Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:28 pm

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 28 years old, dob 12th May 1981, single, never married, no children, living in Cheboksary (??????????), Republic of Chuvashia, Russia

Mail addresses used [email protected] yuliyaflov@yahoo

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d)

IP = = Yoshkar-ola, Russian Federation




Hi! I wish to get acquainted with you. I will be glad, if you will answer me on [email protected]



I am glad, that you have left to me on a site of acquaintances yours e-mail. I do not know how to begin acquaintance and that about myself to tell. But I think, that we can learn one about other much, and ours dialogue will be pleasant. I would like, that you would send more photo and answered my questions sincerely. I love sincerity and the truth. Whatever it was.
I will look forward your letter.
Your new acquaintance Yuliya.

Hello xxxxx.

Kind to you of day.

Know, for me it was pleasant to see your letter for me, and to see your answer to my message for you. You have very much interested me, and I have wanted to get acquainted with you. I think, that it can be the beginning of good friendship or even more.
I think, that it will be interesting to you to know little bit more about me as on my profile on a site for acquaintances, I could not describe myself in detail.
And so.
My name Yuliya, to me of 28 years. I do not have now any relations so I am free. I never was married and I do not have children.
I live in Russia, in small city Cheboksary.
It is not so big city, but for that it very beautiful. And here very much it is pleasant to me. I work as the seller of clothes in shopping centre.
We together with mum, live in our apartment. So it has turned out, that I do not have Father. My mum has told to me, that it has left from us still when I was small, but I do not like to recollect it.
By the way xxxxx, in my letter I will send you my photos that you could see me, and is better learn me. I as ask you to send to me some your photos as it will be very pleasant to me to look at you.
I like to listen to music, to look films, to walk together with my friends, and to help my mum. As I very much like to go to the cinema. Sometimes I visit different exhibitions and museums, and still to me to like simply to walk on a city with my friends.
I prefer healthy style of a life, and I 2-3 times a week necessarily go on trainings. I am engaged in swimming and east dances. For me it is very important to hold the body in the good form. I consider that sports are an integral part of our life and the more so it is very pleasant and it is useful for health. And how you consider? You like sports? What kind of sports is pleasant to you?
I as will wait in your following letter of a few letters on you as it is very interesting to me.
In a life I appreciate sincerity and as in men I appreciate sincerity and understanding. I do not transfer lie and people which to me say lies, and I hope for that that you will be fair with me. As I consider that such qualities as honesty and understanding help people to create mutual understanding.
You for me the interesting person, and I would like to learn you better and consequently I have some questions to you.
What most of all interests you in girls? What do you love? What qualities like you?
I hope for your answer.
I think, that this letter can be the beginning of good relations, and I will wait for your following letter with photos for me.
And now I think, that I will finish my letter.

Yours faithfully Yuliya

Hello xxxxx.

For me it was very pleasant to receive your second letter for me.
As your day, as your mood. I hope that at you all is good.
At me today good mood.
By the way for me it was very pleasant to look at your photos for me. You very nice man, nobody spoke it to you.
Probably it will be interesting to you to know about me a little more. And so I love a cosiness in the house, and I try to hold my house in cleanliness and heat. Also I like to prepare And to eat various tasty things.
I like to be engaged in house affairs. As my mum spoke to me, the present woman should support a cosiness and heat in the house, and I try to do it. But sometimes I simply would like to lie down on a bed and to listen to music, and many other things.

As I take a great interest in Foreign languages.
Foreign languages I studied it, still when I was the little girl, at my school. Usually at schools study English Language as it is considered the most popular language in the world, but at our school there was no teacher of English language and consequently I studied French. But it is final then when I already studied In technical school I studied also English. At me even like well it turns out speaks and on it. So now, it is possible to tell that I know three languages, it is my Native Russian, French, and certainly English.

xxxxx I wish to inform you about these, that I love in men. I think that the ideal man for me, he/she is that man which appreciates the woman and loves it and to care of it. And the woman should appreciate the man, and should look after it. And I am assured, that if the man and the woman will be such then they will be happy together. And certainly I consider that good relations need trust as it as is very important for relations.
I thought of it, and I want I will meet that person with which is happy, and which will be happy with me. And I certainly hope that the destiny will help me to find such person.

xxxxx I probably will finish my letter today as I do not want that you got tired to read my letters. And I once again wish you all good.
I will look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully yours Yuliya
Last edited by The Enchantress on Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:29 pm
Bonjour mon nouvel ami xxxxx.

