The scammer also introduces a fake United Nations courier by the name of Luke Adams or Mr Kwame Adams, using the email address
[email protected].
Mr Luke Adams
United Nation Office,
You are Welcome to United Nation Office diplomatic delivery department Service ,as a matter of fact regards to your email to my office table,on behalf and a receiver of Admiral Mark E.Ferguson.from email and letter received from him Admiral Mark E.Ferguson,it stated here to us cleared from him that the parcel box here under the united nation law and order which contains his belongs here with us.should be delivered AND hand over to YOU there as his receiver and personal project assistant in your country Xxx,as the law stated to be delivered in your home door step.
Here is requirement and procedure for the delivery service/charges: are to sent us your Full Name and house address to be delivered to you.
2.Your are to sent us your phone no./ identify Id card no.
3.You are to make a payment of 1000 euro for the delivery charges cost.
4.You are to make the payment through western union.with the name Miss CHAI SHANG HUI...Country Malaysia.
You are to sent us your delivery charges payment information's along with your information's to received from our diplomat.our delivery service is wait-in 48 hours of your information's with us here to feel the delivery form service.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Mr Luke Adams
United Nation Office