by Spook
Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:06 am
USER ID: 6341494
Nickname: laxy
Name: manfred
Age: 35 (Dec 21, 1976)
Gender: Male
Country: United States
State/Region: Kansas
City: Wichita
laxy: am manfred WILLIAMS L Owner of Space-Technology - CM Motor - Salina Rocket - Founder of Laxy Corp. Born in Gross-Deutschland. .......... Born in Germany. In the late 60's expelled from East-Germany to that i was not welcome in West-Germany. i travelled round the globe, working sometimes even as adviser for political and military organizations. Exceptionally good all round-knowledge, streetwise and the only living person to understand
[email protected]
USER ID: 6341494
Nickname: laxy
Name: manfred
Age: 35 (Dec 21, 1976)
Gender: Male
Country: United States
State/Region: Kansas
City: Wichita
laxy: am manfred WILLIAMS L Owner of Space-Technology - CM Motor - Salina Rocket - Founder of Laxy Corp. Born in Gross-Deutschland. .......... Born in Germany. In the late 60's expelled from East-Germany to that i was not welcome in West-Germany. i travelled round the globe, working sometimes even as adviser for political and military organizations. Exceptionally good all round-knowledge, streetwise and the only living person to understand
[email protected]