Information on romance scams and scammers.
by UsingMyName Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:17 pm
So, I know that this site is for the victims of scams...but what information is out there for me? Someone is using my name and picture to scam money from women. I would not have known if a woman who was being scammed did not contact me. I was perplexed when she asked if this was the "real me". She told me that someone was pretending to be me, on various websites, to scam women. I am a military guy, and this person/people are using pictures of me in uniform in order to do this. I would love to provide more details, but I'm sure that the same people that are doing this to me are also searching websites just like this one. Can anyone offer suggestions other than just deleting my information that is public...I have already taken this step. Also, I have contacted about 20 websites that I found profiles that were pretending to be me, and most of the sites have complied with my request of removing the profiles.

by Dotti Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:17 pm
Welcome usingmyname,

Unfortunately, you will soon find that you are not alone in your predicament. Scammers using photos of soldiers have absolutely no feelings of remorse, with no cares about how many people they are hurting in their quest to steal money. They will gladly gladly use photos of any soldier, alive or dead, that they can get their hands on. They have also saved the photos they already stole, so deleting them won't prevent their re-use.

If you notice, photos posted here are covered with a watermark like "fake" or "used by scammer." We actually do this to prevent scammers from being able to collect photos here to use in their scams.

There isn't much you can do, but there are a few steps you can take, depending on your comfort level.

-You can post more info here, including your photos, watermarked to prevent use, with a simple statement that the photos are stolen and you are not active on dating sites, etc...Some people choose to do that, to avoid future accusations against them.
-If you have a social networking page or a website that is publicly viewable, either turn up the privacy settings to high, or openly post a statement there. If you are posting photos somewhere they can be seen by strangers, watermark them with something that will make them useless to scammers.
-google your name and your photos from time to time, to keep on top of what's out there and take action if necessary.
-educate others about these scams. The more awareness there is, the less successful the scammers will be. The less successful they are, the more likely they will abandon that format.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by UsingMyName Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:09 pm
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm sure that I'm not the first, and won't be the last that this has happened to. My name is all over the internet because of my military career and my story of being injured. I don't feel too comfortable posting pictures of myself on here...I don't know how to watermark photos! I have deleted the MySpace account that nearly all of the pictures of me were taken from. I'm just curious now about the timeframe of when these photos could drop off of google and other search engines. I also don't really want to post any information about myself as this is what seemed to get me in this position in the first place!
I am spreading awareness within my circle of military buddies, family and friends. I just can't believe how often this occurs. I think that I'm lucky that one woman did some research and found the real me. While this has caused me a great deal of stress, I truly want to help as much as I can.
by UsingMyName Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:27 pm
Also, I should add that there are over 20 photos that I've been made aware of that are in use!
by Dotti Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:42 pm
As far as google goes, it can take several days to weeks for a listing to come off--but keep in mind that the scammers may reuse your identity in the meantime--so new listings may appear as the old ones are coming off.

If they have found your social networking page, it's not unusual for scammers to copy every photo in an album, so they can send "new" pictures through the course of the scam.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by UsingMyName Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:57 am
For lack of better words, this sucks!

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