Information on romance scams and scammers.
by rococo Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:42 pm
Profil na http://www.randkidojrza?

noralife33, i will tell you later (lubelskie)
Ostatnie logowanie: 04-12-2012 11:20

Mój opis, wymarzony partner, partnerka O mnie: i will tell you about me later
Kogo szukam: i will tell you about me later
Dodatkowe informacje o mnie:

p?e?: kobieta
wiek: 23 lat
poznam: m??czyzn?
szukam: przyja?ni randki
s. cywilny: w zwi?zku
miejscowo??: i will tell you later (i will tell you later)
województwo: lubelskie

zamieszkanie: mieszkam z rodzin? w domu
wyksztalcenie: zawodowe
alkohol: nie przepadam
papierosy: nie przepadam
budowa cia?a: normalna
wzrost: 23 cm
waga: 150 kg

W serwisie od:04-12-2012 :mrgreen:


Profile ns http://www.randkidojrza ? noralife33, I'll tell you later (Lublin) Last Login: 12.04.2012 11:20 My description ideal partner, your partner about me: I'll tell you about me later Who I'm looking for: I'll tell you about I later Anything else about myself: Gender: Female Age: 23 years old will know: male looking for: Friendship Dating s status: in a relationship city: I will tell you later (I'll tell you later) province: Lublin residence: I live with my family in the House Education: Vocational alcohol: I do not like cigarettes: not keen Body: height: 23 cm weight: 150 kg on OD :04-12-2012
Last edited by rococo on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:00 am, edited 4 times in total.

by ratt84 Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:48 pm
same person???
female - 26 years, Dakar, Senegal
Name nora noralife
Date of birth 15/03/1986
Location Dakar, Senegal
Native language English


i from Libya but am liveing in dakar senegal dear i will like you to contact me through
my email address [email protected]
28 October 2012
by rococo Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:44 pm
Profil na http://www.randkidojrza?

carol, dakar (dolno?l?skie)
Ostatnie logowanie: 05-12-2012 20:29

Mój opis, wymarzony partner, partnerka O mnie: I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hearing more from you soonest.

Kogo szukam: I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hearing more from you soonest.

Dodatkowe informacje o mnie:

p?e?: kobieta
wiek: 24 lat
poznam: m??czyzn?
s. cywilny: w zwi?zku
miejscowo??: dakar (nice looking girl)
województwo: dolno?l?skie
zamieszkanie: mieszkam z rodzin? w mieszkaniu

wyksztalcenie: licencjat
alkohol: oboj?tnie
papierosy: oboj?tnie
budowa cia?a: szczup?a
wzrost: 68 cm
waga: 170 kg

W serwisie od:24-07-2012Profile ns http://www.randkidojrza ? carol, dakar (Lower Silesia) Last Login: 05.12.2012 20:29 My name, dream partner, your partner about me: I believe that we can start from here since it takes one know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to more from you soonest. Hobby: I believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to more from you soonest. For more information about me: Gender: Female Age: 24 years old will know: a man s status: in a relationship City: Dakar (nice girl looking for) Province: dolno?l?skie residence: I live in an apartment with FAMILY Education: Bachelors alcohol: indifferent cigarettes: Any Body : average height: 68 cm weight: 170 kg on OD :24-07 -2012
Last edited by rococo on Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
by rococo Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:44 am
Profil na badoo; John, 46 - Ostatni raz online 3 grudnia 2012
Miasto;Utrecht, Holandia

Wants to make friends with a girl, older than 36

Harley Davidson Biegi w terenie Gra na pianinie Gran TorinoCarp fishingWashington, D.C.The BodyguardParis HiltonTake ThatAdam SandlerGarnierManicure

O mnie;Am cool, honest and have wi?cej…
Interesuj? mnie;honest and faithful person to wi?cej…

Dane osobiste
Stan: jestem singlem Orientacja: Hetero Wygl?d: 175cm (5'9''), 82kg (181funtów), normalna, brunet i orzechowe oczy. Mieszkanie: Sam Dzieci: W przysz?o?ci Palenie: Nie pal? Alkohol: Do towarzystwa Wykszta?cenie: Licencjat/Wy?sze J?zyki: Angielski i Holenderski (Ojczysty) Praca: Motorman Eng.. Mam wysoki dochód
John — niedziela, 25 listopad 2012 19:09

cze??, mi?o ci? pozna? tutaj, jak si? dzisiaj czujesz?
jestem ok, jestem John Stewart, a ty?

Jestem w?oski. Pracuj? w firmie spedycyjnej, jako motorniczy, ale obecnie p?yniemy przez Australia pe?nym morzu, pracy tutaj, ale w czasie miesi?ca b?d? w Europie. Gdzie pracujesz?

jestem 46 rozwiedziony, pojedyncze, bez dzieci, a ty?.

