by josier
Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:36 pm
Its the same story as so many others.... an Army man in Afghanistan widowed with a small child who lives in America with his mother. I have fallen for this kind man. He is very smart, affectionate, ect... He recently told me that his mother and child are visiting in Nigeria and his daughter needs her appendix out. He stated that they will not do it without $800.00. I have dealt with insurance issues before and asked him why his Tricare will not cover this... she is the dependant of an active duty military man???? He stated he has the money in the US but since his mother is in Nigeria she can't get it. Can I please loan it to him until he gets home in December. Stated he has no access to his documents or anything?? Please help me... I don't think a hospital or doctor in Nigeria would let a child suffer without being given money since she has insurance? Please I hope I am wrong.. PS i am broke and don't have $800.....he asked me to try for a loan and I said sorry my credit is shot.. He said God will save his child that she may die and wants to continue the friendship?? So confused