't met yet. Thanks for the pictures, you are a very beautiful woman.
When we first started emailing I was surprised that you wrote back. I thought you would be so busy with guys on dating site.
I remember thinking that I had met someone very different when we began talking...
I remember telling my son that a higher quality woman was emailing me...
I remember reading your profile and thinking how nice you sounded, how much we had in common in our search, in our similar interests, and you look great and have very kind eyes.....
I prayed too; I asked the universe to bring me a woman just like me (now I pray they picked only the good parts of me to match up! I really need to learn to be very specific when I pray )
I actually was checking my email at home from work this morning around 8:30 or so. But, I was scheduled to start a meeting with my co-workers from 9am to 12noon today. So, I wasn't able to reply back to you until now, and it's about 2:20pm.
I have been pretty busy with my work for the past few weeks now and NYBOT have decided to create one contract position which I have applied for. I had my 2nd interview today with the sales mgr. today. One of my employees has also applied for the contract because he is planing on retiring this year and returning back to his country, South Africa this season. So, it's either going to be offered to him or me. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that one of us get the contract. If I don't, then it wasn't meant for me to stay there.
Changing of subject here now, enough of my boring work stuffs, lol!
I believe in karma, like I said what goes around, comes around. I have had to step back and say, okay, I'm not in charge of my destiny here and I'm not driving the bus, so whatever is meant to be will happen. I have a lot of experience and I know that I can find another love.
I hope that you don't mind me going on about this, but this is something major that I've been having to deal with and I think, actually, I know that I'm going to be okay.
I once told you that I am going to have my friend write you a recommendation letter.. Well, you won't need to have one of your friends write me a letter of recommendation for you, I'm already impressed by you in the short time that we've been communicating with each other via our emails.
I'm so glad that you told me more about yourself, and it just seem everyone always have something to say, right? and that's life. Life is so tough isn't it? But, you know, going through the loss of my father has definitely taught me to enjoy every moment, because we're not promised tomorrow. That was probably and still is something that I find myself asking myself, if I loved him enough...If I would have known that December 28th was going to be the last time that I was going to share with him.
But, life isn't that easy. When we do meet, I would like to share with you how I was feeling 2-3 weeks before he passed away. He passed away couple of hours after we had a car accident on our way coming back from the beach house, I was feeling so uneasy for 2-3 weeks prior to this date. I have a 6th sense that was telling me that something major was going to happen in my life that was going to turn my world upside down, and it did...
Sorry...I didn't mean to get that intense. But, In life we all have experiences, having had experienced the same fate as I have, I know that people understand what I'm saying. People asked me after I came back to work 1 month later, how can you be so brave by coming back to work so soon? I always told them that I have 2 choices, I can either stay home and curl up into a ball and die, OR to live and spend time with my family, and I choose to Live, I'm continuing to Live my life because I still have a lot of people, my son and my mom who still need me.
I think that I'll close with saying that I hope I'm not freaking you out with this "heavy" conversation that I just put out there for you.
I'm going to go now and finish my paperwork's. I have some more meeting scheduled tomorrow from 9-12noon and it's going to be a really busy day for me.
You have a great day and week- Keep in touch, and I hope to hear from you soon.