Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:09 pm

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 23 or 29 years old, dob 1st January 1986, "psychotherapist" living in Cherkasy (???????) or Chernihiv (????????), Ukraine or Cheboksary, Russia

Mail addresses used [email protected] [email protected]





Hello there its Alena here,

how are you doing ? i am very glad to hear from you,you make my evening,thank you.
Sorry for that i can not come here more often, it is only because i am just busy with my work or sometimes i can be tired too much also.

By the way i have international diploma that allow me to work psychotherapist almost world wide include United States. I am not sure how difficult it is to find work for psychotherapist in your area and how much does it paid, but here i work for private clinic and does not paid good. It is not only my work is paid not good, it is because of low level of salaries in my country in whole.

The most of my patients are kids with Down syndrome, and it is not easy to work with them also. I have to give them more than just doctor can.
Any way i can save something sometimes, but the most i earn is enough for food and clothes.

Well,i want to describe what is the right relationship to me, i mean they way of my family based on. First of all i do belive in God and i agree with some positions of relationship the Bible give it to us. By the way i am not too religious and i go to the Church on special holidays only,any way i see the power of Prayers doing my work. So the bible tell us that all relationships have to be based on love toward God,and love toward neighbor "They have to be based upon the law of God, spiritually applied. So love toward God would lead us to keep His law with respect to our neighbor, and to love our neighbor as we love and take care of the self.
The Spirit-led mind is going to be seeking the good of the other. It is not going to abuse the other person by manipulation for selfish ends. It is not going to be trying to use the other person. It is going to be unselfish. It is going to be patient "

What does the right relationship means to me, i would explain it in few words and very short.
I try to put my heart in what ever i do and it is in relationship also,so we can always find compromise and avoid conflicts. The right relationship for me is when you give a lot and do not need to ask something for "returning" from your partner, it just happens by their own way and this is the balance. When people can understand each other without words and when they do feel each other spiritual.Also i am sure that right relations build on good sexual relations and it is necessary to give to partner a lot of respect,are you agree with me ?

I always try to give a lot to the man i am in relations with and i am agree with opinion of German famous psychotherapist Zigmund Freid that there is never psychological problem for adult without conflict of sexual relations,that means if you have good sexual relations with your partner you are protected from stress

I have been hurt before,but i did not loose the hope to find good man,and i will never loose it.You just became stronger every time when you are hurt should never loose hope and the happiness will bell the door someday.

What is your opinion about money and how do the important in your life ?

I love to watch discovery channel and i have a pet, i got it only 2 weeks ago from mother's of my patient. His name is Pepel,that means "Grey" in English.
I will attach the picture Yes,it is the pussy cat, born two and half month ago only,but very clever already. Sometimes i ask my neighbors to feed it when i am at work.

Well,i need to go home now,we are going to take a short trip to Psychotherapist Meeting to an other city with co-worker and it is short meeting of doctor's and i will be at home the day after tomorrow, so i came here and send you some pictures,we will go there by train and i will ask my co-worker to take some pictures.

I love to travel very much, i have been to Europe : France,Spain,Cyprus and Philippines.
My last trip was to Cyprus and i have some pictures to send to you, we go there last winter

Looking forward to hearing from you

its Alena here.

I am glad to hear from you, we come from meeting late at night and i have just weak up,drunk coffee and come here in Internet cafe to check your letter.The meeting was little bit boring and there were about 100 guests (all are the psychotherapists).

We go there by train and the trip was very funny.
My co-worker took camera and i have some pictures for you, i will be sending her picture also,so you can be sure that there was no man who took picture and that i went there with her and that is really true.
I want to be HONEST with you my dear.
So i belive you will be the same for me,ok ?
By the way i think that the spicy True better than Sweet lie, are you agree with me ?
I want you to know that i have no profiles in Internet and i am not looking for any man also,because we do communicate with you now and i belive it is serious,am i right about it ?
I have told to my co-worker about you and she was so surprised, she told to me,i see you are so positive the last time and you smile more often,is that because of him ?
Yes you make me feel more positive and i smile more often, this is true and i am glad to you for making me feel this way.
Please provide me with your home address and full name just in case also.I want to describe my view on finances and money.
I belive that money are necessary to provide comfortable style of life,but it should be never become the main. I mean that i never put too much attention on money.
I belive that money can never make you happy, i mean you can become happy only if you have right way and if your way have heart.Yes,every family should have money to buy food,clothes,to pay taxes,so i think that every one should go to work and i am ready to work and earn money to support my family.

Thank you for the way you are

P.S By the way i am Christian religion

With kiss
Yours Alena

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by The Enchantress Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:12 pm
My dearest xxxxx,it is me Alena here.

How are you doing this weekend ?
I am fine,have been trying to figure out about vacation and i think i can fly this month but not sure what dates because i need to talk to my boss and she will be at work tomorrow and we decide about what is the dates actually i can have rest.

We were looking for tickets with travel agent but have not find any thing good yet-sometimes the price is too high, sometimes too many steps and she also need to know the dates so i will let you know as soon as i have any information about it.

Are you excited my dear ? I am very excited and i would like to come and see how does the life look like there and if we do fall in love in person and we will be couple able the same in writings i do not see any barrier for our possible future together,do you ?
You are the reason to smile more often and my days are more positive now and i would like us to enjoy each others company, what would you show me there if i come ?