Je suis tres contente que je t'ai interesse. Je tacherai pour que tu ne sois pas desappointe dans moi et a appris plus en ce qui concerne moi. Mais comme je veux t'apprendre mieux. Je demande que tu m'ecrives en ce qui concerne toi-meme directement plus en detail. Quand tu etudies la personne mieux, les lignes du caractere et les regards peuvent foncierement changer.Ok, maintenant je te communiquerai un peu en ce qui concerne moi directement. Mon nom Yuliya. Moi la jeune fille ordinaire russe que ne distinguant pas des autres. Excuse-moi, si je fais beaucoup d'erreurs dans la lettre.Donc, mon age - 28 ans, la croissance - 165 sm, le poids - 50 kg. Je n'etais jamais mariee et, donc, malheureusement, je n'ai pas aucuns enfants. Mais je voudrais avoir l'enfant. Je n'ai pas les mauvaises habitudes, je ne fume pas, et je ne bois pas l'alcool. Si seulement a la fete je permets de boire un peu de vin rouge. De la nourriture je prefere la cuisine russe.Je veux trouver la personne, qui aimerait et me respectait. Je pense que les bonnes relations entre l'homme et la femme doivent etre construites sur la confiance et le respect l'un a l'autre.

Je pense que nous devons apprendre l'un l'autre mieux pour que nos relations soient plus fort.xxxxx, s'il vous plait, communique m'en ce qui concerne toi directement.Je veux communiquer, je ne cherche pas l'ami selon la correspondance. Je cherche la personne speciale, qui deviendra mon meilleur ami pour developper l'amour veritable et se marier. Si tu m'ecris pour la distraction, s'il vous plait, ne perds pas en vain le temps.Je veux etre sincere avec toi, c'est pourquoi tu dois etre aussi sincere avec moi!!!Sur cela je finis la lettre et j'attends beaucoup ta reponse.



Hello my new friend xxxxx.

I am very content that I t' have interests. I will stain so that you would not be desappointe in me and learned more with regard to me. But as I want t' to better learn. I ask that you m' write with regard to yourself directly more in detail. When you studied the person better, the lines of the character and the glances can fundamentally change. Ok, now I will communicate to you a little with regard to me directly. My name Yuliya. Me the Russian ordinary young girl that not distinguishing from the others. Excuse me, if I make much d' errors in the letter. Therefore, my old - 28 years, growth - 165 Sm, the weight - 50 kg. I n' stays ever married and, therefore, unfortunately, I n' do not have aucuns children. But I would like to have l' child. I n' do not have the bad habits, I do not smoke, and I do not drink l' alcohol. So only the festival I allow to drink a little red wine. Food I prefer the Russian kitchen. I want to find the person, who would like and respected me. I think that the good relationships between l' man and the woman must be built on confidence and the respect l' l' has; other.

I think that we must learn l' a l' other better so that our relations are stronger. xxxxx, s' you like it, communicates m' with regard to you directly. I want to communicate, I do not seek l' friend according to the correspondence. I seek the special person, who will become my best friend to develop l' true love and to marry. If you m' write for the distraction, s' you like it, do not waste time in vain. I want to be sincere with you, c' is why you must be also sincere with me!!! On that I finish the letter and j' await much your answer.


Bonjour mon amour xxxxx!!!

Comment tes affaires? Je suis tres contente de voir tes lettres. Sur mon ame il est si bon devenir, quand je les lis! Je veux etre ainsi avec toi ensemble! Je serais venue chez toi a la fin du mois! Quand toi-meme, tu souhaites que je vienne chez toi???? Je reve de cela! Mais cela seulement les reves.Entre nous il y a un mur en pierre est un probleme financier, que je ne peux pas surmonter, sans ton aide! J'ai appris le cout du voyage a ton pays. Je ne pourrai pas payer le cout du visa et les billets. Le cout du visa, le passeport pour l'etranger et l'inspection medicale est egal 430 euros. Le cout du billet est egal 775 euros. C'est le mur immense en pierre!Tu pourras m'aider la casser! Je pense que notre amour la cassera!Si tu peux m'aider la semaine suivante, je viendrai ici chez toi, des que je recevrai le visa. Les documents prennent une forme pendant 6-7 jours. Et si tout va bien, et ce mur tombera en ruines, je pourrai etre chez toi dans le couple de semaines!Ecris me l'opinion. Tu pourras m'aider, mon prince??????????Je suis heureuse de l'idee qu'apres la distance immense il y a une personne, qui m'aime et, qui aime je!J'avec l'impatience attendrai ta reponse, mon amour!Avec l'amour, tienne



Hello my love xxxxx!!!

How your business? I am very glad to see your letters. On my heart it is so good to become, when I read them! I want to be thus with you together! I would have come at home at the end of the month! When yourself, do you wish that I come at home???? I dream of that! But that only dreams. Between us there is a stone wall is financial problems, which I cannot overcome, without your assistance! J' learned the cost from the voyage has your country. I will not be able to pay the cost of the visa and the tickets. The cost of the visa, the passport for l' foreigner and l' medical inspection is equal 430 euros. The cost of the ticket is equal 775 euros. C' is the immense stone wall! You will be able m' to help to break it! I think that our love will break it! If you can m' to help the following week, I will come here at home, as soon as I receive the visa. The documents take a form during 6-7 days. And if all is well, and this wall will fall in ruins, I could be at home in the couple of weeks! Write to me l' opinion. You will be able m' to help, my prince?????????? I am happy of l' idea qu' after the immense distance there is a person, who m' like and, which like I! J' with l' impatience will await your answer, my love! With l' love, holds


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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:30 pm
Salut mon amour xxxxx!!!

