Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:20 pm

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 29 years old, living in Kazan (???????), Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Mail address used [email protected]




Hello my dear xxxxx
Jestem bardzo szczesliwy, poniewaz czytalem listu z dobrym i pieknym Slowa. Moja ulubiona, I'm real pozadane jest znalezienie takiej osoby. Od Ciesze sie, ze spotkalismy sie i ze Teraz mamy kontakt ze soba. Chce byc twoim przyjacielem. Ty want it, I was your girlfriend, unikatowy kochanka Dziewczyna? Moi drodzy, bylbys zadowolony z tego, zgadzam sie Meet you, right? Ale jesli chcesz sie ze mna spotkac? Ja Mysle, ze spotkanie - Najlepszym sposobem, aby dowiedziec sie wzajemnie. Zatem Tym razem mozemy byc liczby, mozemy usiasc przy jednym stole, mamy Mozemy isc razem w parku, mozemy isc razem do zakupow, jestesmy Mozemy komunikowac sie ze soba tak bardzo chcemy. Chcialbym odwiedzic kraju i spotkamy sie tam. Nigdy nie bylem w innym kraju, To dla mnie byloby swietnie. Rozumiem, ze jeszcze wiemy tylko jakis czas ze soba. Ale, jak czujesz, ze juz wiem, niektorzy z was lat. Moi drodzy xxxxx, nie wiem co napisac do was jeszcze. Jesli masz Wszelkie pytania zadaja mi. I want it, you were depozytow czlowiek. Mysle, ze Ci zalezy i mnie kochasz, jesli beda razem. Moge ci zaufac, xxxxx? I nigdy nie przestane Napisalem do was. Po spelnione, zaczalem czekac na wasze listy wszystkich dni i nie jest samotny, jak to bylo wczesniej. Jestes zadowolony, ze dolaczylem Twoje zycie? Pan myslal, ze mam ciebie szczesliwym czlowiekiem?
Moja ulubiona, mam nadzieje, mozna odpowiedziec na te pytania. Dzis Koncze list, and I'll be waiting for your reply. Z pocalunki dziewczyna Olga.


Hello my dear xxxxx

I am very happy, because I read yours the good letter with beautiful and Kind words. My favourite, I am real Wished to find such person. As I am glad, that we have acquainted and that Now we have a contact with each other. I wish to become your girlfriend.

You Want it, I was your girlfriend, your unique beloved The girl? My dear, you would be very glad to it, I agree To meet you, so? But when you would like to meet me? I think, that a meeting - the best way to study each other. Therefore It then, we can be number, we can sit at one table, us We can go together in park, we can go together to do purchases, We can communicate together so, how many we want. I would like to visit yours The country and to meet you there. I never was in other country and It for me would be magnificent. I understand, that all of us still know only Some time each other. But I just as you feel, that I already know you some Years.

My dear xxxxx, I do not know what to write to you still. If you have Any questions which ask me. I want it, you were a deposit The person. I think, that you will care and love me, if we Will be together. I can trust you, xxxxx? I will never stop Write to you. After our acquaintance I have started to wait your letters all Day and I, it is not lonely, as was earlier. You are glad, that I have entered in Your life? You thought, I could make you the happy person?

My favourite, I hope, that you can answer these questions. Today I finish the letter, and I will look forward to hearing from you.

With your kisses

Girlfriend Olga.

