Information on romance scams and scammers.
by next victim Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:27 am
NiceBrides translation/romance scam

Dear D! Hello! I hope you are well? I was very glad to hear
from you today! Here i am writing you back and sending you my
warmest wishes and hope that your day will become a little bit brighter
when you get my message. :) Of course we don't know each other yet but
we have a chance to find out what can wait for us in the future. May
be one day we will find out and feel that we are two halves of one
whole and will walk in life side by side. Time will show. Right?
I want to tell you a little about myself today. My name is Nadezhda as
you know but you can call me Nadya or as my closest people call me
Nadyusha. I hope you will be able to pronounce my name well. :) I like
your name, D. It sounds unusual to me, not Russian. :)
I have a daughter D. I hope you don't mind it? Her name is Zlata
and I love her more than anything! We are always together and I try to
spend as much time with her as possible! I try to be more a friend for
her than someone older. I think it is always better to treat our
children equally as it makes the relations warmer and full of trust.
Do you agree with me, D? It is not difficult for me as I feel that
I am still a little girl in my heart too. :) Tell me more about you,
do you have children? How old are they? I am sending you a picture
where you will see me and Zlata together. I hope you will like it. I
will be happy if you send me some pictures too with your next letter
as sometimes a picture can say more than words. Right?
We have a big family, D. We live together with my mum and dad and
our cat. ;) So, we are never alone at home. :) I can tell you
more about my family and our life in my next letter, if it is
interesting for you. Even though our bond with Zlata is very strong
and we live in our own small world with her, we still both feel
incomplete. I am dreaming about having a real family where we all
would take care of each other, love each other, spend all our free
time with each other and support each other in everything and
just be happy. And what are you dreaming about, D? Will you share
your dreams with me? Please tell me more about your life. I hope that
each letter will make us feel closer to each other.
I wish you to have a nice sunny day, and I will wait for your letter
with impatience. Don't make me wait for you too long, OK? I will sure
come to the agency tomorrow and I hope there will be your letter
waiting for me there. :)
With my warmest wishes and a tender friendly kiss on your cheek,
The girl with whom you correspond is a member of
Russian Marriage Agency NiceBride the official
site of which is
We recommend you to visit our site to learn more
about our services and lady.
- director of the Marriage Agency "NiceBride"
[email protected]
Dear Gentlemen!
New service at the agency!!!
If you don't have web-camera or want to see your
lady often and hear
her voice, you can order a little reel, where your
lady tells you something
pleasant, congratulate you with holidays, wish you
all the best.
If you are interested, contact director.
Order special photos of your lady personally for you!
contact: [email protected]

Every mail comes with this agency information at the bottom.

