Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:21 am
This Scammer is a Russian / Ukranian male pretending to be a girl looking for love.

Name used: Anna Kharcheva
Email address: [email protected]
Claimed address: Russia, 612144, Kirov area, Ivanovka, lesnaya street, h6 a7


From: Anna [email protected]

As you are named by friends? You would like, what I to name you
by name or how that differently? Tell to me. I send you a photo of the
It is pleasant to you?
I hope what yes. What do you wish to learn about me? What it is
interesting to you? Tell to me.
I do not know from what to begin our conversation, but I hope, that
you will help us. Well?
I wait for your letter.

I wait......... I wait........ Also I do not see your letter.
Likely you now cannot write to me. Or what that happens? I hope that
anything bad and at you all is good. I wait for your letter.


I today have woken up also the sky was grey. I all over again did not
understand why such happen, but now I understand. You could not write
today to me, on work it is a lot of problems and I feel badly. But I
know that tomorrow there will be other day and it will be fine for you
and for me. And I shall receive your letter.
I wait for your letter

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:46 am
In this email the scammer suggests that "she" is studying English, and has asked if the victim could correct her, this is one of the ways scammers improve their scamming skills.

You will also notice that the scammer suggests that there may be lots of spelling errors, as it turns out there will be very few because the emails are put through software that will remove most spelling errors

I open the mail and I receive your letter. So it is happy. For me
this new feeling. I never thought, that so I shall communicate with
whom that. I have come right after works, and I hoped, that you will
write to me.
I would like to tell more about myself. I from village Ivanovka. This
small village in the Kirov area. I have left school, then medical
college and now I nurse in the village. We in village have not enough
men and I have not found that with whom would like to be. . But
recently at us have opened the Internet of cafe and I have learned
that so it is possible will get acquainted. And I have decided to try.
I ask you, what you to correct me, if I what to speak
incorrectly. Because I to study English at school and in college. But
speak that at me badly with spelling. But to speak I it is better.
I shall tell more about myself. To me of 28 years and I live with mum.
The father now lives in other city and with other woman, and I never
saw it. Only on old photos. Likely it is interesting to you, why I
have decided to communicate with you? You have liked me, I at all do
not know how precisely to tell. I have seen you and I have decided to
learn more about you. , in you me, that that draws.
Tell to me, what you to search in women? How she should look? What to
be able to do? How you represent your life together? I shall wait for
your sincere answer tomorrow.
I send you a photo where I am at home.
Already I miss and I hope, that you will answer me at once as will
receive the letter.


Forgive for the short letter. I need to be on work. We had an accident
in a boiler-house and a lot of suffered. I shall come back tomorrow
and I shall answer you. I ask you to not take offence at me.

In this email you will be "introduced to the family" it is important that you get some attachment to them as these are the people who will have problems for you to fix by Western Union payments later on

Removed name forgive, that I could not answer you your letter in detail and to
send the photo. This explosion which has happened very strong. Also
has suffered some person. At them burns. But all are alive.
I hope that you to forgive me for that that I to not answer your
letter yesterday. It was necessary to help those people and I was one
in hospital. I hope, that you to understand me and will answer me
Removed name I would like to tell to you about the family more. My mum
Lena, works in an agriculture. She looks after birds. I do not
remember the father, he have left for a long time and did not come it
is more. Mum does not recollect about him, and I do not wish to remind
her because she becomes sad. I at me to have two best girlfriends,
Katya ,Julia. They sisters, also work at school. She teaches
Russian at our school, other mathematics in another city. Katya has
left on the North already several years ago and works there. She has
met there men, and they have got married.

Removed name tell to me about the family? What would you wish to tell to me
about her? About the friends? About the father? Mothers? To that were
you learned by your parents? My mum with the grandmother have learned
me to prepare for fine and tasty dishes, and I am assured, that it is
pleasant to you. And what is pleasant to you in general? From what you
become happy? What to give a smile to yours face? Removed tell to me.
In this photo I am near to mum and the best girlfriend
I like you on it? Or not? Removed name I hope that - yes. I wait for your
letter and I hope, that you to not keep me waiting long.
Already I miss.....
Your girlfriend Anna

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:16 am
I wait.... I hope.... I hope that you will write to me soon and I
shall receive your letter. You will tell to me about that as at you
work how you have lead day? You Will tell to me about the ideas?
I shall receive your letter tomorrow?
Very much I wait..........

In this email teh scammer suggests that the "sun shines brightly", keep in mind that at the time of writing, Russia is deep into winter, I am not suggesting that the sun doesn't shine in winter, but none the less it is something to keep an eye out for.

Today at us in city the sun shines brightly. I very much wait
for your letter. So it is a pity to me that there is no other way as
we can communicate with you. But I as am happy that I can to
communicate by means of letters. And I wait your letter every day. And
I hope that I shall receive it and is very fast.
I wait... It seems that it now will come, but it does not come and
does not come.
But tomorrow I hope that you will write to me. My mum and the
girlfriend transfer you the greetings.
I send you the air kisses and I hope that they warm your heart.

