Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Ralph Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:11 am
Name: Gina Henry
Email address: [email protected]
Found on: Mate1 -
Origin: Claims to be born in Ackworthy, USA on August 10th, 1980
Current Location: Akim Akroso, Ghana, Africa
IP Address:
IP Location: Accra, Ghana

Western Union info:
P.O.BOX NK 183
ZIP CODE 00233

This scammer much prefers to do his scamming using chat, chat can speed up the scam a great deal and it helps the scammer to gauge the right time to start asking for money from his victim.

Scammers like to maintian control of the chat asking a lot of questions of their victim but hardly answering any questions themselves.

Some scammers have access to girls who can take your phone calls but in this case the scammer will be very reluctant to talk to you on the phone, the 2 main reasons for this is are that the scammer is a man, an African man at that and his voice will be a sure give away.

If you were to enquire about talking on the phone the scammer will make an excuse as to why not, most commonly that the phone is broken and or she doesn't have a phone, this will be another excuse to receive money from their victim at a later date when the scammer may pay a girl to take a call from you.

During Chats, scammers will have large pauses in their chats where they are writing to another victim.

They may come back from a break of several minutes, tell you they love you or "luv u babe" and then dissappear for several more minutes.

Often during these chats they will post pre saved stolen poetry or saved scripts, you can see where these are inserted by several indicators, a sudden increase in typing speed and accuracy as they post large sections of script that has much better grammar than they may normally show.

It is also possible to search on these scripted sections to find them posted elsewhere, this is something that can be very usefull to check.

I am hoping to gather a lot more information on this scammer as he is now writing to me looking for love as well as no doubt, several other victims.

This email received today;

Hello thank you so much for taking your time writing to me back am glad to hear from you.Anyway what is your name and what kind of bussiness do you do how did you get my contact?can you please remember me yourself when will you take pictures and send to me i will like to see who am talking too.Am single lady with no children haven't been in relationship before.what kind of relationship are you looking for do you live in your own house or rented??well ask me what you will like to know about me..

by Ralph Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:34 am
This scammer will use a variety of lies and excuses to get his victims to send money; Below is a list of some of the likely excuses;

Money to pay for the internet service
Doctors bills as "s"he will claim to be sick and require medical treatment
Money for flights to come and live with you
Money for visas.

While chatting with this scammer, you may notice that the writing skills suddenly get much better and or faster, while chatting to a victim, most romance scammers will most likely be chatting to other victims, because of this you may also notice;
Disapearances for up to 10 minutes or even longer
A seeming lack of actually paying attention
Your questions may not be answered
Sudden long bursts of script, usually romantic verse and often stolen from the net
Lots of questions asked, in some cases the same questions as previous chats.

Like most romance scammers, this girl will be quick to fall in love with you and may suggest that you are the first person she has ever been serious with, of course, this is a lie.
The pictures she uses will be of a very attractive girl who would surely not have a problem finding a boyfriend (if they were real that is)

Below is a selection of things that she may post into chats with her victims

I love the way that you love me, in each and every touch and kiss. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have you
Here is a search result on that line showing other exact examples used by scammers Right click and select "open in new window" to remain on this page

My wish for you is that you could feel all the passion and love that I carry around in my heart and soul for you. You have won my love and soul. You have gotten it all, even my heart. You make me feel like I am in heaven in the arms of an Angel. You and I have an amazing relationship
and again, loads of examples of this exact love script Right click and open in new window

You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you.

There are nearly 2,000 examples of this exact script that come up in searches, again, many are in relation to scams Right click and open in new window
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:17 am
In header of mail sent by this scammer using [email protected]

IP= = Accra in Ghana;

NNMFP - by with NNFMP

IN SOME CASES Yahoo use a special protocol "NNFMP" to denote sender MAY be in a list of known scammers, or is using special software to hide their own IP address and details.

Note - it does not necessarily follow that if this protocol is not in a header - it should be assumed that the mail is NOT from a scammer.

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:18 am
Responses in IM chat from this scammer;

Gina: Hello
Gina: You there?
Gina: <ding>

Gina: Oh that is nice of you

Gina: So what do you want to talk about today babe?