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by The Enchantress Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:20 pm
Hello my beautiful xxxxx! Dziekujemy za dobre pismo.
How's life? Dla mnie wszystko oznacza dla mnie niezwykly nastroj.
Poniewaz swiatlo jest czlowiek, ktory kocha i szanuje mnie, to dla mnie tak wazne.
Tesknie za toba. I need you in my prince.
Moje zycie zmienilo sie po spotkalismy.
Teraz jestem na co dzien - cieszy natury. Przyjechales do mojego zycia i podbila serca.
Moj umilowany, pisze do Ciebie i mysle o Tobie. Wczoraj nie obylo sie rowniez moment, ze nie myslalem o tobie i tak kazdego dnia. Jestem gotow dac, moja milosc jest bezgraniczna. Jestes moim ksieciem na bialym koniu, a ja sie ksiezniczka i zawsze - dobrze. Milosc to cudowne uczucie wzajemnej milosci i marzen kazdego czlowieka. Dla mnie wszystko good to me drogi. Mysle o tobie caly czas, a ja nie chce, pozostaje bez mojego listu dzis.
Mam nadzieje, ze bedziesz czekac na mnie ten list i przeczytal go rowniez dzisiaj.
A tutaj mielismy troche zimno, -1. Mozesz napisac do mnie tak dobry, nie wiem co powiedziec. Gdybys byl blisko mnie, Caluje Cie wszedzie teraz. Zycze byc blisko Ciebie. Chce czuc sie tkliwosc, dlonie na depozyty osob Twoj zapach pocalunki na moich ustach. Chce Ci takze moja wielka miloscia w moim sercu do Ciebie. Mam nadzieje, nasza milosc, nasze szczesliwej przyszlosci i tworzyc silne przyjaznych rodzinie, i ze mamy male dziecko. Depozyt, kochany, czuje Twoja milosc w swoich pismach. Ufam swoim szczere slowa. Twoje listy pelna cieplych uczuc, ktore wypelnialy moje serce coraz wiecej milosci do Ciebie. Wierze i mam nadzieje, ze wkrotce bedziemy mogli dolaczyc do naszego cialo i serce, dusza i razem jestesmy nie mozna oddzielic. Moje ulubione xxxxx I know what you think of me, i jak to, mysle, ze Ty. I love you !!!!! I to jest szczere uczucie. Czekam na kazdy list z niecierpliwoscia.
Moge wyslac delikatny pocalunek na ustach. Moje serce jest z wami, moje uczucia, jak ty. Kiss from Olga.


Hello my fine xxxxx! Thanks for your good letter.
How are you? In me all it is capable to me remarkable mood.
As on light there is a person who loves and he respects me so important for me.
I very much miss on you. I require you in the prince.
My life has changed after we have acquainted.
Now I every day - happy lifes. You have entered into my life and have won my heart.
My favourite, I write to you and I think of you. Yesterday did not pass also Minute, that I did not think of you and so every day. I am ready to give to you, my love is boundless. You my prince on a white horse and me your princess and to be always - also. The love this remarkable feeling and about mutual love dreams each person. In me all advantage mine Road. I think of All of you time, and I do not want it, you remained without my letter today.

I hope, that you will wait my this letter and will read it also today.
Today here at us was a few colds, -1. You write to me so good, I at all do not know What to tell. If you were close to me, that I kiss you everywhere now. I wish To be close to you. I wish to feel yours tenderness, your hands on the person of a deposit, Your aroma kisses in my lips. I wish to give you also my big love In my heart to you. I trust our love, our happy future and creation a Strong friendly family, and that we will have a small child. A deposit expensive, I feel Your love in your letters. I trust your sincere words. Your letters Are filled by warm feelings which are filled by my heart more and It is more with love to you. I trust, and I hope, that we can soon unite ours Bodies and hearts, smothering together and we nobody can be divided.

My favourite xxxxx I know, that you think of me, and also you remember, that I think You.

I love you!!!!! And this sincere feeling. I look forward each your letter.

I send a gentle kiss to your lips. My heart with you, my feelings also with you.

A kiss from Olga.