I tell to you that I do not speak even to the girlfriend. And
when I do not receive your letter I think that you to be upset and do
not wish to write to me. But I hope that it not so. And you will write
to me soon. I very much wait your letter.
I miss and wait.....

You again please me the with the letter. I very much missed and
waited when the working day what to receive your letter would will
end. I very much hoped, that you will write to me. And you to write to
Tell to me more what you want in a life? To what you aspire?
Tell to me more about the friends. What do you do together? Where go?
Than be engaged? How you like to have a rest? Than you are engaged
every evening? What you dream? Also what you dream? Or you do not have
I very much would want that we could know all one about other
before we shall meet. I told to you about the two girlfriends. Now
with me only one. But I am assured of her. I know that she the present
girlfriend. You to have such friends? Tell to me. You were deceived by
your friends?
I send you the photo. if you will not like that tell to me.
Well? Or it is pleasant to you? I hope what yes.
Tomorrow I shall talk to the girlfriend that we communicate with
you. She yet does not know, but when we today with her have met. She
has told, that at me an eye happy and why. I have told that I shall
inform in the evening. You represent to change my life already!
I so am glad, that you remember me and an idea that who thinks of you
warms me. And you that feel? You Wait for my letters?
I miss your letter.

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:28 am
Today dreamt at night. In it I as the climber ascend uphill and above
I am am waited by whom that. You can? But suddenly the cord has broken
also I to fall downwards. I very much was frightened and at once have
woken up. I hope that you will write to me soon and I shall see a
dream in which cord between us again strong and reliable.
Very much I wait for your letter. Write to me. You know, I very
much wait!

Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I talked to the girlfriend
yesterday. It has been surprised that I have decided to get acquainted
so. It has asked that I know about you and I have told that yet all.
Removed I hope that you not against that that I tell about you to the
Removed I wish to learn from you as you have a rest? Where you go with
friends? You have told about me to the friends? I like to go to cinema
and on dances. But I to go there is rare and not frequent. Because it
is necessary to go to the big next city.
Removed that you like to eat? What your favourite dishes? You would like
to try what I to be able to prepare? I am able to prepare is very
tasty. I lived in the childhood with the grandmother. It learned me to
prepare and many speak, that at me well it turns out.
Tell to me about itself? My favourite dish is a pizza. And yours? You
love what drinks? I love pineapple juice.
I today send you a photo, and I hope, that it is pleasant to you.
I hope, that you will answer me soon, and I to receive your letter.
I wait you Removed.
Your girlfriend Anna

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:56 am
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. Today there was a good day and
even on work there was nothing complex. All was good. Weather good and
Removed I would like to learn more about your work. Than you on it are
engaged? You wished to be engaged in it since the childhood? Or has
then decided to be engaged in it? At you the good chief? At you with
it good relations? Or not? You like to work? Or you to search for
other work is better and without a regret have left?
I since the childhood dreamed what to become the expert who will help
people. The teacher or the doctor. Once I was in hospital and to me
have liked, as people concern nurse and I have solved, that I shall
work in hospital.
Removed it is interesting to me, as though you concern to my trade? You
think, it is necessary? When I see happy and healthy people whom to
discharge from hospital I I understand that - yes.
I send you a photo where I am on the work.
Removed you could tell about the usual day? I to wake up in the morning,
to go for work, there I to examine patients and to check, what they to
accept medicines and to look for their state of health. Then I go
home. But all over again I to come to the Internet of cafe and to wait
your letter. And I am happy when I receive it. Even mum has noticed
and asks, why in my opinion such happy shine.
I shall tell tomorrow to mum about that that I communicate with you.
It is interesting to you that it will tell?
I shall wait for your letter tomorrow.


Interestingly that you think when do not receive my letter? I hope
that at you all well and you will write to me soon. And I hope what
exactly and will be. Also that tomorrow I shall receive your letter. I
shall read through its and my heart to be filled with pleasure.
Removed as you? What do you do? I hope that I shall soon receive your
kisses in the letter and they will bring to me a lot of pleasure and a
fine dream in which we shall meet? How you think?
Removed I wait for your letter.
Your gentle Anna

