Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Crushed by scammer Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:49 am
I believe this is a scam I recently became involved with. Name and story similar to Robert Jenkins Hernandez mentioned in other scams. I met " Bob" on Facebook his I'd is "Fedman Hernadez" his email is [email protected] and reference to a user id as "bjerkins20h yahoo" Bob has a daughter " tesla" and grand child and is now residing in San Jose California.

He messaged me using chat on Facebook then promptly moved the conversation to gmail chat after exchanging emails. I noticed on his profile that someone was asking for "more information to help" and I decided to google him and found your site. Fortunately for me I am only 2 days into the scam. I will be more cautious in the future.

I will let you know if I receive any emails. Not sure how to post from chats, but basically he is in the Army in Afghanistan just knows I'm the one for him. Asked me for a relationship on second day. Responses are repetitive, oh cool, that's cool, also never uses correct speech or syntax "Hanging out with friend" or "Is been so long I have such" sometimes hard to figure out what he means. He constantly asks if I drive. I haven't answered that one keep telling him I fly. Took him awhile to figure it out.

Thanks for being out there so I was able to catch this quickly.

by Ajrin50 Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:24 am
Crushed by scammer wrote:I believe this is a scam I recently became involved with. Name and story similar to Robert Jenkins Hernandez mentioned in other scams. I met " Bob" on Facebook his I'd is "Fedman Hernadez" his email is [email protected] and reference to a user id as "bjerkins20h yahoo" Bob has a daughter " tesla" and grand child and is now residing in San Jose California.

He messaged me using chat on Facebook then promptly moved the conversation to gmail chat after exchanging emails. I noticed on his profile that someone was asking for "more information to help" and I decided to google him and found your site. Fortunately for me I am only 2 days into the scam. I will be more cautious in the future.

I will let you know if I receive any emails. Not sure how to post from chats, but basically he is in the Army in Afghanistan just knows I'm the one for him. Asked me for a relationship on second day. Responses are repetitive, oh cool, that's cool, also never uses correct speech or syntax "Hanging out with friend" or "Is been so long I have such" sometimes hard to figure out what he means. He constantly asks if I drive. I haven't answered that one keep telling him I fly. Took him awhile to figure it out.

Thanks for being out there so I was able to catch this quickly.

Hi, I'm Icoka, I would like to talk to you if you allow it, <address removed - dotti>
by Crushed by scammer Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:04 am
Looks like they took out your email. Post hear if you want to.
by Ajrin50 Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:14 pm
Crushed by scammer wrote:Looks like they took out your email. Post hear if you want to.

Yes, I would. thank you
by Ajrin50 Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:19 pm
Ajrin50 wrote:
Crushed by scammer wrote:Looks like they took out your email. Post hear if you want to.

Yes, I would. thank you
Hi, it's over? closed the thing?

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