by AlanJones
Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:17 am
I don't have any additional information about these scammers, but they are using stolen photos, so the profiles are fake.
The first 2 profiles are using a picture of John Mageau.
1) James Williams - Skype ID jameswilliams6631

2) Shadley Scott - Skype ID sh.scott26.

The next 2 are using a photo of an unknown person, but it appears on a number of anti-scam sites.
3) George Adams - Skype ID gaadams45

4) Kelvin Philips - Skype ID philipskelvin1

The first 2 profiles are using a picture of John Mageau.
1) James Williams - Skype ID jameswilliams6631

2) Shadley Scott - Skype ID sh.scott26.

The next 2 are using a photo of an unknown person, but it appears on a number of anti-scam sites.
3) George Adams - Skype ID gaadams45

4) Kelvin Philips - Skype ID philipskelvin1

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.