Gina: You are making me so happy right now

Gina: I would like for you to being with me

Gina: ok I live in akim akroso which is in Ghana

Gina: its 30mins down the road from the nearest mine twon and my aunty lives down the road

Gina: I go to catering school but I just finished there

Gina: yes babe my favorite food is pizza im also to liking Ghanaian dishes

Gina: my mom divorced my dad and thats why we moved over to Ghana…life wasnt very good in Acksworthy when he was around but it is bettern now but mom is a bit sick lately

Gina: Sorry lost connection

Gina: Thankyou for your understanding

Gina: im so lucky in have found you in my life

Gina: your words are making my heart beat so fastly…you are so kind in your words and loving

Gina: how soon until we can being together as one?

Gina: i pray it come soon

Gina: I have not heard of the denomination you are mentioned is it good? I am attending church of Christ.

Gina: I would doing anything that does make you happy my love you are the only one in my heart that matters and I want to make you happy

Gina: no babe there is no need to end it because i love you and will make you happy

Gina: sorry lost connection keeps unconnecting off and oon

Gina: Thankyou for your understanding

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:19 am
Messages send by this scammer;

Hello My Dear,

I love you so much babe. i will forever be yours and the mother of our future childrens. I have not feel this way before since ever i met you i feel much happier. i think we are compitable to each other and I wish we have known each other forever babe. i really find this relationship so easy i think we are meant to each other. i will give you everything that you deserve from your woman. am eveready to be with you and spend all the rest of my life with you. i wish i can find words to express to you how much i do went you in my life. Can you imagine how wonderful it could be when we get together i bet we will be the best couple. Being in love with you brings joy into my life again, when I thought I couldn't feel this way about anyone anymore. You came into my life and made everything so much easier and better. You mean everything to me and I'm just thankful that you're in my life. The road for us is still long and wide, but remember I will always be by your side to support you no matter what. But we can't build relationship whiles we are apart we wil have to meet and become as husband and wife.. I know by now you are having a nice sound sleep goodnight sweetdreams hope to talk to you when you wake.

I would love it if you got me a chrismas present...would you send money like you said? Here is my info that you will need to send the money for my chrismas present you need to send it through western union since its the only bank you can send money oversea.
P.O.BOX NK 183
ZIP CODE 00233

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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:19 am
This scammer using these stolen photographs taken by a Canon 20D, and edited with Photoshop CS2 on the 10th of January, 2006;






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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:20 am
Also note - this scammer sends these stolen photographs taken on the 7/8 February 2006 with a canon EOS 20D;






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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by The Enchantress Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:21 am




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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Ralph Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:26 pm
This email recently in;

Hi thank you so much for your mail am glad to hear from you back anyway what kind of relationship are you looking for and how long have you been on the net...I will like to know more about you and see where the future holds for.Am new to this internet stuff i will wait patiently till you can get me your pictures i will send you my pictures in next mail take good care of yourself.

by The Enchantress Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:19 pm
Mails continue;

Hi babe thank you so much for your mail am very happy to hear from you once again i been expecting mail from you how are you doing and how is your work hope things are moving on well for you.Anyway am not after money or material but looking for serious caring man to build serious relationship but how are we going to make it happen since we are apart well we need to know more about each other and see where this will lead us.I don't play games or waist time what kind of work do you do do you live in your own or rented where are your parent?well i will like to end here hope to hear from you real soon take good care of yourself for me kisses and hugs

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Ralph Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:47 am
Following on from the previously posted emails from this scammer;

Hi my darling thank you so much for your mail am glad to hear from you once again how is your work hope its going on smoothly for you.well when will you send me your pictures i will like to see you since i haven't seen your pictures due you sound so good to me.l

The following details have been provided by the scammer in chat;

i live in eastern part of ghana in a town call akim akroso you can check that on google map.