Good evening dear D! How is your day? Are you busy at work? You can't even imagine how great it was to hear back from you. I was really waiting for your letter a lot and now having read it I am smiling. I hope that you will also send me some photos next time when you write me. :) I would like to see you and L and K and K. :) I am sure they are great kids. How old are they? I also want to send you some more photos with this letter. You will see Zlata together with my mother on the first school day. It was quite cold, so they were a little bit frozen. :) One more photo is of Zlata on her tenth birthday. You will see her together with her birthday cake where it was written Happy Birthday Zlata! :) In one more photo you will see Zlata and Bogdan, her little brother making and eating Pelmeni in our kitchen. Do you know what pelmeni is, D? :) It is a traditional Russian or Ukrainian dish. We make them sometimes. :) It is quite a long process of course but we think that there is nothing better than homemade food. Agree? :) And in some other photos you will see just your Nadyusha in the nature. I don't have many photos of myself, D. For some reason it is always me who is behind the camera taking pictures of Zlata and other people. :) But all the photos I am sending you are from my life and I hope that they will help you to get to know me better and feel a bit closer to us, to our world, to our life. :)
D, thank you for telling me more about your life. I enjoyed learning more about you. What is the weather like in your place? Here it is autumn now and unfortunately it rains quite often here in autumn. Actually I like spring more than anything else, but only late spring, when the snow is gone as this is the time when everything changes, when nature wakes up after a long winter sleep and new life is being born.. It brings new feelings and emotions to our hearts. :) I feel like it is a real spring in my heart today as I got your letter today and it brought me so much joy! :) And besides both me and Zlata have our birthdays in May, so I guess no wonder why spring is my favorite season. Right? And when is your birthday D?
I am sorry that you don't get to see your family often, D. I think that you find some time sometimes to visit them. Our family bonds are very strong and I am happy that I have my family, my father and mother. You mentioned your mother but you didn't say anything about your father. Do you have him too? As for my family as I have told you before I live together with my mother and father. I love them a lot! I also have a younger brother, but he lives separately from us together with his girlfriend. D, I am glad that you don't mind the fact that I have a daughter. My Zlata is quite small, only 11 years old and she lives with me all the time of course. Actually it is like that in most cases in Russia, when parents divorce children stay with mother more often. I am sure that Zlata will accept a man in my life. We have
talked about it with her and we both agreed that if her mum meets a man who will love not only her mum but Zlata too then of course Mum will get married again. :) Zlata's brother who you will see in the photo is her father's son from another marriage. He loves Zlata very much and often come to us for a visit. :)
So we live all together in on apartment. Of course I am dreaming about having a family and a home of my own where I would be able to take care of my husband and children.. But so far my dream hasn't come true yet. But I never let myself feel down or lose hope. I think that our life will be as we want it to be. There are so many ways to make us feel better and happier, and sometimes the smallest things can make us feel the best. :) Like your letter to me today for example. :) I have many friends we meet sometimes when we have free time. I adore cooking for my family and friends and may be that is why I adore holidays. We live in Yoshkar-Ola, a small city in the central part of Russia. We have a
boulevard here in the city, which was reconstructed some years ago and looks so beautiful now! We like to go for a walk there at weekends with Zlata. We actually walk a lot with her! Our town is quite small and it doesn't take a long time to walk from one place to another. And how about your place Derrick? Do you walk much there where you live? We don't
have a car. When we need to go to some other district of the city which is in some distance from us we usually take trolley buses, buses, or mini buses. There are a lot of them in the city. When we go for a walk along the boulevard on a warm sunny evening with Zlata we sure will meet a lot of people who we know. It feels like the whole city goes outside in the evenings in summer, when it is warm. Unfortunately our summer is quite short here... So, people sure appreciate the warm sunny day and try to enjoy them outside as much as possible!
We have a cat at home too, her name is Musya. We had one more cat nelson, but he died not long ago as he was old. It was very sad especially for Zlata. And you, Derrick, do you have pets at home? I love both cats and dogs, but we don't have a dog at home... We all are very busy all the time so the dog would feel lonely without a company. Even though
both my mum and dad are retired they still continue working as the pension they get is very little and would not be enough for living. My mother works in the library and as for my father he is in construction work. He works only when there is work, some orders. As for me I work at the university as a lab assistant as it is called. But it is more like a secretary. My work is not so well paid as teacher's salaries are very low here unfortunately. And I am not even a teacher... but it is all right for me right now, it is not so easy to find a good job here. Besides I am a student now at the same University and when I graduate I will be a biologist-ecologist. :) It is not a full time, but studies by
correspondence. So I find it very convenient to work and study at the same place. I like nature, I like everything connected with nature, so I wanted to get an education connected with nature one day. I hope that my dream will come true... Though on the other hand this is not a kind of a life dream for me... What I am really dreaming of is of having family, my husband and children.. I hope that this dream will come true soon.:)
Well, my dear D, I have talked a lot and didn't even notice how time passed. And I was just writing a letter to you! Can you imagine what it would be like if we were together and did things together, D? I guess we would not notice time passing... There is a saying Russia that happy people don't care about time at all. So, you see my
dear D you already made me happier today by writing me and by spending this time with me. :) Your next letter will make me even happier as I am already looking forward to it. You know I don't speak English well unfortunately. I learnt it some time at school when I was a little girl. How long ago it was! The group was quite big and I didn't understand much. I so much regret it of course, but I couldn't do anything about it. Now I am trying to learn English myself with the help of some books but it is so hard to do it when there is no one to explain things to me and to show me how to pronounce some words. So, I hope you will be patient with me. I am really willing to learn it and I am trying to do my best and hopefully when you come to visit me we will have some practice in English together. :) And you, D, do you speak Russian? Or may be understand a little? Now the girls at the agency help me to translate your letters when I get them. and they also translate my letters for you into English. :) I am very thankful to them for the work they do. :) When I got your letter it was just a paper with some strange signs and it would take me many hours to read and understand your letter with a dictionary. But when they started translating it for me your letter became alive and brought so much happiness and warmth to me! Thank you so much for writing me today, my dear D. You brightened my day! This is the only address I have got now as I don't have a computer at home. I had one old some years ago but it broke and now the money is too tight, I can't afford buying a computer now. I hope you will write me soon again and send me some more photos. It would be great to see more pictures of you, of your home, of the place you live in... I can't wait to get another letter from you, my dear D! I hope you will write me soon! Tell me more about you, about your family, how you spend your free time, anything is interesting for me! Kiss you tenderly and wish you to have a great day! I am thinking of you and waiting for your letters. Your Nadya.

