Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Runningsock Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:55 am
I met this man on He contacted me using the user name CreamyTerry. Of course, his profile has been deleted. He claimed to be an engineer from Jacksonville, Florida. I am on the other side of the US, but thought nothing of it. He kept asking for my cell phone number and I finally gave it to him. He started texting me and then said he needed to go to London for work. He would text me all day long until it was his night time. Finally, he sent me a text saying he needed money for telecom equipment that was stuck in Malasia. He sai he only needed $1000 from me. When I said no, he kept pestering and then asked me to send him whatever I could. I told him that was nothing and I haven't talked to him since. Here is a copy of his first e-mail.

"Good morning
How are you doing this early hours of the morning?I must say that i love what you have written on your profile.Actually I am new to online dating but basically I feel everything in life is all about stages.I want to as :( k if you are ready to love and beloved?secondly I would like to ask you what your definition of truelove is?Like i had said in my profile that I seek a woman whom is sincere,honest,faithful and caring.I want a woman whom understands what truelove en-tales besides i am not worried about you been a single mother but all i seek is a sincere and honest woman.

Moreover i love travelling,soccer,sailing,hikiing,skiing but most of all i will love to get married because i have been single all my life.I have really missed the ambiance of truelove,i have missed the romance,the feelings and chemistry shared.I spent my early life in the UK but after the demise of my parents i moved here with my Grandma and i have been here since i was 11 years of age.I will like to know all about you and what you seek from a man besides can you please describe your ideal match to me and please send me some pictures.The name of my dogs are sidney and jack besides can you please tell me more about your job and what you do you for fun.

I will like to know how tall you are,whats your favourite colour,what are your likes and dislikes in a man?I am a self employed Engineer but i do more of consultancy which involves Project Management of telecoms and power related works.I will love to know more about your background,your likes and dislikes in a man too.I am ready to relocate for love but what is ideal and paramount to me is to find a woman whom is sincere and honest.

Have a lovely day.

Terry .J"

by explorer Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:00 pm
Thank God for women like you!!!
I'm on and I have been texting and emailing him for the past couple of weeks.
He would email and txt everyday and every morning he would email a poem.
He said he was orphaned at 11yrs old and lived with his Grandmother.
He also said he had an ex who ran off with an Arab oil should have been the give
Then he came up with the EXACT STORY that you just posted except he was one sentence away
from asking me for +20K.....then I read your story.
The cell he uses: 904-290-2284
The other number is :239-400-1383
by Runningsock Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:08 am
That's one of the pictures he sent me. He was texting me when he asked for money. This was his follow up e-mail after he asked me for money.

"Good morning my love.
Know that there is nothing better than waking up with you in mind, even after having spent the night thinking about you.When I think or dream about you the best thoughts just come to my mind. I hope today you've woken up in a good mood, happy, and able to present yourself to the world with your bright eyes and with your most beautiful clothes to bring more beauty to this little planet of ours.Baby i had a lovely night rest besides chatting with you at the early hours of the morning makes me feel so loved and cherished.I have just gotten a chance to have sandwiches for breakfast but i had coffee earlier before my meeting.My meeting went on a sad and good note,the sad part is that i have been asked to deliver there materials or be faced with court actions but the good note is that they have offered to release 10000usd check to me as assitance hence i am in need of 13000usd more.I believe God will make a way besides i have a strong faith that everything will be fine and already.My queen how was your night?besides how is your son?I want you to set your mind free from all odds and always remember i care a great deal."

Pathetic. Those phone numbers were the ones he was calling/texting from.
by victory7 Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:45 pm
he used the name yummyterry with me. he calls at least ten times a day, and texts more. he sends an email every morning ( word for word from love letter site ) and also a poem. he has sent me several pics, including his dogs. he is a scammer and dangerous. i think the authorities need to be brought in, but they won't listen to only one person. HELP!!
by Dotti Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:19 pm
Welcome Runningsock, explorer, and victory.

I'm glad you all recognized this scammer before things got too far.
Of course his name isn't really Terry Skender, and he is not the person in the photos he sent. The dog photos, too, will be stolen off the internet.

This message reveals his true location:
Finally, he sent me a text saying he needed money for telecom equipment that was stuck in Malasia

The storyline and approach are textbook Nigerian scammer. There is a large cell of Nigerian romance scammers operating in Malaysia. They take advantage of easily available student visas to leave their own country and operate there. This scammer has undoubtedly been in Malaysia all along. He is not from the US, and was not in the US at any point in time.