You will notice with most scammers some lines that are simply wrong, here is a great example;
You have been in my thought and mind since yesterday i can't even get my eyes on your wonderful lovely pictures you sent to me

Claims to have a brother, yes, brother;
25years old babe she attend college now

Africans generally make the same kinds of mistakes, notice here the use of "am" rather than "I am", remember, this scammer claims to have grown up in the US
am very happy with you my mom ask me why i was so happy since morning i went to surprise her i will tell her the reason why am so happy

Here is a very common line that most romance scammers will use at some stage;
babe age does not matter its just a number so don't worry about your age

Many scammers will call their victims "babe", by doing so they can avoid calling their victims by the wrong name;
You are right love trust is important in the nickname is Bali you can call me what ever you like babe if only it comes from your heart am glad you like the babe word i use to call you it really comes from my heart

Scammers will often talk about trust, trust is how they intend on getting their hands on your money;
You are right babe trust is very important if we have trust between the relationship will last longer and grow each and everyday

They will also make many promises that they do not intend on keeping;
Am glad to hear this from you i also respect you and will never hurt you in anyway

Another common mistake with their grammar is adding or omitting an "s"
the same to me babe i will forever be yours and the mother of our future childrens

It is common for them to insist that they and their vic are meant to be together;
same to me we really find this relationship so easy i think we are meant to each other.
by Ralph Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:52 pm
The emails from the scammer continue;

Hi babe thank you so much for your mail how is your work and how is your family hope things are moving on well smoothly for you am glad to hear from you once again.I just want to know who am talking to over the internet its very hard to talk to someone you don't know or see so please try your very best and get me your pictures as i have already sent you mine.Well i was born in u.s but raised in ghana i come here in ghana with my mom by her divorced am half american and half ghanaian am not working at the moment just complete college so i use to help mom at the market selling food stuff vegetables etc.Yes i do live with my mom uncle and younger brother here in Ghana i don't have any family in U.S i don't have any children.what do you think of me and what will you like to know about me do you mind about the distance or age? what is the name of your children and where is they are mother tell me what happen in your past relationship..Anyway i will like to end here hope to hear from you real soon kisses and hugs..
by Ralph Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:19 pm
This scammer is a little unusual in that "she" actually does read and respond to your emails, this may be partly due to the scammers preference to use chat, we can not yet be sure.

Here is the latest email received;

Dear Removed how are you doing and how is your weekend hope things are going on well with you.To be honest i really like the way things go on between us what did you dream about me last night babe it will be so amazing to wake up having a tea i promise to give you morning kisses everyday babe how are we going to meet than we are so far away do you think it will be possible for us to meet and become as husband and wife?? are you willing to have more family?what are your plans for new relationship?i think of you everyday because you have become half part of my life.Try and send me your pictures

of note, the first contact was about 1 week ago and "she" still has not seen a picture of the person she now wants to spend teh rest of her life with
by Ralph Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:58 am
Hello Removed
How are you doing and how are you celebrating the Australian day? oh yeah it will be amazing and wonderful if i was there to celebrate it with you.I miss you so much been thinking of you all day and night its very hard for me to forget you since ever you come into my life.You have bring much happiness in my life i really like the way things are going between us because i dream of you every night i also wish to wake up next to you to give you morning kisses.Babe how are we going to meet? i don't have passport or visa to travel to Australia i can't fly to you without the Visa or Passport i hope you know this?..Am also looking forward being in your warm arms i will spend both good and bad times with you..Anyway i will like to end here hope to hear from you real soon kisses and hugs

Lot of love.
by The Enchantress Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:47 pm
Ok my love i will look forward hearing from you everyday always i miss you so much and need you in my life forever.

Hello my darling

It was nice to read your mail wow you really celebrate it as well i wish i was there to celebrate it with you oh yes i believe next year we will celebrate it together i want to be with you so bad.How are you and how is things moving on for you i hope things are moving on smoothly for you oh yes i like reading from you my darling you mean so much to me and you are the best thing that happen to me am so happy to meet you in my life..

Oh say Hi back to the Mayor send my greetings to them i can't wait to meet them soon am so happy they like us.It was rain today in the aftnoon here in my town so i did't go anywhere i was indoor watching TV and thinking of you the weather is very nice today my mom say hello to you she was very happy with us.

Honey i will like to end here as its very late here i will look forward hearing from you soon kisses and hugs

Lot of love.

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