by Dotti
Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:00 pm
The scam works both ways.
Some of the fake "sugar daddy" profiles are probably just average men who are hoping to pick up a good-looking younger woman by using an attractive profile. But many are going to be scammer profiles too.
In reality, the average target of these scammers is not the wealthy man or woman. While they will gladly scam the wealthy (of course,) the truth is, wealthy targets are much more likely to be aware of, and watching for, scam approaches.
The scammers usually have better luck with people with a more "average" income. Often people who aren't wealthy believe they won't be targets because they have less money to spare. They don't realize that a scammer will gladly take a smaller sum of money, or that he will encourage them to go into debt to raise the money he asks for.
It's actually pretty common for scammers to pose as wealthy businessmen on dating sites, and to use those profiles to scam women. You also see a lot of this on sites like millionaire match.
Typically, the scenario goes something like this:
-Wealthy, attractive man (scammer character) picks target on site.
-He tells her that distance doesn't matter, he is happy to come see her, he is quickly falling for her.
-Unfortunately, he is away on business right now, bidding on a contract.
-Success! He just got a multi-million dollar contract to design an oil rig in Nigeria! But don't worry, it won't be too long.
-Oh no! A problem with the contract. 3 employees were killed in an accident, and this wealthy, attractive man needs some quick cash to help the families/pay a settlement (you get the idea.)
-Unfortunately, wealthy businessman has no cash because it is all tied up in the contract. Could target please just send a few hundred (or thousand) dollars so he can settle this? After all, he has fallen in love, and as soon as the contract is over, he will come to her, they will be married, and will live happily ever after with his millions.
The emergency or problem can vary considerably, but the intent is the same: create a scenario that convinces the target that sending money now will secure her future with her wonderful millionaire fiancee.