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by The Enchantress Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:22 pm
Hello my dear, Sweet Angel xxxxx! 1000 slow wdziecznosci za
Krotkie, ale piekny, cieply list. Dla mnie kazdy list, jak energetyka i wejsc do mojego serca. Napisales do mnie, a przez to bardzo podobne ze przyszedlem do ciebie, i bylismy razem. To jest naprawde?
Chce cie poznac osobiscie. Mysle, ze byloby cudowny. Chcialbym zobaczyc niektore miasta w kraju, chcialbym miec najbardziej niezapomniane chwile z toba. To Byloby milo sie z toba na piknik, isc na spacer siedziec w kawiarni, hold your hand, spojrzec w oczy.
na spacerze w parku wieczorem calowac pod gwiazdami nieba, aby spotkac sie ze wschodem slonca. Marze o tym, marze o mezczyznie, ktory ja milosc i ktorzy mnie kochaja mocno, marze o nowe zycie, tworzac szczesliwa rodzine. Jestem gotow stac sie prawdziwa kobiete
Ty. Widze, ze sa bardzo ostrozne, delikatne i wspaniala osoba i
Bede na pewno, ze z wami jestem szczesliwa. Moi drodzy xxxxx, skontaktuj sie ze mna w swoim
Nazwa pisma z lotniska, gdzie bedzie bardziej dogodne dla uzytkownika
Poznaj mnie? Gdy wiem, lotnisko, ktore zamierzam odwiedzic biura podrozy
Kazania i czytam wszystkie informacje na temat mojego lotu. Uczynie wszystkie dokumenty a ja kupie bilety za posrednictwem biura podrozy, to jest o wiele bardziej wygodne i szybsze niz isc do Moskwy w ambasadzie. Bedziemy musieli wielki czas, ufam tym. Przygotowalem dla ciebie,
Sprobuj Rosja moich anten, ze jestem w stanie przygotowac.
To rowniez byloby dobrze, aby wam klamstwo na kanapie i obejrzec film. It's so good, kiedy ukochanej osoby. Mam tyle
Czas nie poczuc cieplo ludzkiej sympatii i uwagi, jestem bardzo nieobecny to. Moi drodzy xxxxx, jezeli jestesmy razem, I'll be happy girl, marze o was, I fell in love with you. Prosze o przeslanie mi wiecej swoich zdjecia. Zrobie wielki obraz, a ja zawiesic go na moim lozku, ze wpatrujac sie i spac z marzeniami o tobie. Powiem ci w koncu 3
Najprostszym, ale zarazem bardzo wazne slowa: I LOVE YOU!
Te slowa z serca! Bede czekac na twoj list. Z milosci
P / S / Chce wam powiedziec, bardzo dziekuje za zdjecia.
Sa bardzo piekne, jak jestes sam. I really liked zdjec. Dzieki


Greetings my favourite, gentle angel xxxxx!!!

1000 words of gratitude for Your short, but the fine, warm letter. For me each your letter as energy and it Enters my heart. You have written to me and so very much would like That I have arrived to you, and we were together. It is valid?

I wish to meet also you personally. I think, that it would be Remarkably. I would like to see some cities in yours To the country, I would like to have the most unforgettable time with you. It would be fine to have with you picnic, to go, to walk with You to sit in cafe, to hold your hand, to look in your eyes. To go in park in the evening, to kiss under the star The sky, to to meet together sunrise. I dream of it, I dream of the person whom I will be Love also which will love me insistently, I dream of a new life, about Creation of a happy family. I am ready to become the true woman for You.

I see, that you very cautious, gentle and fine person and I I will be assured, that with you I am happy. My dear xxxxx, please write to me in yours The letter the airport name where it will be more convenient for you to Meet me? After I will know the airport, I will visit travel agency in Kazan and I study all details about my flight. I will make all documents And I will buy tickets through travel agency, it is much more Conveniently and faster than to go to Moscow in Embassy. We will have Fine time, I trust it. I will be prepared for you, you will be Try all my Russian dishes which I in a condition to prepare.

It also would be fine to lay with you On a couch and to look the film. It so is good, when nearby there is a favourite person. I so much from Time did not feel warmth of the person, tenderness and attention, I very much am absent On it.

