Information on romance scams and scammers.
by 1searching2 Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:50 pm
Ive been talking with a girl on Im an she says her name is Dora levine.I have found a profile of her on wayn and does match pics she has sent me.But for a scammer thats what they do right.She hasnt asked me for anything yet but am waiting and just playing the game with her for right now. But is very unusal with her,dosent seem to be like the others I have heres the deal.She says shes from the U.S. im not really sure about that cause thats what they all say.well anyway she says she was "dating" this nigerian that some how managed to con her mom out of a substantial amount of money some how,an somehow as a result ended up with the death of her mother,well ok.Is a pretty sad story right.
So now this girl says she is in London cause she has a major case aganist this man who is supposedly incarcerated there an is currently undergoing court proceedings for a major big settlement.The man eveidently invested the money he conned into things in ,yeah Nigeria. So other than finding the profile of this girl on wayn,there is nothing more about her.So not sure if shes a scammer or legit.Oh does have a facbook to but all that is there is the link to wayn.I cant seem to figure out how to get email headres from yahoo using IE9 with win 7 either have tryed all I know.

by Dotti Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:00 am
If you are talking about this one:

I can tell you from the profile alone that it is a scammer, even without the complete scam storyline. Real people know their own hair and eye colors, and they don't create profiles using photos of 2 clearly different people (one of which is almost certainly not 29.)

Could you please post the email address this scammer is using, as well as the emails "she" has sent you?

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by began steele Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:19 am
In case you don't know. One of the photos used by this scammer is taken in the United Kingdom and not in USA. More educated and informed people will see exactly why, but we won't discuss this openly because we like our scammers to be kept plain dumb and ignorant.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ratt84 Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:31 am
her location tells a lot too :mrgreen:
main location for nLayer Communications (GIGLINX)
by 1searching2 Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:03 am
Ok heres the email I got from her.Its the only have gotten since have been talking with her Thing that alerted me she is probably scamming is when I talked with her on the IM yesterday she said she would be on today at a certain time but it would be nigerian time,and I thought hmnnnn ,shes in London supposedly,so whats that got to do with Nigerian time? She said they are on the same time,which could be,I dont know if all UK countries are on the same time or not though. I see what you meant by the one pic,didnt catch that at 1st.She said she hadnt been to that site for a very long time either and the pics are dated in 2011.
email she is using is [email protected]

Hello Alan,

How are you doing today, I was very tired when i came back from the Court. The Justice adjourned the case till friday, because they are still under investigation. The police brought him to court today, I feel like stoning him to death. Because i remembered that i lost my mom through his heartless and fake love that he has for me. I don`t have court until Friday, so i will still be in the hotel till then.

It is again dark outside. I am sitting in my room in front of the monitor, with the keyboard in front of me. Again waiting to see your nickname on the screen and have a nice chat with so many feelings in each word. I feel you so near and so distant in the same moment. Every day I find something new in you, something that makes me feel different but sure in one thing - you are not only my friend, you are something more, something deeper. Do you feel the same?

After all these days and nights I know that I found a friend, but I am not sure if it is the real love. But I know that I have found my first true love and I will keep it that way. I also know that I will give you all the love you need, or at least all the love you want me to give you. I know that I will love you in a way I cannot show and cannot explain to you. I just want to be loved by you, at least as a friend. Let me know if you have changed you opinion about us. Let me know what has changed or if I am the one who does not understand things. I love you, my only sin! I love you as a friend and as a lover.

Love always,

by began steele Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:23 pm
Please don't discuss anything with this scammer, tell it nothing and keep it in the dark. Sunset in UK is now 19.39 Today and fully dark by 20.30. Nigeria and UK are same time zone however Nigeria sunset is 18:51 today and so dark in Lagos, Nigeria- ie. dark at 19.40 .You will have to check to see if there is a lie there too. There is another error in the message because scammer isn't aware of the difference between a civil and criminal court and what goes on in it. In either case all the court details would have been finalised and not still being investigated. Another note is that Hotels don't provide computers in Guest rooms, at least not ones I have been in, and I can't see the scammer travelling with a monitor and keyboard in its bags! :mrgreen:

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ratt84 Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:40 pm
Can you please correct the email address :D ? And remove your personal details?
What IP did she use?
by Dotti Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:16 pm
As Began already said, the "court" story is completely wrong. The scammer doesn't know the difference between criminal and civil court and is completely mixing them up.

Note the difference between the first paragraph of the email and the other two. The grammar is way worse in the first paragraph--that's because the scammer wrote it himself. The mistakes are (not surprisingly) consistent with an African.

The 2nd and third paragraphs are significantly better. That's because they were copied.

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by 1searching2 Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:30 am
I got this email from her this morning,well not from her.I have done a whois check an it originated from Lagos. So wanna guess where this is leading? Gonna be asking for money next,lol
Good morning
I am writing you at the request of Miss. Dora Keran Dwight. She has no email or cell phone/phone service here at the hospital.
Miss. Dora arrived via ambulance at 5:15 AM yesterday morning. The police said she was attacked on her way going to the Court. She a citizen of United state of America. We are contacting you because we found your printed picture and data in her wallet. We assumed that you will be her husband of fiance, she still in our hospital get back to us if you are, with this the telphone number. sorry for the inconvinience if you are not, she wrote your email address and your phone number also a airport name at the back of your printed picture.
She is currently in surgery, having been diagnosed (from her bloated stomach and extreme pain) with two bleeding ulcers.
Her stomach was pumped and we removed 1 1/2 quarts (46 ounces) of blood.
Surgery is expected to last 3-4 hours in total. She is currently in critical condition, and we are doing our best to stem the bleeding and repair her ulcerated lesions.
Thank you Sir,
Dr. Michael Labatom
Clev. Clinic
Last edited by Con Warner on Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Quotes added.
by Bubbles Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:49 am
Please post the email address you received this email from. People often search using the email address the scammer is using. With that information, I would be happy to make this it's own topic.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by 1searching2 Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:53 pm
Here is the email address he or she has used.I have done a search for this"Dr" with no results. And as far as the Clev. Clinic in Nigeria nothing on that or the hospital in NIgeria, but did find a listing for the hospital in London. Michael Labatom <[email protected]> Im am very curious about this it just seems very strange to me that a scammer I have been in contact with that was last in London winds up in Nigeria,gets beat up by thugs supposedly then I get a email from this supposed "Dr" aboiut the scammer. One of these day Im going to have to do some thing with my curiousity,lol.
by began steele Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:59 am
You can tell the fake doctor is lying because a real one would not share certain details for reasons we will not explain more. We like scammers to continue to drop themselves into proverbial Sh** :mrgreen:

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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