Hello D, my dear! it was so great to get a new letter from you today. I was waiting for your letter and when I woke up in the morning today my first thought was about you. I thought that may be D sent a letter to me. ;) I am so happy you did as you made my day! I hope that my letters make the same impact on you dear? :) How was your day today? Are you busy at the farm? D, it was not boring for me at all to read your letter, on the contrary I feel that I am getting to know you better from your letters and it makes me really happy and I feel closer to you. I have read your letter and I have an impression that you work very hard and may be even too hard sometimes. Do you work there al alone or do you have some one to help you? It is a huge amount of work I think and I can imagine how tired you get by the end of the day. I was thinking about you and tried to imagine how may be one day I would be there to wait for you from work and to have dinner ready for you.... ;) How does that sound? I am glad that your little brother's wife takes care of you and brings you food. What is your favorite food D? Do you cook yourself? I like cooking very much and especially at weekends when I have free time I like to make something delicious for all of us. May be one day I will make something tasty for you as well, D.
I am glad that you enjoyed the photos I have sent you D. I was hoping that you would also send me some with your letter but I guess you were busy. I hope that one day you will find time to send me some pictures. :) I really want to see you, and the farm and I think that photos could help me to learn you and your life much better. :)
I am sorry that I am a bit late with my letter to you. I didn't have time to write you my letter at the agency when I got it. I was busy at work today and after work me and Zlata had to go and order a new school uniform for her. In fact they made it once already but when we got it it turned out that it was at least 8 cm shorter than it is supposed to be. Can you imagine? Zlata is growing fast and this uniform would become too small for her by spring time. :) And when we made the uniform it was said to us that it is supposed to be for at least a couple of years for us... So they will have to make the new skirt for her at their own expenses... As a result she will get her uniform only at the end of October, after 15th of October for sure. :) Oh well! I hope you are not bored to hear about it? :) I am at home now and I am thinking about you and I feel as if you are here with me and we are talking to each other in person, and I share my news with you. :) It is such a wonderful and comfortable feeling.
I have been busy at work today. I needed to take care of the flowers and to plant some of them in he new flower pots. Actually I like this kind of work a lot, and I can say that flowers and indoor plants are one of my hobbies, D. So if we ever get together you can be sure that there will be a lot of flowers at our home. I do have lots of them now. I have some pictures of me with the flowers and I will send them to you with this letter. I hope you will like them, D.
Well, I will close my letter now. I feel comfortable talking to you D and it is hard to stop. But now it is getting late and we are supposed to get up early tomorrow morning. Do you also get up early D? Tell me more about your day. I am thinking about you often and try to imagine where you are and what you are busy with during the day. :) I hope that you will like the photos I will send you with this letter and I will be happy to see yours when you have time. I hope you will write me soon, D, as your letters arm my heart and bring sunshine to my day. I am sending you a tender kiss and I am here thinking of you and waiting for your letters. Your Nadyusha.

