by Notfallingforit
Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:19 pm
Am talking with one whom I suspect is scammer at the moment. He says he's living in Edinburgh, Scotland and is a Veterinarian originally from Austin, Texas and then moved to Rome, Italy. Hasn't asked for money yet...but when I tracked his IP address it registered as aol in the U.S. but triggered back at some to Malaysia. He also uses Yahoo. I found him on Facebook, but interestingly, no mention of where he trained in Vet school, but lists his current 'clinic', which sports a 4470 number in the UK. I Googled that prefix and found a wealth of knowledge about the routing systems. The website he lists also is suspect...he's called a few times, but I'm not falling for this. If it sounds too good to be probably is! I have his 'name' but didn't want to post it here. Has anyone come across this 'persona'? Thanks!