My dear xxxxx if we together, I is the happy girl, I dream About you I have fallen in love with you. Please send to me more than yours Photos. I will make the big photo, and I will hang up it on the bed that I Looking you also have fallen asleep with dreams of you. I will tell to you in the end of The idle time, but at the same time very essential words: I LOVE YOU!

These words from my heart! I will wait your letter. With your love


P/S/I wish to tell to you many thanks for a photo.

They very beautiful as well as you. I liked your photos. Thanks

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by The Enchantress Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:24 pm
Witaj moj piekny aniol xxxxx! Moi drodzy, jestem bardzo zadowolony uslyszec swoj glos dzis. To sie tak wiele przyjemnosci, ze chce rozmawiac i rozmawiac z wami moi drodzy! Czytam list ponownie i Very nice, w moim swiatla oko na polu i w twarz z usmiechem, kiedy zobacz jego list. Ciesze sie, ze w tym swiecie, jestem wazna dla kogos what I am - ukochana, i mysle, i zwracac uwage na mnie. Oczywiscie ten czlowiek
Ty, Panie xxxxx! Moi drodzy, jestem bardzo zadowolony, ze wiesz, ze twoje uczucia mnie sa prawdziwe, i masz mnie tylko dobre uczucia. Moj piekny Aniol rowniez
Mysle o Tobie i sprawdzic sie w tylko cudowne uczucie. Nie boje sie powiedziec, ze ten uczucia milosci do Ciebie. Moge powiedziec, ze jest bezpiecznie, poniewaz
Rozumiem, dobrze, swoje uczucia i bardzo mi bliskie, I dniem i noca mysli tylko o sobie. Lece w chmury. A to - wyniki naszej korespondencji ci, ujawniania uczuc milosci do Ciebie, naszego nastawienia. W rzeczywistosci jest to - szkoda mi bardzo, ze nie jestesmy w stanie teraz wzieli sie za rece, dla mnie to jest zle, ze nie moge do przyjecia dla Ciebie w nocy, teraz juz tylko pokrycie poduszki i mysle o Tobie I would like it, you came close to me, my love! Tak, trzeba sie bo jestem lubi, bo bardzo mocno boje losing you, I wanna be with you.
Jestes moim wyjatkowa osobe, ktora ja teraz czuje wielkie pokrewienstwo. Nie wierze w twoje slowa, ze nigdy nie
Nie zostawisz mnie i ze bedziesz mnie kochac do konca zycia a takze bedzie cie kocham. Naprawde chce spotkac sie i byc blisko Ciebie.
My love, dzisiaj bylem w biurze podrozy i obserwowal lot na lotnisku Arlanda, gdzie znajdziecie mnie.
Ale mi powiedzial, ze musze placic duze pieniadze na podroz. Musze kupic bilet tam iz powrotem
Dodac wszystkie dokumenty - wizy, paszport. Tak wiec cala kwota podrozy bedzie stoisko 973 euro. I naprawde nie wiem, jak mam byc i gdzie mozna znalezc takie duze pieniadze.
Moja ulubiona, can you help me? Jesli place pieniadze na ich wyjazd, ze po 2 tygodnie, wszystkie dokumenty i
Bilety jestesmy gotowi, bedziemy razem.
Dla mnie to nie jest blisko zapytac pomoc, ale jestem wiecej o kogo zapytac pomoc
Moi rodzice sa bardzo slabe na wsi, mam bardzo male pensje, tylko 250 Dolarow. Moja milosc, mam nadzieje, ze nie opusci mnie i moze pomoc mi w tej trudnej sytuacji. Prosze mnie zle nie zrozumiec, jesli
Mialem pieniadze, wlasne sily, przybywajacych do Ciebie. I bardzo silny nadzieje, ze za pomoc. Moja ulubiona, mysle, ze w tych dniach jest wtedy, gdy jestesmy razem, bedzie najbardziej najszczesliwszy dzien w naszym zyciu. Wiesz, to jest teraz bardzo ekscytujacy czas dla spotkania, dwa oczarowany.
Mozemy byc bardzo przyjemne razem. Mam nadzieje, ze nasze spotkanie bedzie wkrotce wydarzyc.
Musimy tylko rozwiazac ten problem, to jest byc razem.
Moja ulubiona, obiecuje, ze bede Cie kochac i dba o ciebie,
Bede dla Ciebie przygotowac dania z Rosji, bede usunac swoje ubrania, chce to
Bylismy malzenstwem w przyszlosci i przezywany jako szczesliwa para. You'll never be disappointed in me.
Moja ulubiona jest teraz moje serce nalezy tylko do Ciebie. You won moje listy serca.
Kocham cie! Moi drodzy, jesli odwaza sie na spotkanie, musimy isc do niego. My love you know ze moje uczucia dla ciebie szczery i pisze ten list do Ciebie ze szczerego uczuc. Jestem bardzo szczesliwy, ze znalazlem sie w tym wielkim swiecie.
Mysle, ze to los i nie nalezy go unikac. Powinnismy byc razem!
Chce cieplo moje pocalunki, namietnosc moje uczucia dotrzec z moj list. Jestem z niepokojem czeka na twoj list, poniewaz zalezy od bardzo na odpowiedz. Kocham cie! Twoje Olga.