Removed at you all is good? I hope that so........ I wait...... I wait
for your letter and I hope that I shall receive it very soon. And
again the smile on my face will appear.
I wait........ I wait your letter and I hope that tomorrow I shall
precisely receive it.
I wished to tell to you about that that dreamt today. It was a fine
dream. We with you on seacoast enjoyed our love, passion and
tenderness. It was fine. I have woken up with very good mood? And what
you saw? You can sleep now? Tell to me than you were engaged today.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:01 am
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I waited for it and trusted,
that it will come. I have woken up in the morning because the beam of
the sun shines to me in eyes. And when I have seen, what weather I
have understood that you today will write to me.
Removed at present at us absolutely cold weather and to us it is
necessary to put on more warmly.
Removed I talked to mum. It was glad, that I have got acquainted and have
told, that I would be cautious. It speaks, that I precisely would know
all about you before, that that to solve. I have told, that you good
the man, and it has calmed down. It asked, than you are engaged also
other questions. And it as has told to transfer you "hi". And I to
transfer it to you.
Removed as you think. We have casually got acquainted or not? I think,
that in this world there is no accident and our acquaintance too is
not casual. We to search for the love, that with whom it will be good.
And I think, that we to understand soon to approach we to one another
or not. How you think? I am right?
We as two boats at ocean also communicate with you through a portable
radio set. And they can meet, and can, no. I think, that it so. And I
hope, that at us the general rate, and we shall meet. But all over
again we need to learn one about other better.
Removed tell to me about that with whom you was familiar and why you to
leave? What did your parting serve the main things the reason?
I would like it the nobility. I hope, that you to tell to me it in the
following letter.
I send you a photo. It is pleasant to you? In this photo I am going to
go home after work.
Removed I already miss...... Without your letter
Your girlfriend Anna


Greetings !!!!
Do not leave me one! I wait for your letters every day and very much I
wish to answer them! How your affairs? With impatience I will wait for
your letter
Your gentle Anna

Today we had a cool day and when I have gone for work I Has put on
what not to be ill more warmly. How there passes your day? To me very
much Sadly without your letters if you will have time, write me the
letter. I With impatience I wait for them.
Your gentle Anna

Removed as mood? How you feel? At you to have problems? Why you have not
written to me? Mum today does pies and she has told that would be glad
if could see you and you could try them. I now shall go to prepare for
salads and too I would want that you have tried them. You want? I am
assured that is pleasant to you. I have not received your letter
today, but I shall wait for it tomorrow and I hope that you will write
to me.
Removed you with me and this feeling warms me.
I wait for your letter, I look forward.......
Your gentle Anna
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:10 am
2 weeks into the romance and the scammer is in love already, sorry to tell you, "she" says the same to everybody "she" steals from

Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I think of us much and I do
not know as to tell to you. I shall begin all over again. You like me.
I like your sincerity. And I would like to communicate with you more.
I would like to learn you better. You like me. I think, what even very
Removed it was never interesting to me with men as with you. I like to
answer your questions. And I at all do not represent myself without
your letters.
Removed you very much like me. And I would like to tell to you about why
it was impossible to me with men. Many want from me only sex who that
considers me for a toy. But all that I to want. It is love,
tenderness, sincere, caress, passion and love. And I shall belong to
it to the man which will give me it. And I shall love it, Iam I, as
well as all the girl dreamed in the childhood of prince. But now other
time. And I for a long time to understand, that princes are not
Removed I wish to be loving and to love. It so is simple. But why that
men are not ready to it. How you think? What do you want from the
girl? What to be with it for ever?
I want, what, when together are happy, what never any lie. Only
sincerity and love.
I hope that you to understand me. And to not frighten this letter. But
I wished to tell it. And it seems to me, that you that the man. But I
am not assured yet. But it is not assured only because we are still
poorly familiar.
Removed as you think? I wait for your letter.
Yours sincere Anna


Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I think of us much and I do
not know as to tell to you. I shall begin all over again. You like me.
I like your sincerity. And I would like to communicate with you more.
I would like to learn you better. You like me. I think, what even very
Removed it was never interesting to me with men as with you. I like to
answer your questions. And I at all do not represent myself without
your letters.
Removed you very much like me. And I would like to tell to you about why
it was impossible to me with men. Many want from me only sex who that
considers me for a toy. But all that I to want. It is love,
tenderness, sincere, caress, passion and love. And I shall belong to
it to the man which will give me it. And I shall love it, Removed I, as
well as all the girl dreamed in the childhood of prince. But now other
time. And I for a long time to understand, that princes are not
Removed I wish to be loving and to love. It so is simple. But why that
men are not ready to it. How you think? What do you want from the
girl? What to be with it for ever?
I want, what, when together are happy, what never any lie. Only
sincerity and love.
I hope that you to understand me. And to not frighten this letter. But
I wished to tell it. And it seems to me, that you that the man. But I
am not assured yet. But it is not assured only because we are still
poorly familiar.
Removed as you think? I wait for your letter.
Yours sincere Anna

Scammers love to gauge how much their victims have fallen for them, those who appear to be in love are more likely to begin receiving the money request stage of the scam.

Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I am very glad, that we with
you it is pleasant to one another. How your mood? Than you to be
engaged today?
I am glad to learn more about you. I very much like your sincerity and
I to appreciate it in people. You very much like me and I seem to me
that to test to you the big trust. I know that I can trust you the
same dances as girlfriends. And we can have secrets. The truth?
Removed I today talked to the grandmother. It came in a drugstore what to
buy medicines for pressure. And to come to me for work. There Is mum
has told to it about you. And it has decided to talk to me about it,
it speaks, that is glad, that I communicate with you. And it wishs our
of good luck in our acquaintance and hopes that when that can will get
acquainted with you as.
I so am glad, that you today have answered me. Today in the street
there were clouds. And I thought what for? Thought, you can cannot
write. There was that it simply bad weather. And I was happy when to
see your letter.
Removed you would like to try grandma a dish? It perfectly prepares. I
spoke you, that it it to learn me. The grandmother has told, that
would like, what you to estimate its dishes. You to try to pickle
mushrooms? Or pies from berries?
Removed I today to buy foam for a bath. You heard about it? Speak, that
it well weakens. I wish to try. Never tried. And you? Tell to me about
itself. What at you was today? What you to do? What new in your life?
You are glad, what I have appeared in it?
I wait for your answer tomorrow. Removed I wished to ask you.
Your gentle and tender Anna

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:14 am
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I today have woken up with
good mood. The fine dream dreams me. As I was on coast. And you were
with me. You know, what we did? We simply to lay and talk. Then you to
take a cream for sunburn and have made to me fine massage. Then I have
made it to you, Iam and what you see in the dreams? You would like,
what I to make to you massage? I think, it would be pleasant to you,
as I to do it. I studied in college and us trained massage. Medical
Removed as soon as I would will find a way what to cause you I at once
will inform you on it. But while I have no it.
Removed I think of you much. About our attitudes. After I have got
acquainted with you, I have noticed, that the life has changed, and
not only I to notice it. I already to speak you about it. You
remember? I feel, that in my life there was, that that good, that does
me happy. You notice such at yourself? Or not? Removed I very much wish
to tell to you that nobody told. Even to the girlfriend and mum. You
know, about what I wish to tell? You guess? I do not know, that to me
occurs, me well, well when I receive your letters, it is pleasant to
me, when you to answer my questions. I love, when you to ask me. I so
would like to appear now about you. Easier to see, look in your eyes,
to feel your heat. And you? You want it? Removed tell to me.
Removed I do not know that this such. But I guess, that with me. But I
wish to hear your opinion all over again. Today I when went to the
Internet of cafe that the man and the woman which saw went and to hold
one another, for hands. I would like as to walk with you, for example
in park. And you? How your day? What do you do? Tell to me. Today I
send you a photo. I hope, it is pleasant to you? Or not?
I wait for your answer,
Your gentle Anna


Greetings Removed!
I waited today for your letter. But it there has not appeared. But I
will wait all the same for your letters!
Your gentle Anna.

Hello Removed!!!
I waited for your letter and wished to answer you. I do not know why
you have not written to me today I think at you all well? I very much
worry about you and I wish to see your letter in the near future!
Your gentle Anna.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:23 am
Removed I am happy, to see your letter. I very much waited for it. I
today thought that such love at night, and I seem, I start to
understand that this such. Removed you know that such love? I think, that
it when you think constantly about the person, wish to be with it. You
would like to belong to it, to feel it. To see pleasure in its eyes.
To nestle and does not depart, Removed as you think, I am right? I do
not know, why, but I start to understand it now after dialogue with
you. It is pleasant to me, that you to not forget about me. And I
think of you every day, Iam that you think?
You would like to come from work, what I to meet you. We could have
supper, do massage to one another, laugh, have fun? How you think? You
would like it? What would you like?
Today there came the grandmother. It was houses when I have come from
work. And then I have gone to the Internet of cafe. They asked to
transfer you "hi". They have told, that would like will get acquainted
with you very much.
Removed you do not represent that I saw today at night when have fallen
asleep. I to float on water and did not see coast, and I did not have
forces, but I to float. And I have seen ahead of myself a boat. And I
had forces, and I have started to float to this boat. There there was
a man. I think, you? I do not know precisely because my alarm clock to
wake me from a dream.
You see dreams, where we with you together? What do we do?
I send you a photo. I hope, that the today's photo very much is
pleasant to you. Or not? Tell to me. In this photo I am at home.
Your gentle and thinking of you Anna


Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I am glad to learn more that
you to think.
It is pleasant to me, that you to hide nothing from me and all sincere
to me tell. I feel, how my heart aspires to you.
Removed I spoke you, that my girlfriend, mum, the grandmother know about
you. And they are glad for us. They for me the most close people. And
now I to you to test such feelings, you for me as native. You
understand me, we communicate also to me it very much it is pleasant.
Removed yesterday to me the girlfriend and when we together drank tea
they have started to discuss our acquaintance has come on a visit. How
have noticed that I will change, how have been surprised that I to
solve gets acquainted with you. Also have then understood, why I
became more better to look.
Removed I so wanted, that you would be with me and to help me to answer
all of them questions. But I have consulted. They to transfer you
greetings, and have told, what you to not offend me. I have told, that
you never to make so.
I so would like to descend today with you at cinema. You to go with
me? On what film we would go? What would we do after film? Than would
be engaged evening?
Removed if you could present that we for a long time are familiar. As
you represent that for usual day together? Tell to me. It is very
important for me. I send you a photo, that you would be easier to
present me.
I miss and I wait, your gentle Anna

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:33 am
Removed I am happy, to receive your letter. I knew, that you to write to
me today. I have woken up in good mood and today saw a fine dream in
which we with you not only have got acquainted, but also to walk in
park and even to have supper in restaurant. And you have told, that
you to write to me soon, and I have woken up. I did not understand,
why you have told, will write, when we together? Removed also has woken
up and has understood that you likely only have sent me the letter? I
weigh day on work was and waited when I can come to the Internet of
cafe and receive your letter.
I am glad that you to tell to me as you represent our day together. I
would like, that it would become a reality.
I miss you. I think of you, Removed I at all do not know, that to me
occurs. But I am happy. I never was so is happy as after will get
acquainted with you.
Removed what you would want that I cooking for you? Tell to me. I shall
try to make it. If I know about this dish I mean can make it. If is
not present, we shall make it together. Well?
I yesterday thought of how you to surprise? What surprise to you to
make, that you all over again would be surprised. And it is then
shocked, and it is then happy? And I can while to think up nothing.
What you very much would like? Tell to me about the main dream.
I send you a photo, I hope, what it is pleasant to you, and you to
keep it?
I already miss, and I do not wish to leave from the Internet of cafe,
it would be good, if you can answer at once. But likely it is
I wait you Removed !
Yours and only your missing Anna


Removed I am happy, to see your letter. I am very glad, I as would like
to see your happy face and a smile. I think, that it will be probably
I am glad to learn what to make you happy. I never shall forget about
it and I shall remember and when at me an opportunity I will make it.
Iam when I receive your letters, I feel that at me to grow wings. I
as an angel. But I cannot fly. I cannot fly up in air and to be with
you now. Also it becomes sad. But the grief passes, when I read your
letter further. I am happy, when I go home. I did not see dreams many
years. In general any. And after acquaintance to you I see them also I
to sleep as the baby. I would not like to wake up. I would be happy,
to wake up only in one case. If I have woken up in your embraces, you
would like this Iam??
Iam mine mum, girlfriends and the grandmother to transfer you the
"hi". I have told, that you too to transfer them "hi" always. They are
pleased. Speak that you very careful because to not forget about them
Removed you have made my life filled sense, and I am happy. I know, that
you to write to me, I know, that you to think of me and I am happy. To
not describe that feeling. I never to feel such.
Removed Soon I think, that I can pleasantly surprise you. And it will be
very pleasant. Only do not ask me that. I shall soon tell. When I
shall be precisely assured. Well? I at once shall inform you.
I wait for your letter in the Internet of cafe. If you will receive
its that to answer at once. Can, probably, what we could so to
communicate at once? Also is unnecessary to wait long for time? I
shall wait for your answer of 20 minutes. I hope, that you receive it
at once.
Yours and only your loving Anna

you not against that i call myself now "loving"?

by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:01 pm
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I have very much become bored
already. I yesterday waited your message but have not received the
answer. But I hoped what today to receive your message and I to
receive it.
I wish to learn from you as we shall spend our first evening and night
together. You will tell to me? As you imagine the very first night. Me
it is very interesting. I at all do not know as it can be, but will be
perfectly assured that it.
Removed I think that all over again we shall be in embraces of one
another, we shall enjoy our embraces and kisses. We can take pleasure
in our passion and tenderness. Then we to make to me together an easy
supper, or we descend, where that to attempt. And then we shall be at
home. Also there will be a good music. I shall dress very beautiful
dress. I am assured, that it is pleasant to you. I to dress it only
once. To the girlfriend per day a birth. It was pleasant to all, Iam
as you think, it is pleasant to you, if I shall be in an easy dress,
blue color. Which densely fits me. And it not long, hardly below a
knee and big to cut out on a breast. You will embrace me, we shall
dance, and to move aside bedrooms. Iam at you in city to sell a
petal a rose? We to cover with them a bed, to light candles, we to
pass in a bedroom and we will have a fine and long night of love. How
you think? Iam you would like that for it so?
And how you imagine it? Tell to me. I ask you.
I send you a photo, it is pleasant to you? I hope what yes, you would
like to be about me on it?
I send you the most gentle and sweet kisses, and I hope, that they to
Removed you, your heart and to give you new forces.
Removed I very much wish to kiss you on the present. I am assured, that
you are fine to kiss.
I wait for your answer, and your desire about our the first evening
and night.
Your loving and gentle Anna


Hello Removed!
Today it was very sad to me without your letter. I very strongly to
miss on you.
All is good? How there passes your day?
I with impatience will wait for your letter tomorrow
Your gentle Anna.