OK, faktycznie jestem zainteresowany w was, ?e powodem Klikn??em na ciebie, musimy wiedzie? wi?cej o sobie, chc?, ?eby? wiedzia?, ?e odleg?o?? nie b?dzie problemem. wszystko, czego potrzebujesz jest sta?a komunikacja wiedzie? wi?cej o sobie, mówisz mi?e i pi?kne

By?em tylko czekaj?, aby znale?? mi?o??, abym móg? rozpocz?? nowe ?ycie i nowe firmy, poniewa? ta praca zabiera mnie zbyt d?ugo, zawsze na morzu. Chc?, aby?my si? czego? wi?cej o sobie, gdy wszystko idzie dobrze dla nas, kiedy si? do brzegu w przysz?ym miesi?cu, b?dzie przyj?? do Polski tak, ?e mo?emy si? spotka?, cho? potrzeba czasu, aby dowiedzie? si? wi?cej o nas samych

By?em ?onaty do w?oskiej kobiety, do?wiadczenie nie by?o dobre, dlatego postanowi?a nie mie? zwi?zek tam ponownie. mój by?y nie by? mi wierny, to czego nienawidz? w zwi?zku.

tak, jestem uczciwy i wierny cz?owiek. Naprawd? podoba mi si?, ?e powodem, ?e zatrzyma? si? na swoim profilu, mo?emy wypracowa? dobre relacje. Jestem tu nowy na Badoo, poniewa? mój rozwiedziony, czeka?em cierpliwie, aby uzyska? prawo kobiety, widz? ci? jako kobiet? ?adne i pi?kne. Jak d?ugo jeste? w Badoo?

Chc?, ?eby? wiedzia?, ?e nie klikn?? na Ciebie dla zabawy, jestem powa?nym cz?owiekiem, musimy by? uczciwi, to przynosi zrozumienie i zaufanie w zwi?zku, Chc?, aby?my zawsze w kontakcie, tak aby?my mogli dowiedzie? si? wi?cej o sobie

odleg?o?? nie b?dzie problemem, bo p?yniemy przez Australia morza, tu pracuje na pe?nym morzu, w ci?gu miesi?ca czasu b?d? si? do brzegu, gdy wszystko idzie dobrze dla nas, przyjd? na tak, ?e mo?emy si? spotka?, to wa?ne spotykamy

brzmisz tak pi?kne i ?adne, mam nadziej?, wszystko pójdzie dobrze dla nas, jestem bardzo zadowolony, wiedz?c ci? dzisiaj, zawsze b?d? z Tob?, tak, ?e mo?emy dowiedzie? si? wi?cej o nas samych

to mój email [email protected], daj mi swój adres e-mail tak, ?e mog? zawsze wys?a? ci?. Wy?l? moje zdj?cia na e-mail, mo?na wys?a? mi swój zbyt ok

u?ywasz MSN lub Yahoo Messenger, tak, ?e zawsze mo?emy porozmawia? tam

Je?li nie masz Yahoo Messenger, nale?y spróbowa? i dosta? poczt? Yahoo i pobra? komunikator na internetowej Google to nic nie kosztuje, tak, ?e zawsze mo?emy porozmawia? tam, bo nie przychodz? do Badoo cz?sto. mo?esz go pó?niej

Mi?o rozmawiaj?c z tob?, dzi?ki za po?wi?cony czas, dba? o siebie. Wy?l? Ci zdj?cia pó?niej

By?em w Badoo, aby porozmawia? z tob?, wydaje si?, jeste? zaj?ty. Chc?, ?eby? wiedzia?, ?e mi zale?y tak wiele o tobie, Ciao amore
Last edited by rococo on Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
by rococo Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:52 am
?ród?o: IP jest Islandia

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from []
Received: from []
Received: from []
Received: from []
Received: from []
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 02:31:02
From: John Stewart <[email protected]>

Hey baby, how's the night. Where are you? I always feel happy when ever communicate with you, because I knew, I was happy, I'm waiting to be with you soon. You are so close to my heart, have a lovely day
Last edited by rococo on Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
by ratt84 Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:37 pm
John S
Tagline: True love
Member Since: August 23, 2010
Gender: Male
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Age: 46
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Friends, Dating, Serious Relationship
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Religion: Christian
Orientation: Straight

Dreams: To always live happy life
Best Features: My believe
Loving: Get close and you will not regret it, always making people around me happy


by rococo Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:39 am
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from []
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 22:56:28
From: John Stewart <[email protected]>
Subject: With love
Hello darling, how are you, I hope you are doing great. Do not stop thinking about you, I hope everything goes well for us, you are such a beautiful woman, I attached a picture. Take care of yourself.

