Information on romance scams and scammers.
by scamsniffer Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:13 am
On itsjustanumber username cutedora Profile says Arizona but when you chat with HER or HIM (as the case may be,} you find out He, She, It, is in NIgeria

Oh yea- Arizona
rodneydoral: cutedora is my username
rodneydoral: realy
rodneydoral: am new to this date stuff

rodneydoral: well..i spent most of my life in iltaly with my am preently in Nigeria.........
xxx: Oh-
xxx: then forget it.
rodneydoral: why u said that?

rodneydoral: am not here for game
xxx: you are not the girl in the photo
rodneydoral: nooo
rodneydoral: that is my real image
rodneydoral: i have nothing to hide

As you can see from the grammar- this is NOT a caucasian raised with a US Education.

Here is her post on IJN
and HERE is where the model she is impersonating comes from:

I don't know WHAT the scam is at this point, but I am posting it because 1. photo is stolen, 2. suspect admits being in Nigeria, and 3. the language is inconsistent with a caucasian educated in America. Just to make the ID available to a more trusting potential victim. She CANNOT prove this is her- because I have identified where the photos COME FROM. So her fake promise to TRY to get her web cam working is just like all the others, THEY promise that to make you THINK they are real- that they are telling the truth- then they dance around the topic until you let it go.

by Kirby Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:08 am
There is no such user on
by scamsniffer Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:16 am
OF COURSE there isn't. They pull the profile IMMEDIATELY when I notify them the profile is fake. It was there when I made the report and disappeared a moment after I clicked to flag the account.
by ratt84 Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:43 am
Dora Love
Worked at Sales

Favorite Quotations
Life is a full of regrets, No matter how hard u try, u cant change your past

About Dora
I consider myself to be very simple......i always loyal to someone that loyal to me

by Kirby Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:07 pm
OF COURSE there isn't. They pull the profile IMMEDIATELY when I notify them the profile is fake. It was there when I made the report and disappeared a moment after I clicked to flag the account.

If the site pulls the profile immediately why post it here? Seems a little defamatory to me.
by Dotti Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:27 pm
As for defamatory, I would suggest looking up the meaning, as it in no way applies here.

I will take your post at face value and assume that you are honestly trying to help and simply don't fully understand the reasoning behind how we (and other forums like ours) work.

The MO of these scammers is to create a profile and rapidly approach as many potential victims as possible. They will try to move the victim off the dating site and on to email or chat, because they know the profile will likely be pulled from the dating site (though the timing can vary tremendously).

By the time the profile is pulled, the scammer may be in communication with dozens of targets or victims. Pulling the profile does not affect this communication in any way. At some point later, after the profile is gone, these people may become suspicious and search for more information. The point of having these posts here is to ensure that those victims learn the truth when they do search.

And as to the next statement that is inevitably made: "The victim should know because the profile is gone."
If the victim is still on the dating site at the time he/she becomes suspicious and finds the profile is gone, the scammer will simply explain it away, claiming that (a) he removed the profile because he met the victim and fell in love; (b) the site was getting too expensive/too boring/whatever; or (c) he may actually claim that he removed the profile because he was repeatedly being approached by scammers/perverts/whatever. The explanations vary, but they are frequently believed by victims.

Scammers are lazy--they will also open additional profiles using the same information on other dating and/or social networking sites, so the warnings may help those who meet the scammer somewhere else too.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by scamsniffer Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:49 pm
Thank you Dotti for coming to my defense. I have been annoyed over the last few reports particularly concerning IJN (its just a number) because they PROMPTLY respond to my flag, and by the time readers see my post- it is gone, that is why I frequently put a scan of the IJN profile so that the reader can SEE exactly what was there at the time I saw it. I don't like when someone says "no such post" as if I am lying. If possible let's remove those comments.

As for defamatory- I think the word the poster was searching for is probably "redundant"

Well they will LEARN when they have been inspecting scammers for a while. Turn over ALL THE ROCKS and you will find MORE DIRT.

When I take the time to prepare a report- I put a lot of time and effort into it, it is well articulated, 100% DOCUMENTED, and filled with primarily fact and little opinion.


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