Information on romance scams and scammers.
by AlanJones Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:15 am
This scammer claims to be a US serviceman stationed in Afghanistan.

He claims that his date of birth is 27.11.1969 and that he is from Illinois.

He says that both his parents and ex-wife are dead and that he has one son.

He tries to get his victims to apply (and pay) for leave for him to visit them.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by FBI Agent Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:29 pm
*******SCAMMER POST********

Thank you for the post. This is FBI Agent Marcus. The report of a military imposter, who claims

the identity of Jose Andrew Matter, got to our office on the 26th of July 2012 by the real

military personnel himself; J.A Matter (1SG)- a First Sergeant of the US Army.

The First Sergeant's Yahoo-mail account was being hacked by this imposter who stole

classified information from his email address and subsequently poses using his

identities (last name, initials) and pictures to perpetuate his ambidextrous activities

on the internet. Please be addressed that this situation has been treated accordingly.

This military figure imposter has been tracked, arrested and currently serving his

terms in the US prison :bondage: . Note that the military personnel's first and middle names

was screened for security reasons.

FBI Agent Jones Marcus.[/b]
Admin note:

This post was made by a scammer, in what is undoubtedly a pathetic attempt to salvage an ongoing scam. This poster is not named Agent Marcus, and he is not in the FBI. He is a scammer, trying to make himself look legitimate by posting fake FBI posts.

The email account has not been hacked. It belongs to a scammer.
by Dotti Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:45 pm
Welcome "Agent Jones Marcus,"
Also known as Jose Andrew Matter,
Also known as [email protected]

That's a pretty brash move you made there, thinking that you could actually pass as an American FBI agent. Just to make it clear--you can't.

To anyone reading this rather amusing thread: The scammer calling himself Jose Andre Matter, and using the email address [email protected], decided to join this forum using the email address [email protected] and calling himself Agent Jones Marcus. He was already pretending to be a soldier, so it certainly didn't phase him to pretend to be FBI!

He did this in an attempt to pretend that the email address [email protected] does not belong to a scammer. Just to be very clear--if you are in contact with this person, you ARE being scammed.

We have left his post to show you just how low a scammer will go in his attempts to steal money from innocent victims.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by TerranceBoyce Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:07 pm
Scammer IQ score = too low to register (seek immediate psychological help and do not attempt to operate heavy machinery or drive an automobile without assistance). :=)

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle

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