Hello Removed!
I hope at you all well? How at you there passes day? It is a pity that
I did not receive your letter today. But I will hope that I will see
it tomorrow.
Your gentle Anna

Hello Removed!!!
Removed today as well as always at us cool weather. And I so would not
have not enough your letter that it has warmed me.
How at you there has passed day? I hope that at you all well and I
with impatience will wait for your letter tomorrow!
Your gentle Anna.

I very strongly miss! I madly waited for your letter today and with
impatience wished to answer it.
How your affairs? How there passes your day? Please write to me
Your gentle Anna.

Today we had a cool day and when I have gone for work I Has put on
what not to be ill more warmly. How there passes your day? To me very
much Sadly without your letters if you will have time, write me the
letter. I With impatience I wait for them.
Your gentle Anna
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:09 pm
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I very much waited for your
I now know, how I can surprise you. I thought of that much as how to
make. And I think, that we it is good to know one about other already
enough and it is necessary for us will meet. You agree with me? Removed
I shall go tomorrow and to learn when I can arrive to you. I think,
that already tomorrow I can inform you date when I can arrive to you.
I thought in the evening much and I cannot live what any more to not
feel your kisses, your embraces, the most gentle and sweet in this
world. I wish to feel you, I wish to enjoy our passion, I wish to wake
up in your embraces, I want, that our happiness was with us for ever.
I love you Removed!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish to be with you!!!!!!!!!!
I want, that all our dreams would become a reality for ever.
I want, that we with you would be happy.
And it becomes a reality. We shall be the happiest together. I to
search for you all life and tomorrow I can tell to you when we shall
meet. I am assured, what it is good news to you? The truth? Removed you
will meet me? I know what yes. I do not know when, but I shall learn
how all to make and when I I can be with you, and already tomorrow,
represent, tomorrow we shall know as how to do.
I do not know how to describe that I to feel now.
I am happy!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be with you Iam!!!!!!!!!!
And to not describe words ours with you of feeling. I to give you the
heart, and I know, that with you to my heart it will be good. Remember
I spoke you that we to float towards to one another. And here already
soon we will meet. And then at us the new and fine life will begin.
You agree with me Iam????
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna


Removed forgive, I do not know from what to begin the letter. I do not
know what to tell to you. To me it is very bad now. Badly because when
you to learn that happens, you will be very much upset. I will not
have not enough forces to tell it. But if I to not tell then you will
hate me, Iam I cannot arrive to you, we cannot be together and make
our dreams a reality.
Removed I ask you, what you to forgive me. Forgive that I did not know
about it and so it has turned out. Forgive. I have learned that the
approximate cost of a trip very dear. I cannot arrive to you. Because
I do not have such opportunities. I never thought, that cost can be so
greater. Forgive me.
Removed I wish to be with you. But the life has solved so. And we cannot
be together now. I do not know, how, but I am assured, that we can
find a way to be happy. Also should make it.
Removed, but I do not know, how it to make. Forgive.
I hope, that I to receive your letter tomorrow. And you to not erase
me from the life. I ask you a pardon, and I hope, that you to forgive
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna

Removed I do not know that has happen and whether I now shall receive
your letters. Probably you do not wish communicate with me from for
that that I cannot to be with you. I ask you tell to me. If it even
so. I wish to learn why you do not wish to answer me. I the truth do
not know what to do. I to not sleep all the night long. I to think and
think of that that to us to do, as to me to make so to be in yours
fine embraces. But I do not know as to make it. The truth. To me very
painfully now that you cannot tell to me of anything. Removed I do not
know have received and whether you have read through my letter. I ask
you to not leave me. You to give me force, to give me a smile every
day, you have made my life more perfectly than it was.
I hope that that that was not can forget.
Removed I wait for your letter.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:12 pm
Removed I am glad to receive your letter. I very much waited for your
I now know, how I can surprise you. I thought of that much as how to
make. And I think, that we it is good to know one about other already
enough and it is necessary for us will meet. You agree with me? Removed
I shall go tomorrow and to learn when I can arrive to you. I think,
that already tomorrow I can inform you date when I can arrive to you.
I thought in the evening much and I cannot live what any more to not
feel your kisses, your embraces, the most gentle and sweet in this
world. I wish to feel you, I wish to enjoy our passion, I wish to wake
up in your embraces, I want, that our happiness was with us for ever.
I love you Removed!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish to be with you!!!!!!!!!!
I want, that all our dreams would become a reality for ever.
I want, that we with you would be happy.
And it becomes a reality. We shall be the happiest together. I to
search for you all life and tomorrow I can tell to you when we shall
meet. I am assured, what it is good news to you? The truth? Removed you
will meet me? I know what yes. I do not know when, but I shall learn
how all to make and when I I can be with you, and already tomorrow,
represent, tomorrow we shall know as how to do.
I do not know how to describe that I to feel now.
I am happy!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be with you Iam!!!!!!!!!!
And to not describe words ours with you of feeling. I to give you the
heart, and I know, that with you to my heart it will be good. Remember
I spoke you that we to float towards to one another. And here already
soon we will meet. And then at us the new and fine life will begin.
You agree with me Iam????
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna


Removed forgive, I do not know from what to begin the letter. I do not
know what to tell to you. To me it is very bad now. Badly because when
you to learn that happens, you will be very much upset. I will not
have not enough forces to tell it. But if I to not tell then you will
hate me, Iam I cannot arrive to you, we cannot be together and make
our dreams a reality.
Removed I ask you, what you to forgive me. Forgive that I did not know
about it and so it has turned out. Forgive. I have learned that the
approximate cost of a trip very dear. I cannot arrive to you. Because
I do not have such opportunities. I never thought, that cost can be so
greater. Forgive me.
Removed I wish to be with you. But the life has solved so. And we cannot
be together now. I do not know, how, but I am assured, that we can
find a way to be happy. Also should make it.
Removed, but I do not know, how it to make. Forgive.
I hope, that I to receive your letter tomorrow. And you to not erase
me from the life. I ask you a pardon, and I hope, that you to forgive
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna

Removed I do not know that has happen and whether I now shall receive
your letters. Probably you do not wish communicate with me from for
that that I cannot to be with you. I ask you tell to me. If it even
so. I wish to learn why you do not wish to answer me. I the truth do
not know what to do. I to not sleep all the night long. I to think and
think of that that to us to do, as to me to make so to be in yours
fine embraces. But I do not know as to make it. The truth. To me very
painfully now that you cannot tell to me of anything. Removed I do not
know have received and whether you have read through my letter. I ask
you to not leave me. You to give me force, to give me a smile every
day, you have made my life more perfectly than it was.
I hope that that that was not can forget.
Removed I wait for your letter.

Hello Removed!
How at you there passes day? What new at you?
I will hope for that that you will write to me tomorrow!
Very strongly I miss......
Your gentle Anna.

Hello my Lovely Removed!
I am really very glad to receive today your letter and it has warmed
me! I with impatience wait for your letter every day and with
impatience I wish to answer it. I am very glad that you have appeared
in my life. You that prince about which I dreamt since the childhood
and I do not wish you to lose my darling Removed. I am assured of you
and I know that you very good man.
My love Removed when I went to agency and was interested about cost then
to me have told that my trip will cost such big money which I in a
life when did not hold! They to me have told only the approximate sum
and it shocked me! It makes approximately 2100 dollars. I really did
not know that will depart to other country to cost so many money. My
prince Removed they to me have told that this cost will include my
documents, a return ticket and residing in Moscow before plane
arrival. As they have told that the exact sum of my documents will
manage to me in 633 dollars and exact cost of my contract will know
after I will tell it the airport name in which you me will meet. My
love Iam if you in a condition to help us to appear together I would
ask that in the following letter you have told to me the airport name
in which you me will meet. That I would inform this information to
travel agency. My love Iam I really do not know whence to me to take
such big money what I was with you!
I really always dreamt of such man as you but I did not know that this
man lives very far from me. I have very strongly fallen in love with
you my prince Iam! And I when did not test such feelings as to you.
My love Iam I will be the happiest girl in the world when you will
hold me in the embraces and not to release me long time. I really very
strongly would want that ours with you dreams were carried out!
My love Removed now I should go and I with impatience will wait for your
letter tomorrow with good news. In end I send to you many gentle
kisses. Very strongly I miss and I love you my darling Removed.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:38 pm
Tell to me please why you do not write? I with impatience wait for
your letter with good news. The truth very alone without you and me it
will be very pleasant to me to see your letter tomorrow.
Your gentle Anna.

Removed tell to me please something happens? I would not like to read
your letter with good news. I wait for them every day and very much I
miss on you! To me the truth very much would be desirable to see your
letter with the answer!
I very much hope that tomorrow you will write to me! Have good day!
Yours Anna.

Hello my Love.
To me it is absolutely lonely without your letters. To me it is very
bad when you do not write to me. I wish to touch as soon as possible
you and to say as strongly I love you. And only you. I always think
only of you and I do not represent myself with anybody to another
except you. I very strongly worry because I do not know where you and
with whom you.
I with impatience will wait for your letter.
Yours and only your loving Anna.