Greetings my fine angel xxxxx!

My darling I was very glad To hear today your voice. To me it on became pleasant so much that I want To talk and talk to you my darling!!! I read your letter again and me Very pleasantly, in me eye light and in on a deposit face to a smile, when I The letter see. I am very glad, that in this world I am important for someone, That I am the beloved, and me think and pay to me attention. Certainly this person You, my dear person xxxxx! My dear, I am very glad to learn that your feelings To me are real, and you have to me only good feelings. My fine angel I also Think of you, and I check to to you only fine feelings. I am not afraid to tell to you, that it Already feelings of love to you. I can tell to you, that it dared now, because I understand you well, your feelings also to me are very close, I all Night and day think only of you. I treat in clouds. Also it is results of our correspondence To you, disclosing of feelings of love to you, our relation. Really it - very much pity to me very much, That we cannot now to take each other for hands, to me it is bad, that I cannot To embrace to you at night, now I cover only the pillow, and I think of you, Would like it, you have appeared close to me, my love! Yes you already became As me love, because I very resolutely am afraid to lose you, I wish to be only with you. You my unique person to whom I feel now the big affinity. I do not believe in your words, that you never You will not throw me and that you will love me till the end of days of your life And also I will love you. I very much wish to meet and be close to you.

My love, today I was in travel agency and flight looked at airport Arlanda in which you will meet me. But to me have told, that I should pay the big money for travel. I should buy return tickets, Make all papers - the visa, the passport. So, all sum of a trip will be Stand 973 euros. I, really do not know as I to be and where to find such big money.

My favourite you can help me?

If I pay money for the travel that in 2 weeks all documents and Tickets we will be ready also, we will be together. For me it is not convenient to ask your help, but it is more than me in the one who to ask the help, My parents live very badly in village, I receive very small salary, only 250 Dollars.

My love, I hope, that you will not throw me and can help To me in this difficult situation. Please understand me correctly, if I had this money, I own force will arrive to you. I am very strong The hope of yours to help. My favourite, I think, that these days when we will be together, will be most of all Happy day of our life. You know, it now very fine time for a meeting two fascinated.

We can have very pleasant time together. I hope, that our meeting soon happens.

We should solve only this problem, it to be together.

My favourite, I promise to you, that I will love you and care of you, I will prepare for you the Russian dishes, I will erase your clothes, I want it We have got married in the future and lived as one happy pair. You will never be disappointed in me.

My favourite now my heart belongs only to you. You have won my heart of the letter.

