by Magnustad
Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:23 am
I don't condone scamming but I have a rather unusual take on it that I would like to share. Later on I will present the scamming material on this website. Pics (not longer useful, as they are pics of other people), IDs, certificates, names, phone numbers and even bank accounts!
Anyway, I in some respects owe my scammers a lot, not that I haven't lost a lot of money that I would have use for now, being unemployed, partially as a consequence of my contacts.
My life, as those of many others in this forum, I'm sure, has been to some extent a problematic one, leading up to trying out dating sites, finding out how they work. I have been scammed by a few persons through this, and there has also been a number of "probes". Most of these people are easy to spot, but your heart gives in anyway, when the need is too strong. You get lulled by their sirens' song.
They are a cyanide pill, for sure, but with a sweet-tasting coating. In my case, in addition to this, they left a permanent feeling of me being ok in general, of having ok looks, of the daring to meet new people and also to speak my mind when it's called for. These findings have been confirmed by other impartial people to be true, so I have entered a higher level of self-esteem and have had some epiphanies about how I function as a person.
The costs have been great and cumbersome, the more so as I can't shake off the feeling of actually loving one of the "girls", it won't go away, whatever I do (it never wears off?!). But I have had a therapeutic session in this way, during 1½ years and I'm grateful for this how strange it might appear, something I wouldn't like to have been without, this particular experience. Frustrating yes, annoying yes, heart-breaking yes, but still a valuable experience. I might have been just "lucky" to be able to turn this into something extraordinary, but believe me, I would rather be a lover than a learner. Really, I would bring down the moon for my particular girl, if she had been for real. This part sucks.
Anyway, I in some respects owe my scammers a lot, not that I haven't lost a lot of money that I would have use for now, being unemployed, partially as a consequence of my contacts.
My life, as those of many others in this forum, I'm sure, has been to some extent a problematic one, leading up to trying out dating sites, finding out how they work. I have been scammed by a few persons through this, and there has also been a number of "probes". Most of these people are easy to spot, but your heart gives in anyway, when the need is too strong. You get lulled by their sirens' song.
They are a cyanide pill, for sure, but with a sweet-tasting coating. In my case, in addition to this, they left a permanent feeling of me being ok in general, of having ok looks, of the daring to meet new people and also to speak my mind when it's called for. These findings have been confirmed by other impartial people to be true, so I have entered a higher level of self-esteem and have had some epiphanies about how I function as a person.
The costs have been great and cumbersome, the more so as I can't shake off the feeling of actually loving one of the "girls", it won't go away, whatever I do (it never wears off?!). But I have had a therapeutic session in this way, during 1½ years and I'm grateful for this how strange it might appear, something I wouldn't like to have been without, this particular experience. Frustrating yes, annoying yes, heart-breaking yes, but still a valuable experience. I might have been just "lucky" to be able to turn this into something extraordinary, but believe me, I would rather be a lover than a learner. Really, I would bring down the moon for my particular girl, if she had been for real. This part sucks.