by The Enchantress
Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:20 pm
Liar and romance scammer
Mail address used [email protected]

Liar and romance scammer
Claims 29 years old, living in Kazan (???????), Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
Mail address used [email protected]

Hello my dear xxxxx
Jestem bardzo szczesliwy, poniewaz czytalem listu z dobrym i pieknym Slowa. Moja ulubiona, I'm real pozadane jest znalezienie takiej osoby. Od Ciesze sie, ze spotkalismy sie i ze Teraz mamy kontakt ze soba. Chce byc twoim przyjacielem. Ty want it, I was your girlfriend, unikatowy kochanka Dziewczyna? Moi drodzy, bylbys zadowolony z tego, zgadzam sie Meet you, right? Ale jesli chcesz sie ze mna spotkac? Ja Mysle, ze spotkanie - Najlepszym sposobem, aby dowiedziec sie wzajemnie. Zatem Tym razem mozemy byc liczby, mozemy usiasc przy jednym stole, mamy Mozemy isc razem w parku, mozemy isc razem do zakupow, jestesmy Mozemy komunikowac sie ze soba tak bardzo chcemy. Chcialbym odwiedzic kraju i spotkamy sie tam. Nigdy nie bylem w innym kraju, To dla mnie byloby swietnie. Rozumiem, ze jeszcze wiemy tylko jakis czas ze soba. Ale, jak czujesz, ze juz wiem, niektorzy z was lat. Moi drodzy xxxxx, nie wiem co napisac do was jeszcze. Jesli masz Wszelkie pytania zadaja mi. I want it, you were depozytow czlowiek. Mysle, ze Ci zalezy i mnie kochasz, jesli beda razem. Moge ci zaufac, xxxxx? I nigdy nie przestane Napisalem do was. Po spelnione, zaczalem czekac na wasze listy wszystkich dni i nie jest samotny, jak to bylo wczesniej. Jestes zadowolony, ze dolaczylem Twoje zycie? Pan myslal, ze mam ciebie szczesliwym czlowiekiem?
Moja ulubiona, mam nadzieje, mozna odpowiedziec na te pytania. Dzis Koncze list, and I'll be waiting for your reply. Z pocalunki dziewczyna Olga.
Hello my dear xxxxx
I am very happy, because I read yours the good letter with beautiful and Kind words. My favourite, I am real Wished to find such person. As I am glad, that we have acquainted and that Now we have a contact with each other. I wish to become your girlfriend.
You Want it, I was your girlfriend, your unique beloved The girl? My dear, you would be very glad to it, I agree To meet you, so? But when you would like to meet me? I think, that a meeting - the best way to study each other. Therefore It then, we can be number, we can sit at one table, us We can go together in park, we can go together to do purchases, We can communicate together so, how many we want. I would like to visit yours The country and to meet you there. I never was in other country and It for me would be magnificent. I understand, that all of us still know only Some time each other. But I just as you feel, that I already know you some Years.
My dear xxxxx, I do not know what to write to you still. If you have Any questions which ask me. I want it, you were a deposit The person. I think, that you will care and love me, if we Will be together. I can trust you, xxxxx? I will never stop Write to you. After our acquaintance I have started to wait your letters all Day and I, it is not lonely, as was earlier. You are glad, that I have entered in Your life? You thought, I could make you the happy person?
My favourite, I hope, that you can answer these questions. Today I finish the letter, and I will look forward to hearing from you.
With your kisses
Girlfriend Olga.
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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.