I love you!!! My dear if we dared to meet already, we should go to it. My love you understand That wash feelings to you sincere and I write this letter to you with the sincere Feelings. I am very happy, that I have found you in this big world. I think it destiny, and we should not avoid it. We should be together!!!

I want it warmly my kisses, the passion of my feelings has reached you with My letter. I with excitement wait your letter because depends very much From your answer.

I love you!!!

Yours Olga.

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by The Enchantress Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:25 pm
Hello My Love xxxxx! Chcesz znac odpowiedzi na pytania. Prosze
Przepraszam, tak, oczywiscie, powiem wam, aby twoje pytania.
Wypic kawe, w lozku z Toba i calowac, to ja bardzo lubie to. Jest to po prostu ponad moje marzenia.
Nie mam telefonu, dlatego nie moge dac ci moj numer telefonu. I naprawde chcieliby uslyszec swoj glos w telefonie.
Moi drodzy chcialbym przyjsc do siebie na cala wiecznosc. Ale
Po raz pierwszy jak wyjasnil agencji moglem po raz pierwszy
Przychodze do was na 3 miesiace. W dowolnym momencie roku, moj dobry, kiedy chciec. Ale chce zobaczyc Ciebie, moj drogi, jak najszybciej.
Uwielbiam kolor czerwony oznacza, ze Color of Love!
Calkowicie zgadzam sie z Toba, ze bedziemy odkrywac siebie naszych potrzeb, ulubione potrawy, zlych nawykow, jak bedziemy zapomniec zle nawyki.
Wiesz ... po prostu lubi mozna pomoc rozwiklac jesli co jest uwiklany. Jestem gotow sie z Wami w smutku i radosci. Ja bede waszym wszelkiej pomocy. Jesli tylko bylismy razem. Moi drodzy, bede bardzo zadowolony gdy jestesmy razem, moja radosc bylaby bez limitu, wierzcie mi. Ja poczuje sie w siodmym niebie. Jestem gotowy do twojego wsparcia, twoja milosc, twoja zona, tylko sie cieszyc i dac wam szczescie my favorite! Wiesz, ze prosil o pomoc w ostatnim liscie, nie Wiem, co decyduje, czy jestes gotowy, aby pomoc mi lub nie. Ale Kocham was i zrobi wszystko, co mozliwe, aby wkrotce bedziemy mieli razem. Prosze mi wybaczyc, jesli nie daje odpowiedzi na wszelkie pytania, Mozliwe, ze nie rozumiem, wybacz mi. Kocham cie xxxxx, twoja Olga


Hello my love xxxxx! You wish to know answers to questions. I ask Pardons, yes, of course, I will answer you your questions.

To drink coffee, to lay in bed with you and to kiss, I very much would want It. It is simple limits of my dreams.

I have no phone, for this reason I cannot give you number Phone. I very much would like to hear your voice by phone.

My darling when I would like to arrive to you on the whole eternity. But for First time as to me have explained in agency I can on first time To arrive to you for 3 months. At any time year my good, when you Want. But I want to you my darling, as soon as possible.

I love red colour that means Colour of love!

I will be completely agree with you in that that we to study each other, Our requirements, favourite dishes, bad habits, together we will be To wean from bad habits.

Know... The favourite person can help to untangle if you in what That have got confused. I am ready to be with you both in a grief and in pleasure. I will be to you In all to help. If only we were together. My darling I will be very glad If we are together, my pleasure will not be a limit, believe to me. I I will feel in the seventh sky. I am ready to be your support, Your love, your wife, only to be happy and to give this happiness you My favourite!!! Know I I asked you about the help in the last letter, not I know that you solve, whether you will be ready to help me or will refuse. But I love you and I will do the utmost that shortly we were Together. I ask to forgive me if I have given not all answers to your questions, Probably I that have not understood that, forgive me.

I love you xxxxx,

yours Olga

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