I have a lot of work these days and i am really very tired and vacation is what do i dream about,to spend it with you would be very interested for me because i never met someone to date and have been single here for long time by now.I am healthy lady and i need to have man in my life that is able to take care of me and to share my private world with.The sexual relations are very important for me and i would like to discuss it in person more than in writings and i would like to do it more than discuss,i hope you can understand me

I belive that the main is the connection in hearts and after that all other things,but simply without good sexual contact the True love is not easy kept for people,do you agree with me my dear ? I can only imagine our first date and how do you see our meeting at the airport ? do you have any ideas about how could it be ? Well,i am going home now and i need to do some shopping,could you tell me how do people drive in your area,is it right or left way movement ? we have right way movement here and i have international driver license and i can drive well,but my ex took the car after divorce and i have no chance to drive from that moment.
I have some pictures to send to you there and i will be getting more with the next letter,they are from my vacation i took first week in December last year and we go there with my ex.After divorce he has told to me that he took of drinking alcohol and that he want me to come back and that he love me with all his heart.I was not going to do it but as you know that the hope is alive some times and i gave him the last chance and we went for holiday together,but when we come home he get drunk with his friends and go to sauna with prostitutes again and it hurt me so deep. Now i belive that if someone ask you for the second chance you should
be very careful,there is no any chances for him from that time any more.

Have you ever thought someone could ask you for second chance and make you down again? It made me more strong and gave some experience and now i know what should not do any more,i just want to be honest with you because it is very important for me when you can share you private world.I wont tell you about my ex any more,sorry if i make you bother reading this,but he did took the pictures i am going to send to you

Ok my dear i go home now and come here the day after tomorrow,hope full with travel news,

With deep kiss and warm hug

Yours Alena

Please do not let me down because my heart is not strong enough if it happens again,
if you do feel something wrong between us, do not let it to go far

what is your favorite color ?

My dear it is me Alena,

i am glad to hear from you,thank you for your letter,did you miss me ?
it may sounds strange to miss someone you never see before,but i do feel something like that,i suppose it is because we become close,i am lonely here my dear, many people around,but lonely any way,yes,friends are the best what we have and it does help sometimes.

Well,finally i have information from my end and we can make plans now.I want to describe everything in details so you could easy understand the situation.
Every doctor can get 28 days for vacation during the Year.
That means doctor can go on vacation two times for two weeks each.
Or one time for 28 days.
My last vacation was in December the last year, and this Year i have 28 days.I can come to you there for 28 days, that means we will have 4 weeks together,this is the maximum and after that i can be back here and continue work in clinic.

Now lets talk about variants that is possible for us :

1st variant,i can come to you there for one,two,three or four weeks,it depends on how long you are able to spend with me, and come back here to continue working after spending time together.

2nd variant is possible if we will like each other in person the same we like during communication and if we decide to stay together.
That means i wont come back here and we can search for new work for me.
I will bring my international diploma and other papers,drive licence,etc, everything that is necessary for living in your area. I can work as psychotherapist almost World wide and i am sure we will find work for me.

The 3rd variant is for you to visit me here in my country, but i like 2 variants above more,because if we decide to stay together i am not sure if we can find work for you here and any way we will need to live in your country,not here.So the first two variants save a lot of time for us and by this way i think they are better.By the way you can come for a visit any time you want.

I have talked to my boss about the dates i can go on vacation and she has told to me that it is possible from the nearly the end of next week, around Friday (date)
She is good lady and she has told to me that i can book tickets first, and after i have the date of departure,she will collect 28 days after i leave here.There are many flights and the prices are various, it depends on airline and connecting flights also, i will be getting the tickets with open return date. This is very good way and it means i will have return ticket and i can fly at any date we decide it is right time to come back here.

If we decide it after one,two or four weeks,it will be easy just to call airline and book return ticket,so it is really good idea.

Now about the prices,my trip to you is from 1450 dollars, this price include the travel paper's price and round tickets by plane with opened date.

I have about 600 dollars saved and 850 is what keep us a part.

My friends are ready to borrow me about 100 and 750 dollars is your share my dear.

I need about 750 dollars your support and you should get it here soon, better to say as soon as possible because we need to pay for tickets now.

I have been told that the fastest and safest we can do it by "Western Union" you will need to visit their site (link to website) and find the office near your home,than you can go there and transfer funds.

Also you can check this service (website Moneygram) and it may be cheaper to use.

This is the necessary information for funds transfer when you go to their office :

Country : Ukraine
City :Cherkasy
my full name is Alena Lapkina

They will provide you with 10 digit reference # and you should send it here by email.
I will give you my flight information as soon as i pay for it and have by myself.
If i go to you there,i should take vacation and go now,because there wont be any chance this year for other dates because there is a plan for co-workers that they make already,i did not plan to go on vacation before i met you, but as you see now we decide to meet and it is the right time.

I think that i will go to see my mom on weekend to say good buy and to see the relatives also.They have prepared some gifts and i will bring it with me.
Also please tell me what time it is better to pick me up at the airport and what kind of clothes should i wear after i leave the plane,what do ladies wear now ? here is the Autumn season and i wear jacket and jeans.
Well,i need to go to work now and i will come here soon

I am going to attach some pictures for you, my favorite color is yellow

With hugs and hot kisses
Yours Alena

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by The Enchantress Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:13 pm
Additional stolen photographs used by this scammer;







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by The Enchantress Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:14 pm






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by The Enchantress Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:14 pm






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