Information on romance scams and scammers.
by cynicalnow Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:50 pm
I was contacted on by an individual who stated he is a Master Sergeant in the US Army stationed in Afghanistan, and he says his name is Chris Ramos. We switched to chatting on yahoo messenger recently. He's sent me photos, some of which I have located on this website under a totally different name. What is making me hesitate, however, is that this individual did use a webcam even though I did not have one, so I could see that the "real" him matched the photos.
Scam websites indicate the photos belong to an Aaron Ramos, who is aware that his photos are being used for nefarious reasons. I stupid to wonder if he is legit because he is willing to use a webcam to communicate? I've been approached by so many scammers - this individual has not asked for money, but does have occasionally peculiar grammar.
Confused, and appreciative of any feedback...LS

by David Jansen Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:44 am
Some scammers even have webcam videos stored on their computer from the person they stole the photos from. They use bits of that video to make you believe that you see them "live" on webcam. Don't fall for that trick.

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by Solowarm Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:45 pm
No you're not stupid. These people will do everything they can to emotionally gain your trust.

If 'he' hasn't yet asked you for money, it's coming. If you've found the pictures being used elsewhere, t's a scam.
by cynicalnow Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:18 am
Thank you for validating. I asked him for his full name and military email, and he wouldn't provide them. When pushed, he made up a fake email. You all provide a great service!
Thanks again -
a little less cynical now
by jolly_roger Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:15 am
The scammer using the name chris ramos has been fraudulently stealing money from people for years. Also uses the name david ramos but is better known as the military scammer aaron ramos.
by began steele Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:47 am
S.Sgt Aaron Ramos is a real person and not a scammer. He has no presence on the internet and knows his photos are stolen and used. He is never seen on webcam. Anyone who claims to be him is a liar and scammer.
To make a fake web video the scammer uses photographs and alters the view of them slightly usually by rotation and distance changes. While it seems crude it can catch the unwary, but the result is somewhat wooden or robotic, and slow or jerky in frame changes. One thing that scammer video cannot do is anything you ask of him such as- scratch your nose,-stand up and turn round, - put your fingers in your ears etc. There are however some interactive videos that can do simple actions but if you ask more complex actions they won't get done. The scammer will then blank out the video and if he can, continue a short time later. However the scammer is relying on the fact that he is believed and that many people will not notice and will believe what they see. Because my wife is the scammer chatterer in Skype and Yahoo we often view these videos and they are rather pathetic, and we are amused to see them. That is our view with the benefit of years of experience.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by cynicalnow Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:16 pm
This really irritates me - I'm a former Marine (well before the internet came along) and I can't help but feel deeply offended for these military men and women whose identities have been compromised. Isn't it enough that they daily put their lives on the line and experience untold discomforts so the rest of us can sleep feeling safe?

I wish there was something that could be done to hold these scammers accountable.
Thank you for all the information you've provided.
Cynical and now irked.
by jolly_roger Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:57 pm
Is unfortunate cynicalnow, but the post by began steele (above) highlights the bad side of humanity.
The real aaron ramos is also a victim in the whole sad saga. Scammers have no conscience and are very self centred. In many instances, they have often used the identities and photos of deceased military personnel in their fraudulent activities. There is no end to the trickery that scam artists employ in duping honest folk.
There is very little that can be done to bring these bastards to justice I'm sad to say. Many scammers are out of Africa where corruption and graft is a normal part of daily life. Scamming is just an extension of that, which now reaches a lot further through the internet. Reporting on sites such as this and education about scams is a good start.

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