Information on romance scams and scammers.
by ratt84 Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:06 am
male - 52 years, Albany, United States

Name Peter Jefferson
Date of birth 24/10/1960
Location Albany, United States
Native language English
Profile updates 19 November 2012 ยท new profile picture

I am independent and know how to make myself calmly happy. I adore people and being inspired by many of those I know. I am rigorously self-controlled about somethings to do with my health but that is because I am ambitious rather than obsessive.

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write me at ...[email protected]...

by ratt84 Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:17 am
Hi xxx,

I have learn a lot from the past and I will like to write you a little about my childhood since am not often online for chat.

Typing my childhood out was something I never thought of but am doing it for you to understand me better.. I think am not going to be online always as I thought So this would make you Understand me Better. I was born in Delaven, Wisconsin and spent the first 6 yrs of my life there but I was raised up partially in Italy.My childhood was normal except for a few unusual experience.I grew up in a hectic house as the only child of my father with my relatives who are older than me,Then I was just 4 yrs year in 1960.Presently I am 52 yrs.

My mother and father had an unpleasant relationship wish ended up with a divorce. Am the only child of my family, I grew up in the mist of some relatives when I was in Italy , I thought they are my real brothers and sisters but just my cousins and nephew. We lived in an affluent suburb In a typical house with a white picket fence. From the outside, we looked like a happy, healthy, loving family. But that wasn't the whole truth.

Before I started grade school, I have had the opportunity to sail with my Mom through the high sea to Norway several time which made me more knowledgeable and important than other kids At that young age, I was naive and always asking questions but I had no concept of dishonesty.That's why my Mom was proud of me.

In high school I became interested in the field of Rig Engineer Because dad thought me allot about Engineering and my curiosity led me to study Chemical/Marine Engineering short-courses in my spare time outside state.

After high school, I entered the University of Rome majoring in the field of Chemical Engineer. I complete my Studies here in Italy , which made me also gain knowledge about being a Drilling Engineer.( Rig Engineer )

I work very Hard to make my relations and family enjoy life, provide every meals since am there only source of joy in there life, few friends always came to me for help as well.This is a short story of my childhood days and my life.I love to smile every time I remember how it looked like in the long, long days.

Knowing we are from different country really want me to get to know you better,Have been a widower 9 yrs now and am living in San Antonio Texas. I don't care a lot, if we start as friends, it would be a lot better for each other. Am a very honest man with good sense of humor. I hope to know something nice about you as well.


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Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012
From: Peter Jefferson <[email protected]>

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