Hello My Lovely Removed !!!!
Removed I think of us with you much. I think, that if we shall wait also
for nothing to do, we shall get used and we shall be so always.
And I think, that I cannot so. I wish to be with you and only with
you, Removed I want, that we with you could meet each new day together.
I wish to be with you because you to take my heart, it belongs only to
I LOVE YOU Removed!!!!!!!
I yesterday was at home one. Mum has left to the grandmother, I did
not wish to go to the girlfriend, I wanted nothing. I thought only of
one. As to me to make so to be with you. I all over again watched TV,
then to lay on a bed. And me it was sad, I know, that you there. But I
cannot be with you, only in the ideas and dreams. And I wish to be in
your embraces in a reality.
Removed I love, and I dream what to be in your embraces for ever.
I wish to be with you, I look at a photo, I represent you about me on
all. But it to me a little. I wish to be on the present with
you, to be in your embraces, to kiss and feel yours caress,
tenderness, love and passion. I wish to embrace you, I wish to feel,
how your hands caress me, I wish to feel, how fire in our hearts warms
us with you and gives us the finest happiness in this world.
Removed you are far also I feel, that I am lonely without you. I shall
search for all the most possible ways what to be with you.
And I hope, that I can find it soon.
I very much miss you and I think of you constantly.
I LOVE YOU Removed !!!!
I shall make all what to be with you. Because I know, that when we
with you shall be together that we shall make eternal happiness which
searched for all life.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna

Hello my Lovely.
I very strongly miss on you. And I wish to see your letter as soon as
I very much hope that at you all well! Also that you will write to me
I with impatience will wait for your letter
Your loving Anna.

I really very strongly wish to learn why you do not write to me? I the
truth hope that at you all well! And I with impatience wait for your
letters every day and when I see it on my person there is a smile and
pleasure. I really hope that tomorrow you will please me with the
lovely letter! I with impatience will wait for this moment.
Yours Anna.
by Ralph Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:45 pm
Hello my husband!
I with impatience waited for your letter today and have not seen it
today. To me it became very sad from that that you have not written to
me today. I very strongly miss on you and I with impatience wait for
that moment when you can embrace me and is gentle kiss me.
My darling as passes your day?
I will miss very strongly and I will wait for your letter tomorrow.
Your loving Anna.

Hello My Lovely Removed!!!!
Removed I today did not go for work. I went in city which about me and
has submitted documents on reception courts to all banks and tomorrow
I can learn as, how much and where I can receive the loan. If I can
receive it in two or three banks that I think that I can arrive to
you. But all this we learn tomorrow. Removed you know, that to me
advises Katya, she has told, that it is necessary to pass and ask
all friends in a duty on a few money and from a few we shall collect
all sum. And now I shall go on all friends, and we shall collect all
necessary sum. Removed I think, that at me it will turn out to find this
Removed I so am happy, I am assured, that all will turn out. I shall be
as likely that that to sell from the things what to pay the rest and
to arrive to you. And we shall be happy, Removed I all am ready to give
for your happy eyes, for yours a smile both your the most reliable and
strong embraces. I love, I love you madly and I wish to be only with
you for ever. I ADORE YOU IAM!!!!!!
Removed I to not sleep the second day and I all think, about that as
well as that will be and when we shall meet you. If at me all to turn
out, remains to very few time and we with you already together.
Yours and only your loving both gentle and ready on all for the sake
of your love, suffering because you are far, but warmed by your
letters, I shall be with you, you will be with me.
Also we shall be happy for ever.
Yours and only your loving and gentle Anna

Hello my Lovely!
To me really it is very sad without your letter. I with impatience
waited for it and when I have come to Internet cafe I have not found
it and to me became very insulting that you have not written today.
I very much hope that tomorrow you will write to me and I with
pleasure will answer it. Have good day!
Your loving and gentle Anna.

Hello My Lovely Removed !!!!
Removed I at all do not know from what to begin. At me one bad and one
good news. I shall begin with bad. In bank to me have told, that in
general the loan I can not give, and I cannot receive it. To me have
told, that I cannot provide duly payment of payments and property on
the security at me does not suffice.
Removed and you know, what good news? I yesterday have bypassed all whom
knew also all whom in time. And me have told, that will help how much
can. Tomorrow I still need to go to one girlfriend, she lives with the
husband and I think, that she can help to pay to me a trip. I think,
that she will not give up, and she has money.
Removed I so am happy. And you Removed??? I hope, what you not against I
soon shall with you? In your embraces? Tell to me Iam? You not
against? How your day has passed? At you good mood?
In this photo we celebrated put a birth of my girlfriend. It
is pleasant to you? I think that soon at on many photo on which we
with you shall be together will sell.
I know what for I is born, I know sense of the life. I should be with
you and then you will be happy and I shall be happy.
I LOVE YOU removed!!!!!!!
I wish to be with you and only with you for ever.
Your gentle, loving and passionate Anna


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