Hello my sunshine D! Don't be surprised that I called you my sunshine, please.:) I was thinking about you and felt surprised how you were able to make my day a little bit brighter and added more sunshine to my day with just a simple letter, even being so far from me. :) I guess you are a real sunshine D, and I am so happy to hear from you
again today. How was your day D? I had a very busy day today but I am happy that I had time to come to the agency. I needed to take Zlata to the eye doctor so I really didn't have time for anything. I do hope that you still remember me, D? :) I am here thinking about you all the time this weekend sending you my warm thoughts and wishes and may be you will feel them and will not forget about me. :) I am at home now making a biscuit. Zlata likes it when I bake something and I am always happy to spoil my family with something delicious. :) May be one day I will spoil you too, D? What is your favorite food? I have been thinking about you quite a lot D and really waited for your letter. ) I am always so impatient to read your sweet words, darling D. I feel that I am getting attached to you already and get used to getting your letters and wait for them so much. I am so happy that I have you to talk to now, to share my thoughts with you and I would really like to meet you one day... I like it that we both are serious about each other.
It was really great to see the photos you sent me this time. Thank you a lot. It was great to see you and your house too and your work too, D. It sounds like a hard work, D and I actually worry a bit that your working day is so long... To get only 4 hours of sleep and sometimes not to get any sleep at all is difficult and I guess i would never be able to work like that D. Please my dear make sure that you have some rest OK? I am worried about you. I guess you don't have any days off at all while you are on contract. or do you? And how do you spend your time off? I like knitting. :) I can knit something for you if you want. May be a scarf to keep you warm? :) I like to knit when I am watching TV for example. It relaxes me a lot. Though lately I haven't had any time to watch Tv at all and don't really know what is going on in the world. :) But the main thing is that I know what is going on in your life, my man, as you are becoming more important for me than the rest of the world. :)
Your new letter that I got from you D was so warm and put a big smile on my face. I was even a little sad when the interpreter read it to me up to the end... I felt that it was not enough for me, I would like to read more and more about you... Unfortunately all good things are over sometimes. I just hope that our communication will never end, my dear D. I really like you a lot from your letters and I feel that i would like to meet you one day. Of course I understand that it is not as easy as we would like to, as we live so far from each other, in different countries! But anyway it is good that now we are able to talk to each other at least in our letters for the beginning. Right?
You know while I was listening to the translation of your letter I couldn't help feeling surprised that despite of the fact that we are far from each other, speak different languages and in fact are completely different... I still feel that I understand you so very well, you feel very close to me and I really understand you. :) It even feels just like a miracle! I do hope that you will write me more when you write me again. I want to know all about you!
Now we are all at home. My parents are watching TV, Zlata is reading a book. I may be would also watch TV now but right now I have more interesting things to do, to talk to you, my darling D. :) It is so interesting to realize that I don't feel lonely at all any more... Everything seems to be as usual, there are just us at home, but now I have you in my thoughts, I am writing you my letter and it makes me feel that you are really a part of my life already.
D, darling, I hope you don't mind too much that I use the services of the agency to correspond with you? You know it is really very convenient for me, as I don't have a computer at home unfortunately and since my English is also not very good I find it really convenient for me to use the services of the agency. I need help in reading your letters and writing you mine. I really hope you don't mind it. Besides I am already thankful to them for their help as how would we meet each other?
Well, my dear, I think I will finish my letter now even though I feel that I would be able to sit and talk to you all evening long here... I feel sorry to leave you. But the movie is over now and we will go and have dinner with Zlata now. I can see that our cat is hungry too. :) So everybody is waiting for mum Nadya. :) How I wish you could be here with me, so that I didn't have to write you a letter to be able to talk to you, but could just turn my head and see you. :)Hopefully this dream will come true one day. :)D, what does your family think about you corresponding with some one from another country? I hope that we will meet one day. I would like that very much. Now when i feel I am getting to know you better and better I feel so close to you and really want to meet you for real, and spend time with you for real. When do you think you could come to see your girls? My parents know about the fact that I am talking to you my D. They are quite reserved in their thoughts, but they trust me and they want me to be happy and of course they said that they would be glad to meet you here one day. May be when you come we will meet all together one day? :) I haven't told Zlata about you yet. But I think I will soon. As I am thinking so much about you and it will be difficult to keep you a secret from her. D, I wanted to ask you if you could help me with payment for our letters at the agency. As now I will have to pay for our letters and I am afraid it will be expensive for me. My salary is not so big, so the money is always tight. Please think about it. OK? I adore writing you and I even more adore getting your tender letters my dear D, and I would be so sad if we had to stop talking to each other because of that. You have already become a part of my and Zlata's life and I would hate to lose you. I have prepared some more photos for you. As you know I am usually behind the camera but this time you will see me in a couple of shots too. We went hiking with Zlata's class on Saturday. We went to the holy water stream, where we fried sausages and just had a good time outdoors. It is a kind of a tradition for us and we have such hiking every autumn. This time we were really lucky with the weather. :) I hope you will like the photos and hopefully they will help you to feel closer to us. I was thinking about you while taking the photos D so you can say that these photos are for you. :) Thank you a lot for sending me the photos today! Now I can imagine you and your work better. I will be thinking about you, my D and waiting for your letter with impatience. Kissing you softly, Your Nadyusha, and Zlata is here too of course. :)