He is not dangerous. He is a lying coward, hiding behind the anonymity of a computer and the safety of being in another country (It is very complicated and expensive to prosecute a criminal across country lines, so investigations are typically only launched when there are very large sums of money--in the hundreds of thousands to millions--involved.)

He will continue to lie because he has nothing to lose by continuing. If he admits to being liar and a thief, he loses the risk of getting money from you. He won't quit until he is absolutely certain that he has no chance of getting money. Cutting him off completely--setting his emails to automatically go to trash, blocking him on chat, and blocking his phone number or not answering (and hanging up if you accidentally do) is the best way to make him realize that there is no chance of money for him.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by alexandriagirl Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:21 pm
So, I met this guy Tashoon on a website, and he seemed really nice. He sent me poems and told me this sad story that he lost his parents at age 11. Some of his story seemed a little far fetched, but I was chatting with him. Then I gave him my cell phone number and he texted me. Then last night he called me on a Florida number, and I wasn't sure who was calling. He then texted me saying he just tried calling. I knew there was something fishy as well. So, I googled the number and here you go! I was shocked to see he was a scam artist. See his first email to me below. It's very similar to the other posts.

Here's his intro letter:
How are you doing today and I hope you are had a lovely night.I must say that i love what you have written on your profile.Actually I am new to online dating but basically I feel everything in life is all about stages.I want to ask if you are ready to love and beloved?secondly I would like to ask you what your definition of truelove is?Like i had said in my profile that I seek a woman whom is sincere,honest,faithful and caring besides she should know what true love entales.

Moreover i love travelling,soccer,sailing,hikiing,skiing but most of all i will love to get married because i have been single all my life.I have really missed the ambiance of truelove,i have missed the romance,the feelings and chemistry shared.I spent my early life in the UK but after the demise of my parents i moved here with my Grandma and i have been here since i was 11 years of age. I will like to know all about you and what you seek from a man besides can you please describe your ideal match to me and please send me some pictures. My muslim name is Ahmed and i am a very religious person but basically i desire a woman to love and marry. I believe truelove is all about the mind,body and soul thus i want a sincere islamic woman whom understands what truelove means.My lineage can be linked to Iran because my dad is Iranian and mum is british but has an heritage from emirati.

I will like to know how tall you are,whats your favourite colour,what are your likes and dislikes in a man?I am a self employed Engineer but i do more of consultancy which involves Project Management of telecoms and power related works.I will love to know more about your background,your likes and dislikes in a man too.I am ready to relocate for love but what is ideal and paramount to me is to find a woman whom is sincere and honest.

Have a lovely day.

I confronted him and he said that he was innocent, but trust me ladies.. He is not! He called me from 239-400-1383 and he uses 323-696-4691 for texting. Do not talk to this guy.
Last edited by Bubbles on Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Quotations added for clarity.
by Roman Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:31 pm
I just wanted to thank everyone for their posts. This guy also placed ads on craigslist rideshare. I googled the phone number he called me from, and found this forum. I really appreciated you getting the word out. I am so relieved I found out in time. Thank you everybody.
by Bubbles Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:23 pm
Welcome to ScamWarners Roman. We are pleased information posted here was helpful to you. That is our purpose, and we want do keep scammers from profiting from their lies.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by Nobody_of_Note Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:22 pm
1) I've seen that picture somewhere, but I can't remember where. I almost think it was a Facebook friend request.
2) I get called by that number very often lately. Normally, there's no voicemail, or just a brief silent one. This evening, I got an actual voicemail from what sounded like a very young woman, or even possibly a teenage girl. She used my name and addressed me as if I would know who she was. This is what she said: "Hi, (my name). It's Zoe. Um, I just... Was giving you a call to see how you were cuz we haven't talked in so long. Hope everything's going well for you. Um... maybe(?), I'll talk to you, sometime soon(?). If not thenn... have a good... day(?), or week(?), or whatever (giggle). Um... yeah. If you wanna call back, go ahead. If not, it's not a big deal. Um, alright, bye."
What weirded me out the most was they way she sounded precisely like she would if we had some romantic connection that had disintegrated. She sounded cheerful but gentle and insecure. It started with a warm and sweet, confident and happy sounding greeting. After that she got progressively less confident. But she remained sort of sweet and hopeful throughout the message. I got more freaked out when I googled the number and read other people's stories about calls from this number.
by Grunt Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:56 pm
Age: 36 (Jul 7, 1976)
Gender: Male
Country: United States
State/Region: Florida
City: Fort Myers


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