Please try and get Yahoo mail and messenger download from Google, it's free, so that we can always talk to the messenger because you do not often come to Badoo. bye talk later, a hug and kiss

Last edited by rococo on Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
by rococo Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:21 pm
Profile http://www.randkidojrza?
grace,24 years- remo
Last login: 07-12-2012 11:18

My description ideal partner, partner About me: I am looking for a partner in life who has similar morals, goals and dreams. I need someone who is honest, easy-going, funny, loyal, adventurous, romantic, cute, athletic and smart. I would like to share some interests as well. I am extremely loyal and my partner comes first, and is the most important part of my life! To me, life is about sharing quality time with the people you love, doing what you are passionate about, and seeking out new experiences and adventures. I love to have fun and learn

Hobby: I will not settle for anything less than my dream guy and I will do what it takes to meet him! I would love to treat him like a king and be treated like a queen. I am passionate, smart, generous, athletic, idealistic, and hopeful to meet my match! I love public intimacy and want a good man with a good heart, one with good knowledge about love and who knows how a lady is been treated, age or color difference to not matter to me at all, as long as he loves me

Anything else about myself;
Gender: female
age: 24 years
I will know: a man
I'm looking for: friendship
s status: single
City: remo (remo)
State: lubuskie

residence: I live with my family at home
Education: Vocational
Alcohol: Does not matter
Cigarettes: Does not matter
Body Type: Normal
height: 160 cm
weight: 45 kg

Since :26-11-2012
by rococo Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:52 pm
it gives me great pleasure to write you after viewing your profile at ( which really interest me to communicate with you, if you have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other and see what happened in future.
I will be very happy if you can write me through my email for easiest communication, and will be waiting to hear from you have a blessed day.

E-mail: [email protected]
by rococo Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:10 pm
I am really happy in your reply to my mail, How is everything? I hope you are okay.
Mine is a bit difficult here in Dakar Senegal.You are admired.
My name is Joy Ngah from Ivory Coastin West Africa, 5.3fttall, fair in complexion, never married (before) and now I'm 23 years old, residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.

My late father Dr Ngah Beltel was director Mavococoa and Associates (Ltd) and he was the personal advicer to the former head of state (Late Dr Robert Guei) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood. It's only me that is alive

now and I managed to make my way to near by country Senegal where I am leaving now in a refugee camp.

I would like to know more about you, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here are my pictures. I also want to see more of your pictures.I will tell you more in my next mail.
Hoping to hear from you soonest.
Thank you.
Yours Love,
by rococo Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:15 pm
Profile photo of this email is on facebook
by began steele Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:42 am
The first one often uses the name Milad and can be found elsewhere on the site and almost everywhere as well. It is from Senegal and uses the standard text
I believe that we can start from here

race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life
or more often the
Remeber age, distance and color does not matter but love matters alot in life

Joy Mabou may be a frequent name and possibly closer to the real name of the scammer.
Whenever I see it, which is often, I always think, "Oh no!It's Mabou again."

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by rococo Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:40 pm
Profil: successlove, poland (Lower Silesia)
Last login: 08-12-2012 0:23

My description ideal partner, partner About me: i will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, i will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact,

Who I'm looking for: i will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, and will tell you when we are in contact, vvv

Anything else about myself:
Gender: female
age: 25 years
I will know: a man
I'm looking for: friendship dating
s status: in a relationship
City: poland (poland)
State: dolno?l?skie

residence: I live with my family in an apartment
Education: primary
Alcohol: I do not like
Cigarettes: I do not like
Body Type: Normal
height: 175 cm
weight: 82 kg Since :08??-12-2012

by rococo Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:27 pm :) anitamabiza, minot (province)?
My description ideal partner, partner About me: My name is Mrs. Anita mabiza handsome young girl looking for true

Hobby: My name is Mrs. Anita mabiza handsome young girl looking for true

Anything else about myself:
Gender: female
age: 23 years
I will know: a man
I'm looking for: love, romance, sex friendship dating
s status: single
City: minot (minot ave)
region: Podlasie

residence: I live with my family at home
Education: Vocational
Alcohol: Does not matter
Cigarettes: Does not matter
Body Type: slim
height: 54 cm?
weight: 41 kg since : W serwisie od: 16-11-2012
anitamabiza, minot (podlaskie)???