This is from the agency. It is from the same email address she has used all along.

Dear gentleman !

Thank you for using our site. you are welcome to use all the services our agency provides.
We do our best to meet all your demands and hope that you will help us in this cooperation. On your part we offer you to help your lady to prolong your
correspondence and make it more intensive and serious.
You can pay 50 Euro or 65 USD a month so that it will facilitates prompt and accurate execution of all the services. After sending us the correspondence
fee you get the following :
1. Your lady will have no financial responsibilities for your
correspondence, as the payment includes a month correspondence for both sides.
2. You will be able to send as many photos to each other as you want.
3. You will get the translation of letters which were sent to you (from Russian into English ).
4. Your lady will get the copies of your letters printed specially for her.
5. Your lady will have a professional translation of your letters in written or oral form.
6. She will not pay for letters, which we must type and send to you. The number of letters is unlimited .
7. If your lady wants we can copy your photos and your letters to her disc.
8. If you have any questions, you can contact our manager and get all the information on our agency and services.

Remember that first 3 letters are free of charge in order to give you the opportunity to have an idea of your further correspondence. So that you would
run no risk.

You can send the funds online from your credit card using This way the money should be sent to the address
[email protected]


To make sure that our Paypal account is not closed any more we ask you not to send any additional messages with the money about the services and ladies
you are paying for.
It will be enough if you send us a separate e-mail to
[email protected] or [email protected] and tell us the services you are paying for, the number of the lady's profile and any comments
or questions you may have.

If for some reason you can't use Paypal please contact us at
[email protected] for getting the details to send money via
Western Union.

You are welcome to our agency and if you have any questions or
comments do not hesitate to write our manager. It will be a pleasure for us to give you an immediate reply.
Thank you for the cooperation.
Nicebride agency.

Hello my darling D! I hope your day is good and sunny? It was so warm and bright today in the morning. But now it has become gloomy and grey again. But I am smiling when I am thinking about you. I have not heard from you and don't really know why and what is going on in your life? I guess you are busy and don't have much time to write. But I have the opportunity to send you a message and to let you know that I am thinking about you and to wish you to have a great weekend! We will may be have a small party with Zlata at weekend, celebrate my name day. I miss you my D and think about how great it would be if you were here on this day and give me a flower and make me feel special. May be one day. D, I hope that you will write me soon. Have a good weekend my sunshine. I will think about you as I always do. Kiss you tenderly! Waiting for you! Yours, Nadyusha.

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