by Bubbles
Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:39 am
Welcome to ScamWarners psinghanan, We usually like more information before making an assessment about where it is a scammer.
I would say from the email address you have posted that this is most likely a scammer who is trying to prove their military credentials in their choice of email address.
Just the little bit this person has written is not written by a native English speaker. It is the way that a West African typically creates sentences.
Another thing to remember is real military personnel on assignment do not have time to be looking for a wife. They have duties and tasks and are frequently on patrol, especially in Afghanistan, and especially a General.
In my opinion, your safest course of action would be to move on from this person.
Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.
Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.
Gone, but never forgotten.