Je suis tres contente de recevoir de toi la lettre. Comment ton jour aujourd'hui ?Gentil, je suis heureuse que tu peux m'aider avec le paiement du voyage! Je pense chaque jour de notre premiere rencontre, comme nous nous comporterons, quand nous nous verrons pour la premiere fois a l'aeroport.

xxxxx, je veux etre beaucoup avec toi cote a cote, t'embrasser et embrasser sur la bouche, te tenir par la main.Mon amour, dans ma ville est de differents systemes des virements postaux. A moi ont conseille de choisir Money Gram. On dit, que c'est un des systemes les plus surs des virements postaux. Gentil, dans ta ville est Money Gram?

xxxxx, j'attends beaucoup notre rencontre. Je veux beaucoup que le jour, quand nous pour la premiere fois avec toi nous rencontrerons, arrive plus vite! Gentil, quand tu pourras m'aider avec le paiement du voyage?J'avec l'impatience attendrai de toi la reponse, mon amour.J'espere que je pourrai te voir bientot personnellement!!!Avec l'amour, ta princesse



Hello my love xxxxx!!!

I am very glad to receive from you the letter. How your aujourd' day; today? Nice, I am happy that you can m' to help with the payment of the voyage! I think each day of our first meeting, as we will behave, when we see ourselves for the first time has l' airport.

xxxxx, I want to be much with you side by side, t' to embrace and embrace on the mouth, to hold you by the hand. My love, in my city is various systems of the postal transfers. With me have advises to choose Money Gram. It is said, that c' is one of the sourest systems of the postal transfers. Nice, in your city is Money Gram?

xxxxx, j' await much our meeting. I want much that the day, when we for the first time with you we meet, arrives more quickly! Nice, when you can m' to help with the payment of the voyage? J' with l' impatience will await from you the answer, my love. J' hope that I will be able to see you soon personally!!! With l' love, your princess


Bonjour mon amour xxxxx!!!

Je suis tres contente de nouveau de recevoir de toi la lettre de nouveau!!! J'etais beaucoup etonnee pour que m'ait repondu si vite!Gentil, je suis contente que dans ta ville est Money Gram.
Voici mes donnees, a qui tu chez moi as demande:

Mon nom: Yuliya
Mon prenom: YUSUPOVA
Mon adresse: avenue Lenine, Batiment 38, Appartement 26 Code postal: 428000
Ma ville: Cheboksary

xxxxx, je suis si heureuse que deja demain nous pourrons commencer avec toi preparer les documents pour le voyage pour que je puisse venir chez toi, et nous nous sommes rencontres. Je te suis beaucoup desirable voir, mon amour!!! Je pense chaque jour de toi et notre futur! Il ne te me suffit pas beaucoup cote a cote! Je veux etre avec toi, te tenir par la main! Je veux passer avec toi tout ton loisir!J'avec l'impatience attendrai de toi la reponse,

xxxxx.Avec l'amour, ta princesse



Hello my love xxxxx!!!

I am very glad to receive from you the letter again!!! J' stays much etonnee so that m' answered so quickly! Nice, I am content that in your city is Money Gram.

Here my data, has which you at home have request:

My name: Yuliya
Mon first name: YUSUPOVA
Mon addresses: Lenine avenue, Building 38, postal Apartment 26 Code: 428000
Ma city: Cheboksary

xxxxx, I am so happy that already tomorrow we will be able to start with you to prepare the documents for the voyage so that I can come at home, and we are meetings. I am much desirable to see for you, my love!!! I think each day of you and our future! It is not enough for me much side by side! I want to be with you, to hold you by the hand! I want to pass with you all your leisure! J' with l' impatience will await from you the answer,

xxxxx. With l' love, your princess


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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:30 pm
Additional stolen photographs used by this scammer;






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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:31 pm





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by tia Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:59 pm
I have been talking to Yuliya now for 2 months and she has scammed money from me..She is using the email address of yuliyaflov@yahoo and is also a user on Badoo..I should have found this site earlier but I am still talking to her..I will keep you posted on the outcomes
by Ralph Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:59 pm
Hi Tia,

Welcome to Scamwarners

Sorry to hear you have lost money to this scammer.

Please do not reply to any more emails, completely ignore the scammer and eventually he will leave you alone.

If you have any emails from teh scammer or details that are different to what is posted please provide it by either posting or emailing me.

I trust you have already seen the information thread at the top of teh romance forum for how to spot a romance scammer, please take a look through and if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask

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