Mój opis, wymarzony partner, partnerka O mnie: Nazywam si? Pani Anita mabiza m?ody przystojny dziewczyna szuka prawdziwej

Kogo szukam: Nazywam si? Pani Anita mabiza m?ody przystojny dziewczyna szuka prawdziwej

Dodatkowe informacje o mnie:
p?e?: kobieta
wiek: 23 lat
poznam: m??czyzn?
szukam: mi?o?ci przyja?ni romansu sexu randki
s. cywilny: kawaler / panna
miejscowo??: minot (minot ave)
województwo: podlaskie

zamieszkanie: mieszkam z rodzin? w domu
wyksztalcenie: zawodowe
alkohol: oboj?tnie
papierosy: oboj?tnie
budowa cia?a: szczup?a
wzrost: 54 cm ???
waga: 41 kg W serwisie od:16-11-2012
by rococo Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:01 pm :) robin young, Lubin (Lublin)
Last login: 12-12-2012 12:13

My description ideal partner, partner About me: I am a sensitive person, I am looking for a seriuos relationship, I'm loyal and truthful, compassionate and caring, I'm the kind of man who treats his woman like a queen, and love without having to present a flower there is reason to do so it. give great message.I I love to cuddle and show the world that a woman who I'am the pleasure of her company.i know my way in the kitchen too! So if you want to do a lot of the reason I like cooking too

Who I'm looking for: I'm looking for someone with similar interests to you about friendship and do things, and if something more should evolve from, and possibly long-term relationship.I would like to meet a woman who is quite attractive, but it does not have to be a beauty queen or a model . Feminine looks are not the most important thing for me

Anything else about myself:

sex: male
age: 47 years old
I will know: a man
I'm looking for: love, friendship sex dating
s status: Widow / Widower
City: Lubin
Province: Lublin

residence: I live alone / and in the house
Education: High School
Alcohol: I like to occasionally
Cigarettes: I do not like
Body Type: Normal
height: 180 cm
weight: 70 kg
Since :27-09-2012

Message received:
Hello, I'm Robin, 46 years old with a beautiful son, 14 years old, I'm an engineer aviation and I am one of enginners KLM, and help them to repair helicopters. it is my pleasure to contact you after viewing your profile which really interested in me having communication with you and you can contact with me on my private e-mail [email protected] or add me on skype, robin.young662 your new friend Robin

///////////////////////////////////////////////////// - robin young, Lubin (lubelskie)
Ostatnie logowanie: 12-12-2012 12:13

Mój opis, wymarzony partner, partnerka O mnie: Jestem czu?y cz?owiek, szukam zwi?zku bardzo seriuos, jestem wierny i prawdomówny, wspó?czuj?cy i opieku?czy, jestem typem cz?owieka, który traktuje swoj? kobiet? jak królowa, i love przedstawi? kwiat bez konieczno?ci istnieje powód, aby zrobi? to. da? wielki message.I Uwielbiam si? przytula? i pokaza? ?wiatu, ?e kobieta, która I'am w przyjemno?ci jej company.i znaj? moje drogi w kuchni zbyt! wi?c je?li chcesz zrobi? du?o przyczyn? gotowania lubi? zbyt

Kogo szukam: Szukam kogo? o podobnych zainteresowaniach z Ciebie o przyja?ni i zrobi? rzeczy, a je?li co? wi?cej powinien rozwija? si? od, a nast?pnie ewentualnie na relationship.I d?ugoterminowego chcia?by spotka? kobiet?, która jest do?? atrakcyjny, ale nie musi by? królow? pi?kno?ci lub model. Kobiecy wygl?d to nie najwa?niejsza rzecz dla mnie

Dodatkowe informacje o mnie:

p?e?: m??czyzna
wiek: 47 lat
poznam: m??czyzn?
szukam: mi?o?ci przyja?ni sexu randki
s. cywilny: wdowiec / wdowa
miejscowo??: Lubin
województwo: lubelskie

zamieszkanie: mieszkam sam/a w mieszkaniu
wyksztalcenie: podyplomowe
alkohol: lubi? okazjonalnie
papierosy: nie przepadam
budowa cia?a: normalna
wzrost: 180 cm
waga: 70 kg
W serwisie od:27-09-2012

Otrzymana wiadomo??:
Witaj, jestem Robin, 46 lat z pieknym syna 14 lat, jestem inzynier lotnictwa i jestem jednym z enginners KLM, i pomóc im do naprawy helikopterów. to jest moja przyjemnosc kontaktu z Toba po obejrzeniu Twojego profilu, które naprawde interesuja mnie posiadajace w komunikacji z Toba i mozesz skontaktowac sie ze mna na mojej prywatnej poczty [email protected] lub dodaj mnie na skype, robin.young662 twój nowy przyjaciel Robin

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