by Solowarm
Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:47 pm
A few weeks ago I'm fairly certain I sat down next to a romance scammer at a park in the UK. While eating my lunch, I couldn't help but overhear the guy I sat next to talk 'at' someone about how much he loved them and how he just wanted them to join him 'here' in New Zealand (it was London) so they could be together, and on and on it went. It wasn't what I would call a 'normal' relationship phone call by any means. After about ten minutes he got up and moved away from me, but continued with the phone call. I watched the guy for almost an hour. He had a large diary with him, and moved around to several locations throughout the park. Seeming like he was waiting anxiously for his mobile to ring. Unfortunately the police didn't come through the park until after he left otherwise I would have mentioned his rather odd behaviour and phone conversation to them. I can't be certain he was scamming someone and don't want to put myself in any danger or jump to the wrong conclusion about the behaviour, but can't help but think how wonderful it would be if one of these people were actually caught.